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RAILROADS. jyjICHIGAN CENTRAL RAILROAE Time Table Mov. 13, 1881. OliINO WIST. s i í s á& e ? J3 _Wl . H ÏH ?L l.M. Á.M. P.H p.M. F. M. r. H 4 M Detroit... Lv... 7.00 9.35 5.65 4.0S 8.00 9 5( 5 30 G. T. June 7.15 9.65 6.10 4.20 8.15 10 11 545 Wayae June... 7.52 10.24 .42 4.46 8.4 ) 10 -10 (17 Ypilanti 8.Í0 10.48 7.05 5.U5 9 08 1102 8 41 Ann Arbor 8.40ll 00 7.24 5.22 9.25 11.17 li 59 Deiter 9.04 7.48 6.38 9.M .... 7 -JU Chelsea. 8.22 8.05 5.52 10.00!, 735 GraLake .SO 8.32 6.12 10.30 7Í58 !"¦ K. í. ¦ Jackson Jnnc. 10.10 8.55 g 25 Jacksou 10.20 12.15 6.65 11.05 12.40 8 50 Albion 1.04 12.50 7.42 11.55 1.16 9'42 MarsUIl 11.50 1.30 . g 8.08 12.20 1.37 10.' 08 BíttleCreek.... 12.19 1.55 5a 8.4112.47 2.02 10.38 Qaleuborg 2.53., a. m. 9.15 i. 17 .... 1111 Kalsmazoo 1.13 2.36 4.50 (1.35 l.Sá 8.461184 Lawton 1.5Ü 6.25 2.13 1210 Decatur 2.07 5.42 2 32 ' p m Dowaelac 2.29 8.07 3.07 l.M Mies 2.55 4.04 6.50 3.27 4 15 168 Buchanan 3.08 7.02 ... 8 42 2 13 ThreeOakB 3.38 7.27 4.12 .."" 2 42 NowBnffalo.... 3.53 4.52 7.40 4 .5 257 Mich.Clty 4.23 6.18 8.08 6.03 5.28 8 22 Lake 5.13 6.02 8 54 5.61 li.18 4 09 Kennington.... 6.00 6.50 9.45 6.40 7.10 5.00 Chlcago..Ar.... 6.50 7.40 10.35 7.30 8.(0 5.50 GOINS KIST. . S o s A. M. A. V. P. M p. H. p. H. Chlcago..LY. 7.00 9.00 S.40 6.16 9.10 Kensington. 7.60 9.50 4.S0 6.05 10.00 Lake 8.85 10.27 5.13 6 50 10 40 Mich.City... 9.25 11.13 6.00 7.38 11.83 New Boffalo 9.50 11.33 6.25 11.55 Three Oaks.. 10.03 6.40 Bachanan.... 10.30 p. m. 7.f'6 12 3 Nilee 10.45 12.1S 7.37 9 00 12.45 Dowatfiac... 11.18 8.06 1.10 Decator 11.39 8.33 1 82 Lawton 11.55 8.63 a. u 1.48 P. M. Kalamazoo.. 12.33 1.38 9.30 6.50 10.25 2.S8 Galeiburg... 12.58 ¦ - - 7.08 BattleCreek 1.S8 2.16 jfi 7.S8 lï.'öè 'i'.W Marshall , 9.17 8.00 Jj 2 8.06 11. Si 8.46 Alblon 2.46 8.21 i 8.82 11.59 4.12 Jackson,.Lv. 8.45 4.05 7.15 9.30 12.45 5.00 Grasa Lake.. 4.10 7.40 9.50 5.26 Cheluea. ...... 4.40 ....... 8.03 10.07 5.50 Dexter 5.00 8.17 10.19 6.05 AnnArbor... 6.22 6.07 8.40 10.31 2 05 6 25 YpBllanti 6.88 5.23 8.56 10.48 2.Í0 6.41 WayneJunt 6.02 6.45 9.17 11.08 2.44 7 06 G. T. Jane... 6.85 6.15 9.45 11.35 8.20 7 4r Detrolt...Ar. 6.50 6.30 10.00 11.60 3.85 8.00 Sanflay excepted. {Saturday & Sunaay excepted. UlNRT C. WlKTWORTH, H. B. LïDTAKD, G. P. ét T. A., Chicago. GenH Sup't., Detroit, Ti OLEDO, ANN ARBOR & Q. T. R. R. Time Cart of Oct. 16, 1881. 00ÏN8 NOBTH. GOIH8 SOUTH. 8 S = a STATIONS. S, = _fl S_ J_ A. h. r. u. Á. M. p M t8.30 te.lOLv Toledo Ar. t9 85 t5.55 S.33 6.12 North Toledo 9.3-J 5 52 8. 42 6.25 Detroit Junction 8.28 5 4a 8.52 6.35 Hawthorn 9 12 B 32 9.02 6.45 Samarla _.. H.02 5 25 9.17 7.01 Lula 8.46 5 07 9.23 7.0 Monroe Junction.... 8.41 5.00 9.38 7.17 Dundee 8.35 4.48 9.44 7.28 Aialia 8.26 4 35 9.57 7.42 Milán 8.10 4.20 10-23 f OS Plttaíeld. 7.45 4.01 10.35 8.20 AnnArhor 7 30 3 50 1105 '8.50 Wordens. i.:.:......:: 7 00 -3 23 tU. 20 t9.0B Ar 8outh Lyon....LT. t6.45 t310 tDally, except Sundays. Flag stations. The Local Freight, goiug north. leavea Toledo at 6.00 a. m., arrlving at Ann Arbor at 9.40 a.m.. and at Sonth Lyon at 10.55 a. m. .'