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The quietiag, rest procnriag quaUtlrt, :ts w cll as tlic far-reacliing and powertul curative i'IVects of èjtft ('lieirv Toctoral, reinier it the veiy best remedj knewn lor lung dlanMB. It raí ut the hotel ofDsnbartoa. I bad just gxt up lid rang the bell tor hot water nviiifr. A waiter answered mv cali. I want some hot waUi, if you phttaa," I said. " Aml wliat for il" you want tlie bot water?" "For tÜaTiag, aid I. "Yc canna h;ivc hot water on tbc Lord'sday for sicli a thing as shaving,'' said the waiter, horror itnuk at the Mea. I Inalsted again, l)iit with the teme effect. " Na. na," he HÜd, "ye raima have it." Xecessity is the mothei" ol Inventlon, 't is said, and this cd mini-. 1 thoiiglit if I couUl arraage the order in mcli a away that ü would nol affocl liis religión tcruploa, Ite would iiiin it directly. I therefore proposed Ilial I slmnld likc onu' toddy, and luid liini li) lirini; mr the material nr nmklirg It, oonmating of whisky and boiling water. Ttwae bc brought without the Ica-i dein i ir. I ravq him the whliky.wbich lm drank. aml 1 umü the bol water. Sa cip!i--iiriii ¦ afl '.al Micd. Miiiions sim Away. Milliniis ut of Ut. iin- New Discovery for UouaumpUon, Conyha and Cilil, have been givM away M trial botlee of larjre stee. Tliis enorntout outlav w 1 1 1 1 be diaaatrom to the proprieton, rere it nol for the rare merlti powtmed by this wonde rf ni medicine. Cali at Eberbach A Bon 'a ilrn Btore.and rel ¦ trial bottle Pree, ind try for yoanelf. Il liever fiülf Ui cu re The Primer! liciil. A, correspondent ask-: "What a printer'ëdevilr A i i mi 's dovtl la a wlcked boy kepl In everi ncwupajier office for cdiiois t tino niuoilajre bottlea at when he lianas himsclf intn the editorial arena and sliimts "coiv,"' whksh be doet nineteen timea a dny. It alao apartof hlsdnty to cuiisninc all tliejfltjen wati-rmrlcinsand nnrlpe iVnit iliat the editor agricultura] r rienda reseat to Uim. When hegrowi up be iwnally beouii- ¦ pirate. (iiMtil Aihicc Krom a Leaeliaf Medical Professor. TIn: leanicd doctor says : "Ki'Cli aOBM kind l .i toiiic medicine alway in the house, and if anyone feela nnwcll, make freeuseoflt Büt tirst be suie that it is both . as well ai meritorious. Put DO trim in alrivliolie preiartions: their use "ill leail to Inremperance ; neitlier be paitial to any remedy that jm.dnces a ¦BTere catharuc Bffect, for proatratton of the nervous tein and iliiicstive organt ¦ure to follow. 'l'lie iniU'.est and best me liolne ever lurented for (trengtbening erery )parl oftbe body aml restoring iinpaired or iot órganlc fiiiictions lo their normal con(iiiinn. and one which is baring an iin]ai' alleled and rapidly lnereaaias aaJe In the Kastcrn States, is Hrown's Iron Bitters. Any ürngsrlM will procure it for you if yon taques! Dim to do so, esperiallv when lic linils you cannot be penuaded to take somc substitutc. Il iIim's not contain alcolml. ind is the only preparation of Iron that cures headache and does not blaeken the teetli. It is a sure reviver, i truc itrengtbener, and tlie very best medicine ever inveiifcil fir pennanently strengtliening tlie pulnuinary, urinaiy and diue.