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I 1 (.Lom bou nS f f L i IS A REALLY RELIABLE REMEDY FOR WASTINC AND NERVOUS DISEASES. Alter Hivrniu experimente Mr. Fellou la iin.d.KHi' tnla eombtMdon f Hyeophoaphltea, whioti ima dii uly ri'ítored him t üealth, bul na ¦lace b.-.-ii íoaod w ii'veitM'ui In th treotoenl ol diseníe i-mtiiatiui: ir.nii toca f nerve power, and eoneqaentl niícnlr relantiioo. vis : Aphniíia (louxol wU't'i Neiiralxin. Aniíniln Nervoiu l).-hi]lty, Uhronlc DUi Whoo; inu "'"¦'. jh-,,, , i tlon oí tne Langí, PoiTaiid"A l'Blpitmtion ii ttae Heart, r ,,.,, Melancholy, Meiilul U. pn-íiim, V-rviiUMi'---. MALARIA. Penosa living in mnlarlnun district" may protect U)enua)vM froni attx ka í fi vet liy ibe me f Fello' 'iiuuiil Njrii f HypophoHiililtfH. I - .11 'ín In iijiiIhk un llic Ky:üli entblea u lo warcl ul comatfluu. disorder anJ cucIj rombal di-caje. The miluMc phcvphiten and thenth.r ilfi sitaininK 11.' Fellowa Hypophoaphite nre so rar' imüv proportloocd hhh m Joolcional] mlnglad Uiai ttn'ir a liou aMn tb nrrvrc, anadea niid ni'inti ImparfliiK vltallty, fi-uutli nnd henl'hy actlxn ís geneMilj app irenl withln iwentr.foar honr and uie _ r "i a parawaaM cbaia J?TSVE6ETABLE SICILIAN jgjjaf ri i 1 1 1 rrrrn 'Ihlí Ktandnnl r , ttBded 'b the greatWt cro. Ita cfl ¦ - rdilandsatinfacioryaêevur. h.ilr lo tic rovtbfnl color li removí' all mptiont, Itchtog i d dai.dnifl'; ,Htnl the ¦ Min. l'v :i;plllary u.'i;i!iil bb ihvir aoripal vigor, !"¦ dnM, and inakiui: Ihe l-aír jro ihii k nnd ítronz. Ata nfl ao i'flectiial or dc-iiMM'. Dr. A A. Uayoa, Mate &aujer f Munel aaatta says "i i' : 'I eoDlMet ii thr prepat ution for it itiii'ndi'd pnrpotí BUCRINGHAMVS DYE, For WliUkrr-. Tala ili' int jircparniiou ioay Iw reilrd on to thc colnr ol the 1 nrd froni Rray or any other undreirable shadc, to brown or black, at d! retloii. -ily Bpplled belDS in om1 preparatlon, and finickly and cflectnally prodotea n peimanont color, i whicb will neillier rub nor waB óí. MANÚFACTUEBD HY m R. P. HALL & CO. Nashua, N. H. , Si.ld by all DrufriristB and nealura In Medidue. .w N. H. DOWNS f VEGETABLE BALSAMIC ELIXIR ís a sure cure for Coughs, Colds, Whooping-Cough, and all Lung Diseases, vrhen taken in season. People die of consumption imp]y because of neglect, when the timeljr use of thii remedjr would have cured them at once. riíiu-otte yeara of tí sUnt use proves the fact that no B cough remedjr ha atood the test like Bottna' Eiixir. Prk Sito. 60c and 31.00 par botUe, For Sale ETerywbar. Dr.Baxter'3 Mandrake Will cure Jaundice, Dispepsia, Livor Complaints, Indigestión, and all diseasea arising from Biliousnesa. Príce 25 cts. per bottle. For Sal Ercrywhera. iiKXitY fc NOIHN ÁRNICA AND OIL LINIMENT for .71(in and II f aft. The most perfect liniment ever compounded. Price 25c and 