ÍÍS.1'01 (?oln(? sonth, leoves Sonth Lyon at 2.40 p. m., and Ann Arbor at 3.50 p. m. arrlvinc at Toledo ai 7.45 p. m. Trains wlll be rnn by Columbas time, as shown by the dock in the Superintendent' office at Toledo. H. W. A8HLEY, Superintendent. QIIWHNNATI, HAMILTON AND DAYTON R. It. Tralns leave Toledo : 7:15 a. m., 10:55 a. m., 10.25 p.m. Arrlve at Cinclnnati : 3:35 p. m., 7:10 p. m.,C.0O a.m. D. B. TRACY, Pass Agent. lOUif jpÖRT WAYNE & JACKSOiVX K Vetrolt A Indianapolis Line. By Michigan Central Kallroad from Ann Arbor to JacKHou. Trains leave Ann Arbor as follows : Indlanapolis Express 8-40 a m Ft. Wayne Accomodatlou 5 22 d m Clnclnnatl Express , ._Zll:17 p. m'. All tralns Ierre by Chicago time. Procure tickets at Ann Arbor or Jackson. M. D. WOODFORD, Uen'l Sup't. Estáte of Archer L. McLran. . OTATE OF MICHIGAN, Connty of Washtenaw, ss. At a sesilon of the Probate Court for the Connty ol Washtenaw, holden at the Probate Office, In the City of Ann Arbor, on Monday, the thlrty-flrst dav of October, the year oue thonsand elgbl hundred and elKty-ono. Present, Willlam U. Ilarrlman, Judge of In the matter of the estáte of Archer L. McLcan deceased. Mlchael J. Noyes, executor of thè last will and texUiment of snld deceased, comes ¦ into court and representa that he la now prepared to render hls final account as such executor Thercupon lt is ordercd, that Tawdar th twentynlnth day of November next, at ten o'clock In ' the Torenoon, be assigned lor examining and 1 lowing euch account, and tbat the devlseee, legatces and helrs at law of said deceased, and all other 1 persons lntereted in sald extate, are requlred to appear at a session of said court, then to be holden at the Probate Office, In the city of Ann Arbor, In 1 said couuty, and show canse, If any there bc, wi.y the sald acconnt Bhould not be ullowed. And lt 1 further ordered, that sald executor 1 give notice to the persons interested in sald estáte of the pendency of suld account, and the heiirinè thereof, by causing a copy of this order to be pnb llehed In theAnn Arbor Courier, a newspaper prlnted and circulatlng in said county. three successive weeks previons to ald day of hearing. (A truecopy ) W1LLIAM D. HAKRlMAN, WM. G. DOTY, Probate Rogistórf6 luJtó'ttö' NËRVÖÜS DEBILITYi A Care Uuaranteed. Dit. E. C. Wkít's Nïrvï and l speclflc Tor Hytterla.UizzIness.Convnlsions, Nerv3us Headache, Mental Depresslon, Loss 01 Alèmorr Jpermatorrhcea, Impotency, Premature Oíd Age aused by over exertion, self-abuse, or over-indulg' snee, whlch leads to miaery, decay and doath One xix wlll care recent cases. Each box contalne one nonth's tretment. One dollar a box, or ilx boxea or flve dollars ; Sent by mail prepald on receipt of jrice. We gnarantee slx boxes to cure any case A'lth each order ri-cclv,d by us lorslx boxen, accom)anled wlth flve dollars, we wlll send the purchaser mr written gnarantee to return the money if the reatment doe not effect a cure. Guarantees laxued nly when tbe treatment is ordered direct from nu tdilreas JOHN C. WEST 4 CO., Solo Proilri" o?ï' 8! A 183 W. Madieou St., Chicho, 111 Soldhy lieHsers.Brown Co. A.Bassett Wholesale Agente )etrolt,Mlch. 1050-1101 . ' _ [WO FARMS FOR SALE. " One of one hundred and twenty acres, and F. me of one hundred acres; both near thoAnn oc Lrbor and Toledo R. R., ftnd nlso near the )etrott and Lanalng Road. a T D T A 1VB1 aalemOctol)er6th,188j, ' " ioeg.74'


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News