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Iosco County Gazette : Commissioncr Raam will Investígate the compoaitloa of beer. A man l'rom Oshkosh cliil tliat, and tlnds it la composed of tour parts of flght, two of poliee station and the balance of headache. Oalesborgh Express: If all the people of America wfio profesa Christianity would take a bold stand against the liquor trafile, the whisky ring would be broken. intemperance would decrease, society would be purged, onr land would be exalted and the whole country regenerated. A new inonthly newspaper has made its - mo titlc or un, ?.ü,l ;„,.... Good Templar. lts name implica Ita object. lt is published in Detroit, and is gotten up In a very neat and tasty style. There Ê plenty of work to do in its chosen field of lubor, and we wish it success. Manistee Titncs and Standard : Guiteau Baya Washington was a patriot, Grant.was a patriot, and he is a patriot. Washington saved the colonies, Grantsaved the nation, and be saved the stahvarts. And he ap-' peals .to the stalwarts to save hiin, luit the ungrateful dogs don't save wortli a cent. Big Rapids Current : The best thingsare neanatj breath iu your nostrils, light, In your eyes, flowers at your feet, duties at your hand, the path of God just beforeyou. Then do not grasp at the stars, butdo life's plain, oommon work as it comes, certain that daily duties and daily bread are the metost things of lile. Utree Rivera Tribune;: An Oliio man lias discovered that the inclination of the earth's axis to the plane of the eeliptic is gradually chaaging and that in consequence the time is not fardistant when the equator will paaa through the state of Oliio. No one bata Buokeye man would ever have dreamed f monopolizing the lorrid zone witn all its climatic sensations. Uviil Register : We learn that sr. J. Clark la horribly bored by the uunibcr of persons wiehing to purchase thecow advertiscd In our colunnis by Clark & Marvin. So many replies to questioHs about that cow has made hlm weak in the calves and he threalens to come over and skin us. Come on I yog cowherd, - we will tij;htyou tor the sttaks. Prepare yoürself beefore you ( .mie -we are uot to be cowed downwe don't i:ire if yon come all horns and tail, will nicat. yon. .No -triking bellow tlie round. .Sail in il yon want your udder unashed Japkson Patriot: The East Sidc Sclontlfic Association have been puzzled of late to account the dlflèrencc in furtilityof contiguous lai nis in Leoni. On one field grew a magnlflcent ciop of cabbage, whlle the field adjacent, with only a fence between tmiied not a single head. After much discussiou ai ez-Reoorder llarringtoifs grocery, in whicfa a pretty thorough knowledgeoi' the chemUtry 1 nature waa ilevelo] ,1 on the part oí Individual members, toa reaaon for the Ipbeootnenon, on oloser Inqulry, was dlacorered to bethal theowni-r ol' tlio non-productive field had l'ailed to set out any plants. A colored preacher in Loulsville, Ky., lias foiind in hischurch a daughter from wlioni lic was separated it tiie auctionblock twenty-odd years ago. He was much rejolced, bui was apnytocoofllctlDgemotions when he learned from her tliat her mother is still living, he having been legaJly married to another woman after buoomlng a livwhnan.


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