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Luick üro.s have erocted ton houses, si. liarns, nul three storei this season. The Sopliie Lyons case has been adjourned over until December I4th, at si o'clock. A gaj Ikvv of Normal School girls cauie up trom rpèflantl Friday eveningtoattend the ;iry concert To-nightat Univeraity Hall, tlio Oratorio of C rea t Ion will be rendered by tbc Dniirereitj Musical Society. Abby 3., afonr ycar old danghter of [r. and Mis. l'rod Allison, of Superior, died last Frtday oL bruin fover. Tlie Sa ¦nj;s liank lias dedared a diviili'iicl of 4 per cent. jiayablc any time after the lst Konday In December. The yoiing son of Dr. W. A. Ewing, formcrly of Dexter, DOW of New York city, din!. November flOth, ol tnallgnant scarlet ftrer. Frank Loom la has aecepted a position on Irailroad mnnlng Into Qtand Raplds. He h at present awalting orden from the compnny. The Ann Arbor city band, assisted by the liurkins A Grangcr minstrel troupe pre a Mfcial at Dundee last Tuesday i'vening. l'.liabcth Myer, of Lodl, died Wedneslay, Decenber 7, of oaneer, at the age of n. The funeral uül be ln-lil to-morrow at In o'clock, i. in. The Coubixb fst.-iiiii.-innciit bat received tlie contract for doing the Universlty prlntbg for nnother year. The bids were open¦d hal Saturday. Deer sliooting is now unlawf ui, but nevcrtheless Cupid continiies to pierce the hearts of the dears in this vicinity witli lus poisonous shafts. Tlie animal renting of pews of the PresVi' cliiirch (in Wednesday v;s higlily over former years. Sarah Powers, wlta of David Powcrs, lied Wcinr-lay laai al tbe me of 80. The funeral will bu held at 11 a. m. to-day in lic town of Hamburg. The Ladies Homeopathie Hospital Aid Issociation wfll meet in theFaculty Koom ¦t the Hospital on TharedayJ December 5tli at 3 o'cloek, p. m. A sinall kerosene lamp exploded in Mr. L. Moore's house on Thayer street, Sunday ilght. Tlie flamea were extin,'uislied beore mucli damage was done. If wecan't have the smoky days of InUan smnmer we can have the smoky dayi ¦barnlng antnmn leaves, and are enjoyhg it to its fullest extent just now. A. C. Wendell, of tlie firm of E. L. Polk t Co., of Detroit, is here considering the n:itter of publishing a city directory. A :ood city directory would be a v.iïimblc ook. Therc are leveral cases of sickuess La tlie Bmedtete vicinity oí the corner of Divisn and Williams streets. Among the sick rj Win. A. ilalcl). Sr.; Mis. 'I'aylor, Mrs. rbuuu má Hn .r. c. Handy. Wm. V. BaUey, of Fredonia, Callioun nnty, dled December 20, in this city of tabetes, aged Myean and 0 months. His emains wen taken to Fredonia for burial. }e was liere for medical treatment. N'ixt Thursday, the 15th, at 10 o'clock a. n is the. time appoiated for the aiinual ting of the Soatheaatern Michigan Beepen ÁMoclatloa The nieetinj wlll be Ü ia the usual place in the court house Mis. S. II. Htnmau, whose sickness was Wed in lastweek'sCouRiEn, diedof eryMu l'riilav aigtit. Slic wu the only rviving child of Mr. and Mrs. J. S. McNi Md she leu ves u daughter of six rs of age, filtre uil) ).¦,.,,¦;.,) hr.síiins services a vrj lnterestingoharaoterat the M. B. Tliey wfll consist of responsive ;"l"i. recitations and singing. The pro;"" as "&& 11 give a very beauti1 and atractivo service. Profcgior C. L. Ford has Id press at the " i:ii;ií oilice u pamphlet of about 5(! gis, designed for the use of his cla-, -. 