-tive nagnan, and preventing cnnsuiupiion, kidney ilis,.nd ehronic dyvpepala, often i-uring these (liscases when nll other remedie have failod; for it is truly nature's best :is-stant." - (.azette. Somc in Subtraction. - "Xow," said the teaohei in a primary class to one of his pupil.s, t whom he wns trylug t8 impart a knowledge of división, but witli littfe suc(i ss, ¦¦t you had a pie, and I should ask you for a qbarter of it, und you should give me what I wanted, how much would you have leffi" "I wouldn't have any lef l" quickly responded tlie little girl, wlio secmed to tliink that the teachei's wants were by no means sinali. - Vonkers Statesmaii. Prof. Hoisfonr-. IUktog Powtler is made trom Hoisfork's Acid Phosphate, in powili -red form. l'ut in tin cans, mixed, ready for use. The laat Uterary work done by the late Dr. Holland uas a short iKem for the Voutli's ( onipanion, which was not published until aller his dcalh, and now oarries a peculiar inteicst w ith it. The lines are U followi : If llfc awake and will ncver CMM On the future's distant sliore, Shalt btooni therc forevermore - Let the world go round and round. And the sun sink into the sea ; or whether I'm on or under the ground. Oh. whatwill it matter to me? A Bare Cure For Pilos. Do jou know what it is to suft'er with l'ileá? If you do, you know what la one of tbc worst tormenta of the human líame. The most perfect cure ever knowu is Kidii. y Wort. It cures coiistiputinn, aud theii tuiiic actipn restores bcaitli to the dise:iscil Ixiwels and prevente rcciirrence ol disensr. Try it w itliom del.iy. The dry and the llquid are both wiTd by drujrpsts. - ;iob.-. ' Kntbusia-m secins to h.ivc got the better pf lofffe in u ptesuinal)l Irisli ndocale ol otal alisiinciice at one at the late ineetingg of tlie Iiiiti-h Assóciatlón. A gentleman was telling the medina; Iliat he was ei'htyone years ui are, aml had nevar been an abst'üncr, w heli he w ;is grteted by tbc eclamation which "brousrlit down" ihe liuii-r. " Voii miht liave been a hiindred by tliis tlfne if you had." Col. A. Woed Menyweathcr, wltonj tverybody n Sci-anton. l'a.. knowa, w rites and says: "I liad loní sutl'ercd from a Üerallgcnleut Ol the. bladder and kidneys; it had made my general health very poor. I also was troubled with severe Indigestión; pills gaVe mr ouly leuiporary, relief, and I cxpciienccil greut anxiety of mind, as well oa disticss. A friend reeonnnendürown's Iron Hittcis. I have used it with iiKt griátltylng icMilts, and just now mv licalth nevar was better. aml I feel tbat tlie care s permanent.1 l'eifectly Safe in all Cases. FordU of tlie Throat, Langa, i'roup, Whoopinfr Cough, Colils, etc, Downs' Ki.ixir is a .sure, reliabte, and effectual remedy. Dl!. IllVIK.ll'S MANPKAkK ÜITTl's act upon the Stoiuach, Liver and liowel.-, reiiuivc all secreflon, jmrify the Blood, and fortily the sttni hhíuí-Í dUsease. Hor-eincn. Ask vuur merchant for IIknkv Jt Jomsox'a ArancA ani On. I.immkm. and keep it always in Ihe Btable, tu use in case of accident. I'liysicians ay Hops and Malt Bitters are the best. llescned From Ileath. Willism J. Coughlin, of Sotuerville, Mass., says ; " In the fall of l7t 1 was taken with a violent bleeding oftbe lungs, tollowed by a severe cough. I was so weak at one time as to be unable to leave my bed. In the nummer of 1877 I was adraittcd to tbe city hospital. While there tbe doctors said I had a hole in my left hing a big as a half dollar. 1 watt so far gone at one time that a report went around that l was dead. I gave up hope, but a friend told me of Dr. Wm. Hai.i.'s for hik LtNcis. I got a bottle when to my -surprise and gratificaron I oommepoed to feel better, aud to-day I feel in better spirits than I have in the patst thrce years. I write this hoping every one afflicted with diseased Lungs will be indueed to take Dk. Wm. Hall's Balsam pok thï Lunos and be convinoed that oonsumption can be cured." Sold by Druggists. 1826-78


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