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Dr. George W. Long, late of Vasser, died at his home, in Dearborn, on Satunlay, Oct. 29tb, and was buned November lat in Woodmere Cemetery, near Detroit. The td newe of hi early deaih will fait heavily on the heartn of bit mauy lrh udf, his college cfatemauB and chuma, and hla professional asHfH-Uu-B. Kor he was a genial poní, of sterling integrltj. and he uad a kind heart. He was therelorea renen) favorite, and he probahly hadn't an unemy Ín tbe world. He was poseessed of laudable anibition, coupled with crediUble persistence and determination, and these qaallties may have belped to brniK him to bit Qiitlnu-ly deatb. He entered the State ARricuitural Coliche, and graduatud wiih honnrs from that iiiMiiutlun in 1874. Ue remaincd for boiuc yea u aftcrwards at ble home In Dearborn, whiii lm ¦.¦llinil considerable Buccees in bce-keepitiK, acbievln a fair reputatlon as an amateur in that art. Indeed, if I mistake nut, he carried away sev eral first prieet for excellence in this line, from the faire of the State A-ncuitural Society. Iiuiiim thtH time also be devotcd himnelf energetically to the etudy of mueic, attaiuini: markcd proflclency on the violin, which be was ever ready to exurcise lor the pleaeore and entyrtainmont of bis friende. But he was restivc under theie employmente, and he deteriniiH-d to be at somethin which, as bc fan cl ed. wou ld 0 ft er vrídr acope for useful advancement. Tu this end be oelecica the profeseion of medicine, to the study of whicb bc devoted btmself with an eameetestnesB and application which tbe etrengtb of hls coLttitution would not warrant. Enconntoring and gnrmoumlng obeUcles which would havo discouraged one les resolute, he accomplished the course at Ann Arborand succecslully entered the practico 01 bil PMteMtoO at Vmmt, in partnership wltn Dr. B, C Davin, an oll pbyaiclan of that place. The oderoas and important duties of hi poition were well diflchargrd. UncasinKly he labored, not atopping to heed the demanda of hi own failing bealth. The ttar oï hts hopt-s had dawncd briubtly and he did not like to abandon the path that led himtoii. A low ft;ver of typhoid type seized hold of hlm, but it wae oiily alter hu was too weak to Tislt hit patiënt that he returned to hls home at Dearborn, where deepite cvery ministration of care and affuction, every means that lovt; conld eugest and ekill and knowledge execu te i he gradually sunk and quietly paesed away. The death ot any young perron is ead ; particularly Is lt so if thuyouDkT life given promise of good In the world. George Long was In bi twentyeeventb year, and hls lile was czceptlonally bright and fair In it" proiniees ot future uflefulnes. Ue bad paaeed thruugb the ebadow o( tbe trugle to buccchh, and tbe way nbeud was brigbt and promlsing. Ue bad attached to him many warm fnende. Hé was tbe üio'ther, and withHe 'cominfjfOnrlstmaa time he was to have beeu hnppily marrlea. Wow he is dead ; and among tbose who mourn and will not be comforted, ie a mother wtioee declinln? days are darkened, and one other who Is widowed before her wedding day. May Uou'b peace be with them,- Wayne County Kevlew.