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Kim ut il Krom Dcutli. William J. Ouuhlin, of Sonierville, Km, mji : " In the t'all of 1876 1 was taken with a violent bleeding of the lungs, tollowed by a severe cough. I wss so weak at one time as to be unable to leave njy bed. In the summer of 1877 I was admittod to the city hospital. While there the doctor said I had a hole in my left luDg as big as a half dollar. I was so far gonc at one time that a report went around that l was dead. I gave up hope, but a triend toM me of Dr. Wm. Hall's BlswiKiRiHE LUMQS. I gnt a bottle whpn to my surprise and gratificaron I coniluenced to feel better, and to-day I foei in better ipiritl than I have in the a.-t three yeai s. I write this hoping cvery one afflicted with diseased Lungs will b induoed to take Dr. Wm. Halls Balsam fob the Lünos and be convioced that coniumption eau be cured." Sold by Druegists. 18126-78 W. TREMAIN Ihiice lm OVES CASPES BINSET'S 3H0CEBY STOEE, COR. HURÓN AND FOURTH ST. orili ItrliSh Iimurance Comp'j(of London and Edinburgh,) Capital $18,000,000, Gold. Detroit Flru and Marine In. Co. Cash Asueto f600.000. Springflcld lm. Comp'y. of Itfaas., Cash Aase's $1,800,1X10. Uu urd In. Co,, of Ne-w York, Cuh Assets $1,00(1,000. Agriciilturul Insurancc (omp'j WATERTOWN. . NEW YORK, Cash Asseto f 1. 200,000. Losses liberally adjusted and promptly paid. ir IS A REALLY RELIABLE REMEDY FOR WASTINC AND NERVOUS DISEASES. After numeróos experimenta Mr. Fellows succeeded in producing tbis combination of Hypophosphites, whfcb has not only restored bim to heaith, but bas slnce been found so successful in tbe treatment of disease emanating from loss of nerve power, and eoDseqni-ntly muscular relaxatlon, vli: Aphouia (loss of voice) Neuralgia, Anarnia, Nitvouh Debllity, Chrontc Diarrhoea Whooplng Congb, Dyspci.nin, Congestión of tbeLnngs, Fevi-r and Ague, I'alpilation of tbe Ileurt, Leucorrbisa, Melancholy, ¦Malaria, Mental Deprestlon, Nervousness. MALARIA. Persons living in maiarious districts may protect thcmselve from atlarke of ftver by the me of FelIokn' om] ml Myrup of HypophonpliltPH. Iib effects in lonliig np ibe system enttli'H tii to ward of contagious disorders and succesafully rombat diThe solable phoiphltes and theotber lif"-nstinlr Lrilicilj' cfilllun'1'' T7ölmro Qfpphooi]ilw. a- po carfiully pTop(rtloned and so Judicioualy mlnled that their action upon the nerves, muscles and membranes in impartlng vitallty, strength and healthy action is genemlly apparent within twenty.fonr honra and the guod efl'ccte experienced are of a permanent character. The Leading Toy & Fansy Boods Houss OF MICH. Whcn the City of Detroit do not fail to HEYN'S' BAZAAR, Formerly Russell House Bazaar, which is now located at 92 Woodwsrd avenue, former stand of the old ALHAMBEA DOLLAR STOEE. These two well-known places of public patrónage have recently been consohdated under one management, and we desiro to cali special attention to our large and well sclected line of Toys, Fancy Goods, Jewelry, Flated Ware, Wlütney Children's Carriagas. Which we will continue to sell st populnr p rices, An eariv rail t pccifuUv olicited. H. HEYN & BEO., HEYN'S BAZAAR, 92 WOODWARD AVE., DETROIT, 111(11, 1044-71 Ayer 's Cathartic Pilis Por all the Furposes of a Family Phjsic, j' Costiveness, Jaundlce JV Dyspepsia, Indigestión Wlgg Dysentery, Koul stomf HÍ ach and Ilreath, Iloadi___JW ach, Eryslpeloa, Pile, WijíSlSr Rhenraatlsra.Entptlon _. Xl___,' - Bnd 8kin D'soases, Blljk MB iousnes, Liver Com' B' plalnt, Dropsy, Tetter, Tumors and Salt Rhenm, Worms, Gout, Neuralgia, aa a dinnerpill, and purlfyitig theblood, are the most congenial purgative yet perfecte. Thcir eITects abuiidantly show how much they excel all other Pille. They are afe and pleasant to take, but powerful lo cure. Tbey purge out tbe foul humore of the blood ; they atimulate the slugglBh or disordered organs into actioo, and they impart health and tone to the wbole being. They cure not only the cvery day complalnts of evciy body, but formidable and dancerous diseases. Most skillfu) physiclans. most eminent clcrgymen , and our best citizens, send certifleates of cures performed, and of great bencfits derlved from these Pilis. They are tbe safext and best physic for chlldren, becanse mild as well as cffectual. Being sugar-coatcd, they are easy to take; and being purely vegetable, they are entirelj harm less. PREPARKD BY Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mass., Practical and Analytical ('hcmlsts. Sold by all Drugglsts and Dialrrs in Medicine, 100-1073-ew Estáte of Joshua Cushman. CJTATB OF MICUIGAN, Oounty of At a sesdon of the rtobate Conrt for the Connty of Wdfhtenaw , holden at tbc Probate Office, In the cily of Aun Arbor, on Tuesday, the flnit day of November, in the year one tlum-and elght bundred and elRhty one. Present, William D. Ilarrtmin, Judgeol Probate. In the matter of tbe estáte of Joshna Cusbman, diciaded. Warren Cuvhman, executor of the last will and testament of atd deecased, comes luto conrt and reprenents that he Is now prepared to rendir his final account as such exucutor. Thcreupon it is ordered, that VVednesday, the 30lh day of November inst., at ten o'clock in tbe lorenoon, be assigned for examlnlng and alliwing snch account, and that the devlseea, legatees and heirs at law of sald deceased, and all other persoug interested in sald estáte, are required to appcar at a sesslon of snlil court, then to be holden at the Probate Office, in the city of Ann Arbor, in sald County. any there be, why the said account should nol be allowed. And it is furthir ordered, that said executor give notice to tbe perwons inU'reett'd in said estáte, of the pendency of sald account, and the hearing tbereof, by cauing a copy of this order U be publiflicd in the Ann Arbor Counrr, a newspaper prlnted andclrculatlng in sald connty. three succetsive weeks prt-vious to said day of hearing. (A trae copy.) WILLIAM D. IIARKTMAN, Judge of Probate. WM.Q. DOTT, Probate ReelBter. 106S-10M All kinds of prlnllng and Job work will be done at The Coubiir offioe In bettr tyle and kt chapr ratei than at any other Uous.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News