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Mother Shipton's Prophecies

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midi r niy own ii ,il n-; i ' ex ircii.. sic' ¦ . f tli' coi ;¦, .11 m_o i (¦mui. f 1 1 ti'i-i i ago "iic Charlee Ilinlev, while ¦ i i t i iTr certa old Mid worthlespamphlet wen bmwked about London two hundred ycara ago, much u Zadlctel's Alruanai now, oncelved ibe wrry no Uoni ui pnblishin the ol Motber Sbtpton" - oerta-ln prophesl own (bTguag. These fletitfona iitteranost ucrr embodied in Uut kind ol runic rel li i -ii prcvuiltHi the Koxburough Bailad-, and tli v il old tullíale "aatrologer1 Mother Shipton (who wm bon about the ycar i i-! ai predictii nucs without horMf --hall go. Amu ...1 the world thoufhl iiall u. As easv uiw lien Gold fhallhe found, and found la a land that's nnt now known. Kire and water haü more modi Knland shall at last admit ajew. "A house of glass shall cmne to In Knjfland- but, alas t War will lollow with the work. In thft land of the pagan and Turk; And state and state in tiercé stnfe U ill keek eacl) 'tlier llfe. But whrn the Sorth Jlall devide the South An trille slialï bnild n a lion's mmith. " J'Iir world then to an end sliall come In eiglilcen huudrtd anti cigiity-one " The .. lu sii'uiu, the U'l'iri ili, i, DiÜ ¦ Amei . ¦¦ ii _ ¦¦! ; on wliile niníit' u as u 'ritiniiV and i-v.'ii tlic Crystal l'alace, at OOOe ttfCtcd the alteiition "I the aiitlquariaiit. A correapondence ut! n Notei aml Querlet (Seriea IVtot. ii), and in the end Ilindlev's confeplnn oí tbc forgery mude :inil iulili.-hv. Bul the ChlneM prorerb wu verilled, that the loyal chano! and utili'' Uüt ovclaUc Ilic word once i'-c:i]icd. These .' -es obtained a u idc circiilation and belief Unoilg Ilic clMI wblch i1' not acciiMoim'd to read Notei and Queries, and iinlortiinalcly amoug these appean tu bc (Mi-on iiilionftl lu wnti' in II rcvct;iblc l.inidoii joiiroal. In tile Globe netpaper of Kebruary 17, laTT, portiom ol torced ju ctiictiini were printed u bchlg vi-ry'til, aml gtlll more vvondciiul, ilu-y wen .-aid to liac been "pub¦ ín II I1-. ï. -..Ix-lorc tlic introdnetion of printliig ! The alluaioii to Ihe war in Turkey - the only bit really - attracted ¦ttention, and tlic innnedl iic reauil was tha! the "prqpbeaie" rere printed on a end. price twopence, nou iold In rad niiiniicis tlirouglioul the length and brcadtli ui the land. On the wiudowt ol Ii u ik I id I - oi Dewapapcf and candy shops in London mie ivmi-, "Mother öhlpton'i l'roplifsics I" llavlllg inve-ted liis twoiclu e. Olie IIOHeMM ¦ I "al -c pcc n iastc!ii:ird, live inclics by tlircc. OU liicli are Hit.' lincs alrcai'y quoted, and inoro Ol a similar kind, under tlic blloni in: lieadlug: ' Motber Shipton'ti PropboüteitL Have icccntly been dlacovercd in the Britlsh Muaeuill, ritten in au old mallUSCrlpl "ik, A. I). 14-1, and "ili"ii.s iiavc been pulilinllt'd in t lic tilob ¦ iicwjiapci' ol F' In 'iiai y 17, ls"í7. Tlii ondci nu woiiian livcd liil .-lic (p i'xtraordinun ajió. Slic dlcd at ('lilton. in Vörfcüiifp, trom wliicli is taken 1 luilouini; cjitali, eopiid 1'rouJ a -i "iie uiuitutuen i : ' ! li ir I1 i s in w ! ij povcf I ved, Im-c sklll oltfll h.i bfCIt II M I Ier Proph- i sliull s). And ttr heep iicr iiinic aluc.' ' lint tlii clicap edltioa "f the -piuums addiUons t" oiicinally npiu-ioua ¦propüfsie.