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The Trial

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The piisoner was continued on the witness stand all day Thonday and Friday, Judge Porter did the quektinnlng fcr Ihe prosccution. Ju rcmein bering facts and dates and In hii ikill In avoiding direct aniwen to the qoeetloM, he ihowed himself to bc in possessiou of good reaaoning powen. He bal almost completely destroyed the ground for belief In hls Inaanity that was hal raiuing a hold upon those who wit¦ 1 the lir-t part of tbc trial. Once or tu cc he beeame exclted and often, becoraing stubborn, refiised to answei que#tions asked by Judge l'orter until compelled lo by tbc conrt. He still clings to the idea that lic was Inspirad by the Dcity, and been allhli lUbtlme. lic dij not seem to care about Intcrropting on Saturdaj', as he was eOMptetaly used op by tlic ('Xiiininalion. The prominent witnesse8 on tliis day we re Kinory A. Storis, of Chicago, and Oavid I)ais. Mr. Storrs thought tliat the priaonerlaokedgood common Maai Imt uld thal, "he never sawanything in Gnlteaa to Indícate tbat he could nut dlaUngniab between tight and wrong, Htiytliin in the conduct of the prisoner that. WOOld ndic.iic that he (lid not know the difforence between innocence and gaüt, imn iew anytbing to indieate that he would not be rcsponsible for crime." testimony mtiiihI to Itagger the defence. Tlie tables are now ooniiiletely turned and Gulteau's claims are ver. David l)as wu qoesttoned on the rabjed of the breach in the Republlcan jiaity last vpring. He thought that the Bepoblican party wat a atrong ofganbmtlon and that It WOUld not di' - (in Democratie party was alivo lic lald 1U0 Ihat he was Independent In politics. Monday prooeedingl wen not very important. The prison van was a little late on reaching the court room and a lar.ircr srowd tli.ui Banal gathered at the doors awaiting it. At the ¦Ight of the crowd, the priaoaer trembled and inother ways inanilcstcd bil fearofbein-; ronghly handled. A lew experts were examinad and some teatlfled as to their belief in (iuiteau's inaanity. The priaoaar interrapted aa usual and among Dtber remarks tatd that be had rather bo as a man tlian tcqaitted a a fool. ii little doMoa Tueadjgr. r dcnt A rt luir s to be nllowed to antwer BcotIIPs qneatioiu in wrítlpg.and wtil uot appcar n the poort room. Nearly all of tliü irltoeaSM have bien heard. O ni man paper, of Lelpíic, has instruct;d 13 nd a (nfhlc ilescription oí Qoltotkii'i hanriog. Wedawdiy Mveiml exierts tottlfled, Si íiiíii iv have asaerted tlieir belief in the reiponsibillty of the priaoner, that Scoville : ukIoihhI hi.s project of i'xaminiiig M inany u lic had Intended to. The nmst of the wilncsses for the prosecution to.-tií y tliat tlicy liad no reason to believe tu tho :v ofOaiteau'i father, and thatthere wert no IndicatkHM of nsanily In tlie case dt M-vcial iiieinbcrs (if tho fainily wliom the defenae olatm to have beau Erna. The priaonec don Dot want the l'resident dngged lato cotirt as h witntss, becaune he ((liiiKaui ni;ulc Artlnir, president. The district attiiniey thlnks that another weck will elote the trial. We are tlaily more uul more uMiflimwl In .our opinión that the prlaonei is napoaalble.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News