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CHURCH DIRECTORY. Baptist Cburcli. IÏKV. S. IIaskell, Pastor. .Sabbath crvlces, io'i a. m. and ;' p. M. Suudav School alter mornins service. Prayer meeting Thursday evening at 7VL o'clock. Catholic Cliurcli. Rev. Fathir Fierle, Pastor. I.ow Mass. S a m. High M.iss, 10' : . M. Vesper, 4 r, M. Sunday School, t)4 ' M' Omtgrtgatlimai Cliurch. Kkv. W. II. Rydkr, Pastor. Sahbath ervices, io4 A. M. añil 74 r. M. Sumlay School arter mor; ini; services, l'rüver uiceling Tliursday evening at 7'o'clock. Episcopal Chnreh. Rev. Wyllys Hall, Rector. Sabbath services, io'i A.M. and -% v. M. Sunday School, a % r m. Keligious services Tliursclay evening at j]4 o 'clock. Orman Mclliodist Cliurcli. Rev. C. Tranker, Pastor. ith services, íoVá A. m. and "j} M. Munday School, at nfne o'clock a. m. l'raver meeting a Weilnesiiay. Lntlieraii Cknrek. ItïV. John Nkumann, Pastor. Sabbatli seriices, ioV4 a. m. and 7V$ P. m. SunJay School after morning service. l'rayer meeting, Thursday evening at 7 o'clock. Methodist Episcopal Churcli. Rev. John Alabaster, Pastor. Sabbath services. iol4 a. m. and 7 r. m. Sunday School after morning service. Praver meeting, Thursday evening at j4 o'clock Young Peoplc's Meeting, Sunday evening 6. Presbyterian Church. Rev. Richard II. Stkei.e, D. D., Pastor. Sabbath services, io'4 a. m. and ,% r. m. Sunday School and Bible class alter morning seri.e. lrtlvpr meeting. Tlmrsdny cvening at S o'clock. Young People's Meeting, Sunday evening 6. rnifariiin Clmrcli. Hm. J. T. Sunderland, Pastor. Sabhatli services at ioV4 A. M, and 7 p. M. Suti.tay School at ia M. Students' Hible Class at 9.15 P. m. Zious Lnthcraa Cliurcli. Rev. II. K. Belser, Pastor. Sabbath services t io!4 a. m. and 7 p. M. Sunday School inmediately after morning service. rUllfloiU services Wednesdayevening at 7 o'clock. BUSINESS ARDS. WILLI41H BIGGS, BUILDER. SHOP: CORNER CHÜRCH AD ORLEANS ST. Ann Arbor. 1021-73 W. II. JACKSO1V, OFFICE : OVER BACH & ABEL'S. Knlrancc by Kir8t National Bank. 732tl WILL1AH IIEBZ, lïouee, Sign, Ornamental and Fresco Painter. Papering, Olazlntc, Oildin?, and CalcimInInE and wurk of every description done In the beet style, and warranted to give natiefaction. Shop. Xo. 4 Weit Wanhlnsitoii Street. Ann Arbor, Michigan. 638tf vyiLLIAM W. NI0HOI.8, , IDBISTTISTI J HAS nüMOVID TO III NEY DENTAL ROOMS OVER JOS T. JACOB' STO11E. 563tf THE ANN ARBOR Savings Bank, Aun Arbor, Michigan, ÏRAN3ACT5 SEHIlfiiL BiKBIVfi BUSINESS. CAPITAL, $50,000. v)r?anliednder the General BankiDg Law of this Suae, the tockholdiTf are indlvldnally Hable for gn dditional amormt eqoal to the stock held by them, thereby creattne a uarantee Fund for the heneflt or lep8ltorH of $100,000.00. per rent. Int-ret Is allowed on all Savingt Deposite ut ouw dollar and upwards, accordingto rulctof the Bank, and interest compounded lerni-annually. Moncy to loan on anlDcnmbered real estáte and oLIier good security. IHrectort- Chrlstian act, W. W. Winei, K. A. Beal Wllllam Deubel, WlllUm 1). Harriman Daniel Hlscock, and WiUard B. Smtth OlllrtTM : Uhristiajc Mack, Pres. W. W. Wihïs, Vlce-Proe Chas. S. Hiscook, Oashter. 11A-SM CET THE BEST Fire Insurance t& $42,000,000 -% Security held for tbe protection of tlie policy holders. CHRISTIAN MACK Representa the following lirst-class coinpa nies, of which one, the Etna, lias alone paid $55,000,000 firo losees in sixty years : Etna, of Hartford f 7,400,000.00 Boston Ondcrwrit-r 2.500,(100.00 Frankltn, Philadelphia .090.00 Oerman American, N. Y 2,80H,(ioo.OO London Aanrand-, Corporation 16.8OU,M .ii National, Hartford 1.20O.0OIJ.0O "Nurth (ierman. Uami)ar{ 'i Odd.ikhi.ho Phcenix, Brooklyn. 2,800,(XX).OU Cuderwrtters Agency, N. Y 4.600,000.00 Losses liberally adjusted and promptly pU. Pelieiea Isgued at the lowest ratea of premium. 1021-73 I1ICII'I v HACK. PÊRDONLÜMBERYARD JAMES TOLBERT, Prop., Manufactarer and Diajer in SACINAW CANG-RAWBD LUHBBR, LATÏÏ AND SHINGLES. We ;clto all to c've hí a cali, ana examine om "iick before purchatlui{ tilíewfu;r'. ALSO AUKNT FOK JACKSON SEWER PIPE C0„ AND 8ELUÍ FIRK BR1CK. JAMES TOLBERT, l'rop. T. J. RKKCH. Hnpt. feb.ia.-79 AU klnda of look-Hlndns done at The Conrler e on hort notlee.


Ann Arbor Courier
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