-'' Mieru s on thu martel a tens.itionally decor ted sixpenny booK, whicli I am told, is leing cii culatea widelj' in all ilie colotifes, and posslbly it is known in America. Ou tbc cover Mother öbipton iicpicsenicd eareeriñg amid cometa and stars on lui brooiustick, her t'umiliurs m i'oinpanvinx hr in Uw simpe ol' n ent uroucbiug bcliind her, and an owl perched bet'ure on tbc brooni liainllc. Tlie stuuii train and the baloon, which -lic is declared to bave prcilicled, are imliiiled. Insidc is rclatcd the old story ot Motber Bblpton'a birtb trom the unballowed narriage of her mother with the deril ; the prodlgie whlch altended lier iiilaiiey, siieb as lier eradle bfing found suspended np n the ( liinmcv witb the chlld in il without risible means ot support, and lier rcadin ¦ book at tirst sigbl ; and Uien the alter tintad rorged In tbe sereuteenth oentnty, followed by thosc loifred iu niiu teentb Céntury. The tact notable that on tbc plaeards and on tlic book-cover the tbing nmdc most prominent U the predictlon that tilt: WOrld t" come to au end in ltfiil. Tbis the ni"s! l.t.scinatiny item. Il s noloiioiis that Éngllah iiiiiics have wlthin Ihesc Keent reiiiaiiicd vacant lor twenty-four bours where Zadklel'a Almanac liad predJcted an axploaion oh tbat day : and it la not at all tinlikely tbat, alter the growlng interest in tlic eveBU of 1881, it' tiiat ycar -hall bc -atclv i-.-ed witliout au Xilosion ot tbc. planct. HoUmi SllltOll will bc blow n as sky hili as in the picture, and a world of deltt-iuns will come to an end. . . . What lameré nnsupporteddeiiialagainrt tbe vast miniber of fact8 built into the pyramfd wfaose apex Hindley -elects to pedestal hls lif Towanl the close ot the nfteenU) century - ctrtainly more tban u generattoD after the date priven above, i u-i lived the wonian who Recame known as Mother Bbipton, vhose repute na a prophetess, bowcer, rests iipon nothiiiir earlier tbau 1041. At that time a jiainpiilci a.pearcd with this title: " The Prophssie of Mother Sbipton. In the raiirnc of K inr Henry tlic Ki'btli. J-'oi telling the death of Cardinal] Wolsey, the Loru Percy and olhers, as algo what shoidd happen in insuinjl times, hondón, i'niitcd lor Richard I.owndes at bis -hop adjoyning the Ludgat, 1941." On tbc tltle-pog is ¦ neirlv Ddll-leugth and vcry c'iar.-e uood-cut, not of the convcnlional "witeh." but of tlie media val country-woiimn. I'he liook waeviili htU roïgCd, pronainv 111 , i .- , , ..,,.- ger" of tlie time, l.ily. and it tobe rearad that tbe vklcüdc of atdcoMi ot tbc fcrgery two linudred yemrs ago set au all too cxatnple before tbe ariful editor of ïni. As n ipecüneii ot the " I'iophcsie," 1 have traii.-cribcd iro ut tbc ancien) !i"ip itseit tbe concladjnj; bcii. "Trien sh.dl bc in tlic Nortii that mie woinau sliall say unto ai.ot her. Mot hei . I have secn a man to-day, and foT one man there thall bc a thou.-aiul udilien; theTC -Inll bc i laan -itlinir ujion Si. Juiiies fliurch II ill ui till ; and after that r sh i [i come Miylinjt ii the Tbamei till it coine agahut l.omlon. and tbc Mastcr ot the ship sliall eep. and tbc Marriucrs sliall ;iske bim why be wccpelb, sceing h; batll made 8i) gooj H VOyafra, and he .sliall say, Ah, what :i jgomlfy (Mtie this was ! none in tbe world comparable to it, and uow there i scarcely lefl any house that can let us have drinkc lor our inoncy." This WM l.ilv's and only hit - if, as probable, he wrote the book - forthe great lire in Lon.lon ocruncd twenty-five later, and the astrologen bad no (lirlicnltv la putting that and this together. The last lines in tbe book are these: " t'nhuppy heethat livcs to sec these d.iys ; Hut happy are tlic dtead, Shiptim s rtlc iaya."


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News