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Mothprs! JTotliers ! ! Motliors!!.! ' Are you ilisiurlicil ut nlaht ;nid broken of your rert by ¦ bMi cMw sufferinjj aml n-yini.' witli tbe excraciating {¦"" OÍ 'iitliur teetli! Il' so, (fo :it once nul irw .otüeol UR& WINSLOWS SOOTHIKG JYRUP. It wlll relieve th poor Hule mfferer lmmedlately - depend upon it;tbere nu mistake boni It. There Is nol o DfrtUer on etrtli who baa erer used it, who v i II m 'i once that it will reguate the bowefa, and (TlTe rerttothemother, ukI reliel and health to the chlld, opentng llke nmric. H is [pcrt'cclly :ilV 1i u-e u all cases, and pleasani totne Mate, and hihI j i .t, i i.i mm "t tk oldest nul h.-t fcmle pbyrtWMafMl niiwe In lie l'nitMl t;iti-. s M cv-ryvlicr.-. :." t boute; ÉAKINGjJjl Malr froiu l'rofeaeur Uumfortl' Acid I'hneplmtc. IlM-oiiinirndrd by liiulln; phylfin. llnkia lichter binruit, tUM, li-., r:d I la he:ilüiler tlian ordinary iiaklue !'¦ 1T. In run. Sold at ft reanonable pri-r. l'hf llorsfurd Aluiiinac autt Couk Kook 'ii( f rep. Rmnforrt Oiwiilrul Work, l'rovldfni-e, R. 1 I k i H PB I W I ! ! Kegulate Iho I.lvrr, poltlvelrrun III lMpi-p-la, liHlIitftiitHi and Blek I IL1 llriMlii'-liis prvv.nt on-fii'Hi l"ii. reI [IJ Ui I í ti ii -n (', rtlk of IChrutniiI IL1 li'in, UI(Md. rlrvuw i Mc K tlI IrJ nfïN -luiiiiu h i-iil itüwelK, J M .. '. - , . . Dl-ia-r. 5 TciTntMii at f riaN tliítt Nour II Nh,1nvisornrs I II rn. Tht'v suiu'ly Hriihi. l ïimc uliir ana II Nerre five, Vior the Kafeblea, IJ TouoaiKl Sirrnifth t" tlif Exliuimted, ii il oiirtwhnirnl (Hinna'-'l Akt-d. f UT No mttkb whit yonr ronflition.or how muil, I. nwrcinie by (Umm, IKY THOL U rret i H timltliy ftetlon of (h Vital Fotti-r, itimnlt' IB i ' irlo ml promollns OOOD Dl LTJI . . , s 1 1 s C'r KAR COMPLEXIOS, t.NLKd ï, ftJ VlUOM,[43 ITouanunKuïsMnïironi I udoor IH ('onflnpmcnr, Ovcrwork or Pisni-r. ÍM ir lf vuur iirnin Ij ovtrtmctl, Dintelen IH and rr'i Wi-iikcnrd by loss of sl'P I i ippettte, or t'iisIn.-hHs train, thcy will illt Nf)rSh, StmiRtln-n aiul ym. IS A REALLY RELIABLE REMEDY FOR WASTINC AND NERVOUS DISEASES. Af1i:r numoroun experimenta Mr. Fellowe euccepded n produciog this comhinaiion of Hypopbosphltflt, which ti&e nnt only rastored him to iu-Hlth, but hae ince beeo found 80 enrcesrtful In the ircutincnt of dicee emanatlng froni loss at nerve powur, und mseqaontly mtucnlsr relaxstlon, rit: Aphoutu (Iobü ot volee) NenralEla, Aiüt'inia, Mtrfoii Dihillty, 'hronlc Diarrh1! Who ing Cuiwh. sia, ¦ Htion ut ihf Lnnci, md Ague, I'slpitalion of ttie llcart, ncorrl MeUimholy,, Mental D.:priion, Nervourin'. MALARIA. I' T-un living in msiiarious Mvtrleti may j-rotoct hfraselv! fiom of fi ver by Ihe use of F1!owh' Comuoiiiid Myrup of llypophoNkhltH. lts eflbed in lontBR ti lb lyatem enhlert un to ward or coniaiouti ülaordere und hüccessfully combat