50c. For Stüe ETerj whr. 10U4D ] THE GREAT CURE ' """ FOK ', i RHEUMAT1SM j f As it is for all dlscases of the KIDNEYS, ', LIVER AND BOWEL8. f It oleansos the eystem of tho acrid poison i Uiat oauocB the tlroadful sufferinj; which only the victima of RUeuniatium can roalise. THOUSANOS OF CASES ' PERFECTLY CURED. ' i ha hud wonderfulnucce, and an immense i , aale ioevery part of tho Country. In hun' dreda of cases ithaecnred whereall elso had ', failed. ItiH mild, but efflcient, CEKTAIN , , IN IT8 AtTION.butharmlesainallcase. ' tWlt elf n-c, Ntrenctheus nnd Uea Nw 1 Life toall tho lm portan t organa of the body. The natural aotlon of the Kidnoy s la restored ' The Li ver Is cleanaedof alldiseaae.and the ' BowelB move freoly and healthfully. In thla , waythe worst disoaees are eradicated from ' Uiesystem. 1 Ab it has beon proved by thouaand that la the most effectual remedy for cleanainc the ( Bystera of all morbid Beoretions. 1 1 shouid be uaed in every household aa a SPRING MEDICINE. . Alway oure BIUOUSNESB, CONSTIPA TION, PILES and all PEMiLE Dwam. . la put lip in Dry Vegetable Kor in, intln eanü, . 1 onepaelcture of wMetunakeaftqTmru medicine. ' Alio in Uquld Furm, rery Oonccntratedfor ( 1 the cnnveiut ,,f tfi. wnocaDnotrendUypr, 1 parelt. Itact)twitheiuiil rfflriencv 11 rithrrfnrm. GBT ITOFTori! PlirGOIST. I'RirK, ï.00 , MEI.I.S, KM 11AK1KON ('.. Prop', ' (Wmend:hectrTnn!t,!uliil. III HI.IMJTO, TT. ' WZT-TV Wrrs PILLS INDORSED BY PHYSICIANS, CLERGYMEN, AND THE AFFLICTED EVERYWHERE. THE GREATEST MEDICAL TRIUMPH OF THE AGE. SYMPTOMS OF A TORPID LIVER. Lo8of flppetitp,Nrtnien.,bowela costive, Pftin in theHena. .th a rtull sensation in the bliek part, Pu-n under the shoulderfltinK, with adlsinclination I r mind. Imtabilitv t 1 1 BpiriU,XiOM of memory, with a feelingof r.avlnffnegiected some dtity. wearinens, nizzines.s, Pluttering of th ñeart. Dote before the kin, f.eadaoho, Heatl at nijcbt, hihly colored Urine. IF THESE WARNINGS ARE UNHEEDED, SERIOUS DtSEASES WILL SOON Bfc DEVELOPED. TUTT'S PILLS ¦ ¦¦ ' -vii '- H adaptad t nik II casi M.oiit ilosc fTci 1h siM'hacliatigc of fbliog to aatontah the anAtrer. Tbey Iiior: Ih ii(Sto, nnd - ¦u'i. t)o Ij tu Tiiiti 11 i'l"il. 1 ti 1 ih# wifin i nanrlh1 I i i'iic vi(oniu ttn llif-l ivi' 4i-:ni. Ke'ctilurMiwU are MO¦ luc-gd. l'n ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦: ' ' ' :iA Wiirrwy t.t M.Y. TUTT'S HAIR DYE. (k 11 ai ( ¦ Whmki k--í fhaiiK'l i" n (iLoafly Hl. a k b :;, iiLi.iii !i( i'u - Pyk. Il 1 ti 1 i'.li . a 11.1L11: .1! colur, tu is f nal ihlane usly. I seiit 1' v pxpi '11 Office, 30 Murray St., New York. (Mr. II ITi 'I l M I. "' Ui nUH .- J k lful UmliU "Ml mmlirt rUI uu ¦IWUhuI KMMa nOFFINS AND CASEf , VULL STOCK AT MARTINI AU order promptly tUrded n


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