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CHURCH DIRECTORY. Baptist Church. Uev. s. Haskell, P- tur, Sabbath Mn loes. iol , . m. and 7 p. m. Sunday School hI'um morning service. Prayer meeting Tliursday evening at 7lo oVlock. Catholic Church. Hkv. I-'atmer Fierlb, I'astor. I.ov Mass, s v m. Ilijjh Mm, ioj a. t. Vesper, 1 t m. Bundaj School, z - r. m. ('oriirr:raf ioiuil Church. Rkv. V. H. Rydkr, Pastor. Sabbath services, to% a. m. and t% p. m. Sunday School jücr nmriiint; services. 1' lyci roeétiag Thursday evcniag at 71 't o'clock. Kpiscopal Clinrcli. Rev. WY1.LY8 Ham., Kector. s.ibb.ith services, io'3 a. M. and 7} i1. m. SunJiiy School. % v. K. lleligious services Thursday evcning at 70'clock. (formas Methodist Cliureh. Rav. C. Tranker, Pastor, services, io1 a. m. and 7} r. m. "vui'l.iv Si nool, at nine o'clock a. m. Prayw lucctiug un Wctlnesday, liiitliorau Cliurcii. Rev. John Neumann, Pastor. s ibbathMrvioet, ia, M. and 7 p.m. Sunday Sclmol alter nvirning service. Prayer mecttag-, Xhursday cvening at 7 o'clock. Methodist Episcopal Church, Rev. John Alabaster, Pastor. Sabbath services, ioVL a. m. and 7 f. m. Sunday School after morning service. Praver nieeliny:, Thursday evening at "]$ o'clock. )Touo( Pvople! MsstiDg1, Sunday evening 6. Presbjrtertea Churclu Hev. Richard II. Steele, D. D.t Pastor. Sabbath sen ices, 10V4 m. and ?Vá m. Sunday Schuol and Bible class alter morning scrice. l'rayer meeting, Thursday evening at S o'clock. Youcig People's Meeting, Sund.ty evening 6. Unltarliiii Church. RjCR. . T. SlJNDERLAND, PtStOr. s il'i'.tlh -services at io A. m. and 7 T, ÍC. Sunday School Ht m. Students' Uiblc Class at 0:15 p. m. (Mis Luthoran Cliureh. Rkv. II. F, Helser, Pastor. services at io a. m. and 7 P. M. Sunday Schooi immediately after morning service. Kcligious services Wedncsday evening at 7 o'clock. BUSINESS 4RDS. Wlixun BKis, BUILDER. SHOP: CORNER CHUIU'H AND ORLEAXS ST. Ann Arbor. 101 -7: W. 11. JACKSOX, OFFICE : OVER BACH & ABEL'S. Entrance liy Fn"t National Bank. Ï32U II.I.Hll IIERZ, House, Siyn, Ornamental and Fresco Painter. U Hapering, Glazlnz, (Idilio, aud ('ulciminlni; "nd work of everj i icriptloa done in the beöt style, and warranted to u'ive satlffuction. Stliop. o. 4 West Washington Htreet. Ann Arbor, Michigan. 638tf I3E3STTIST1 íjEjfcp HAS HKMOVED TO HI8 NEW DENTAL ROOMS OVKB JOS T. J40OBJ' STOBI. 563tf THE ANN ARBOR Savings Bank, Ann Arbor, Michigan, TEAMSACTS GEKEUL BANZIXE BUSINESS, CAPITAL, $50,000. Urgantred nnder thc General Banking Law of this State, the fltockholdert are Sndlvldually Hable foran Hddltíoutl amuuiil equal to the stock held by them, (hercby creatina a (unrantee Fund for the beneflt of JÚepositorti of $100,000.00. Three per cent. IntereHt Is allowea on 11 Havlngu Deposita of onw dullür and apwards, accordíag to the rules of the Bank, and Interest compounded emi.nnually. Money to loon on unlncumbered real estáte ud other (food secnrity. Director -Chrietlan Mack, W. W. Wlnes, R. A. Be] Wllliam Ueubel, Wllllam D. Harrlman Daniel Hlscoclc, and Wlllard B. SmlUi OftlotTM: Chkistiim Mac, Prc. W. W. Winis, Vlce-Pre Chxs. S. Hiscock, Cashlcr. ni im GET lili: BEST Fire Insurance B& $42,000,000 "% Secnrity liclil B Qm protectlon of the policy lioklers. CHRISTIAN MACK Hepresents the followiiig ürst-class compa nies, of which one, tl.e yEtna, lias alone paid fS.-j.OOO.OOO tire luBses a sixty years : jEtna, of Hartford _ f 7,400,000.00 Boston Dnderwrltan 2.5UO.0OU.0O Pranklln, Phlladelphl :í,300.000.00 Uerman American, N. Y" _ „... 2 8O0 0O0 00 London Aíiirance Corporation ..... 15!00'ooo!uO National, Hartford 120000001; North (iermn. HanibnrK 4.00(1,000.00 I hfenix, Brooklyn í HOO0OO.O0 Uuderwrlters Atency, N. Y 4,600,000.00 LOMea liberally ndjusted and proraptly paid. Pollclet itsaed at thc lowest ratesof premium. 1021-73 llltl-, I I V MACK. PÊRDÖNLÜMBERYARD JAMES T0LBERT, Prop., Manufactnrer and Dealer In 8ACINAW GANG-8AWBD LÜMBKR, LATH AND SHINGLES. .i?ï tTlte al! to rIvu ii a cali, toa examine oui iolk Dfore purchaeluK elwhure. ALSO AOKNT POK JACKSON SEWER PIPE CO., AND SKLLS KIRE BR1CK. JAMES T0LBERT, Prop. T. J. KKKCII, Hupt. feb.U.'79 A kln.ii, of Book-BlndlaK done at The uurl.r Offle on abort ñutiré.


Ann Arbor Courier
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