dlM ?be solablc phopphitcf and tho other )rlncip]es coraptwinp FcIIowb UypophoHphitcH arto carcfully proportloned and eo judiciously uilnslüd bat thuir action upon tlie nerven, musck'K and memrnnes in Impartlnt? vifality, Ptfcnuth and healrhy action ii generHlly apparent withln twenty.four hourn and the good elTcctts experieaeed are uí a permauunt charai ' rrHONtYMEDICINEVJ II U KlIHKIi Liqi'ID OU DUT FOBM I U Thut Act at Ikmiinir liinc on 3 337 LI7MS, TSS 20 WSLS, Q AÏÏD TSS KIDÏÏKTS. fl ¦ WHY ARE WE SCK? 11 Btcaute we allow thtte gnat orqant towk Uav rionntil or torpid, and poitonoutW m that ihautilbe exptlled naturally. Q I WILL SURELY CURE I Mkidney diseases, PI LIVER COMPLAINTS.jg MPILE8, CONRTIPATION, CRIXAUY R R DI8EASE, FEMAI.E WEAKJiESSEB, I AM) NEUTOU8 DI8OUDEUS, H by camingfree aclion of thett organi and U Hrwtoriny thelr power to throw off dittatt. Why sulfer ItlUous pains and achest Iffhf tormented nitli Piles, Comtlpationt ¦ U Wlijr frlghtend oier dlsordcred KiJncjul Q Hl AVhy endure nerrons orsick keadacheit I il Uu K1DNE Y-WORTand rtjoice in htailh. kj I It 11 put nj in lry Teretable Form, In tin II c&ns ono package of wbich maJce 8ix quarts off I V medicine. Alvo In LJquld Form, verj ¦¦ y trated, for thoie that cannot readíly prepare ít. I ¦ IS tVIt acts wlth equal efltclency in eíther forra. WÊ U UET IT OF YOOR DBUOOI8T. TIUCK, ll.OoM M AVELL8, R1CIUKDS0Ü ACo.,Prop'i, M 1 1 i Will send tbe dry post-pald.) BCKLUeTOFi, TT. H UI27-TO TUTTS PILLS INDORSED BY PHYSICIANS, CLERGYMEN, AND THE AFFLICTED EVERYWHERE. THE GREATEST MEDICAL TRIUMPHOFTHE AGE. SYMPTONiS OF A TORPID LIVER. Iiomof BppPtitP,NRun,bowels conti ve, Fain in tl 'in duil sonxation in hack port, Pam ut. Ier the Bhoulderblu ¦ .'-, i'!i ft ihsincli!. y r inincl, Irntability of t. injier, [ ow spirits, Ij38S of meniory, v. i:h a '. .ingneg. lected sorne duty. wenrineas, Dizziness, r'lutten: . : ")tB before the eyei ness"at nihl, liighly colored Urine. IF THESE WAKNní GS AEE TJKHEEDED, SERIOUS OISEASES WILL SOON BE DEVELOPED. TÜTT8 PILLS :'r" "iwrlallyndaptedto effecta siiiliitrhauge ot ffetin at to Kttonlall Ilu' Hufferor. TlieyllK-i-vnacdlo Apr(llr, nnilrausethe body to Tnkr on l-l-nli. in tem II iionrlii-i. ai I by tiieii Titule iiinin tbe lllirecllt Orunn. Itfictilar Sfola arepro;'.." iirrn; SI.. V.V. TUTT'S HAIR OYE. (invlli r'iiM-'Brt.:i "-V Black by a slnl ! U Imperta a natural color, acta Instanianeoiialy. f-ulJ byüru i lof (I. Office, 35 Murray St., New York. (I)r. IITI'H ¦lul II. ..f TalaakW lt..riiii.lloo anil Lful ürfiU III -¦""1 Hl" livllii".f 1OS2-MS gt C. T. ELLIOTT, WM] Oculist-Optidaa, ll 1!' XmJL ' "n '"'"''ï'd Avenue, f iljjflT ii:tik)it. IUOB. ifllvitl SPEriAI.TY,theclenM XUSEÍ tiflcflttinaoi spi-cudei j_ . TI and Kyo Glaíses, f 84tulfor l'ampliU'. :-7l


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