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Itespectable visitore slmuUl be reveivcd and Irruí cd witli the Qtuioftt eourtesy. Hul ii' ¦ timóme fellow, after wearying all hitriends, growi at btat weaiy t liiin-cll, anl ;iinis to bertow Mis tediouanesi boii you, ull ut ymir watch i 1 1 1 restleí-mx, talk iilinui v hm rreal occupntton mul Ihe v.ilnc of time. Poll tencas ia oue tliinfj; i" luaóc I ( nli e 11 ie ui e (lf, llili' HMOtllUI' .itl'.iir. 'lirn vnii cali upon ;i man. ayiug al :i hotel, iili wliinn yuii air not pcnouaHy acquuintcd, the niosl eoiwenirirt hiciIhmI i.i preseutlnx y ooreelf thi.. Cali "nc ol ilic MTvants, plaoe your canl in lii lwtitl. ¦ liiiin iiim to gire ii to the peraon wkmi yiu wi-li to Me, aml to let lita know tlial yon are ibera, The servan I will return, aocxHnpanled by the object ot your visit, anil will polst out to liim tlic peraon v Iiom card lic liaa racelved. In l( aviiijr :i canl tut a str.iui r, do nut Forgcl tu adil jrour addreiw; and iki not iniiit ii, il mui leave h eard for anolbt-r in u city you are i rtranjeer. l'.v the wa, Ihcrc are nuinv ii i a-imianil Olie pi tlnlii mi wlllcll il i ali-' Intely ncocsi.liy thal tlie name on a iai'l nhoiild liV legible at i jclancc TIn .uiliic letter slionld thcreforo dI be usul lor iliipurpose, at there ara many wo cannol al all dccipiicv a Diaeio prlateit, and few lio un do mi liiHtuntly. 'l'lie canl of a man ghookl be '¦mail, plain, Ungluzed, and Ullgik. A jr !; I and jilactl i'i(l is igrcekblè only u bclonjtinx toa wmuaii. Mum nini; i aiilv -lioiiKt not I' u-cd by any bilt familie!' of dNtimtion. Animal rlltn re aid to peions wltli uhoin you havr a chiI acijliaiutaiioe. Tlicy vi-it you in the aiitiinin ; you return a uinl in the spring. In payitif; a rlsit undpr 01 ¦¦ dinary circtimstauces, yon lekve a tingle card. It Uk; re Ik1 reskling in the famlly mavried daughter, au niiinarrled lister, a trunBien I guett, ui' any persoD in a üistincl it iialion tl om the in i-( ot Uu' liousr, you l':ii' two eards, out' tor cacti party. Il you are aoquaintcd itli only oiic inembt-r ot n t'auiily. as the busband, or the wlfe, and you ih to indícate tliat your isii ia tn hoi Ii. you leave two cartb. W he a gentleman Is abotlt to be marrted, lic .-ml carda, a day or iwo before the cyent, to all wliom lie Is in tbc haliitol' TÍ8lilg. are nevel' paiil il person, hut the eard. are teill liy a servant at any liour in the luorniiii;; or tlie lipntlel)i;in ftoe in N earriage, and seiids tliein in. Alter nial i iage, toma day is appolnted and made known to all, a the ilay on liicli lic inriïo eoiiiiauy. Ilis Irienils t 11 o 1 1 chII upon hint. Would that ilo were irlonned hy eaids! A vlslt and an ïimlirella sliould nlwnvs lie retín


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News