1 1 abnef synopsis of some of his lectures on Bomy. Tliis wfl] be a valuuble aid to odeati taking tliose lectures. Ir.E. W. Ooddlngton has sold hlscheese T situated on tlie south Ypsilanti road "aniel Tilden, the gentleman who has ¦afMtnred the cheesc for some time ' ' lie present owner designs to reVe tllc factory to Ypsilanti soon. P KargiBrtí B. Bmöejr, eldestdaughter ÜJ" JI.Taylorof this city, died iu " "l "cdnesday inoining, November reet " 127 Coliimbia emSÍT.?1 '"ncral was ll0ld Saturday, 'nber Mat 2:30 o'clock, p. m. ta'inon"m7etng'of several temper o'Sanizations i,, Uls cty 1;l;jt Wtíd. ¦ '"ó'lit, i oommlttce was appointed " ÍMt'Sat.; the matter of renting, buyjW boitótng a hall in which to hold 7 ¦ The plan of renting or buying ' "":"'-' Chorch is talked of. i,;; iI;:"li-tye"pre8byterian n, ,i1'a;;; ''"'¦" PWpwlng forafairio,,M' '¦"'"'¦;i.wln,.h will heheldor, ;yaM,lV,(I1,s,l,yofnextweek A 4 ní'','y ' anirl'-S' '""h -'"' nd ,. . W..11 as those „ ,tabl,; for Mvnn e "" Asoa ip""'cu all are invited. The Bophomores beat tho juniorg at ragby last Saturday by i score r.f two touchdowns to one. frexl lïiday night llarkins g Qrttlgtï astistedb] Uu Aun Arliorcity buiul, will giVe :i serial at Dextor. The 'boys receiytl lucfa Une treatmental Dundmtbal they wNh to iry it agaln. They had good time aud gave a good at Dundoe. Kvciiiiifi services at tlie Unitflriau cliurch wil! begin next Siuulay, at quarler beforc Beven, 8harp, and cIom at quarter before elght, u m to aiiow the oongéegsttiM to' goto the tiMiprraiicc ltctnre at the Uuifisity. Mr. Sunderland will speak upun "The pegend of the Tower offiab'eï" E. F. Deminoii. brother of Prof. [).minon, lias rcturncd to liis home at Kennelville, Ind. Mr. Demmon g a member of the senior class in the High School and like niany hard stuclents has been so tr.mblcd witb sore eyes as to neceeeltate hts leaving school. lie hopas, liowever, to return after the holidays. The first of a series of Iwelve public recitations by meinbers of the junior and senior classes In the High School, ander the direction of Mr. Douglas, instructor in elocution, will be given in the chapcl at half past two o'clock, Frfday, December 9. The friends of the school and otbers inteiare OOrdlally invited to be present. The Detroit Evening News of December 3d Bays: "Evcry newspapér in Tuseola Connty gave two weeks' that Judgt Kanton, of thesapreme eourt, was toaddress the Farmers' club of thatcounjj, and only about a score canicto hearbim. Hare the judjri-''i-isions on bulls, tuniips and fcddcr lost their grip on the. miiuls of the honest yeomunry ? Ileaven forbid!" The Kalamazoo Telegraph of November 3()th saya : II. W. Coddiugton, Eaq., eetom01! the muidle of llie weck Irom Alm Arbor, where he Ims betn eogaged for some time n constructing the house of worship lately completad by the Baptist society. This is a work Is whtcta hc takeg great pride it being consideretl the most complete edifice owned by that deuomlnatlon in lliclij_r;ui. At a regular meeting of the boart1. of dlreotor8 of the Ann Arbor Agrlcultural works held last Monday, offloer f torthe enButog }'ear wen elected as follows: Directors, J. A. Scott, A. A. AVood, J. Ftoneffan, M. F. lloward, Kli W. Mooie, M. Seabolt and J. W. Knight. J. A. Scott wasclirtctl president; Jobn Flnnegaq, vke president and manager; Karle Knight, secretar?; and J. W. EaJgbt, treasurer. 1 lie pioneer meeting at Manchester last Wednwday vu wrell attended. The peopleof Manchester and viciniij-, howerer, diil net scem to take tlie hterest in the atlair tbat wus cxpcclcd. The roads preTented many frona the country frorti being present. All the towns rere wcll rcpicsented. Those present report an axceptionally good dinner and grand time all around. The Royal Arch cliapter of the Masonic fraternity elected itsofflcersfortliecnsiüng ycar last Monday nhjht. The choiee of the ohapter la as (Wlowi : Wm. G. Ooly, Htgii Priest; I. C. Handy, Klng; Prof. 'I'. V. Wllaon, Scribej B. F. Watts, Captain of Ilost; C. II. Hiaoock, Principa] Sojournsrj E. U. Bberbacb, Blarterof 3d Veil; John M. Gates, Master of 2d Veil; s. Rerenapgh, Master of lstVeil; C. G. AVilson, Koyal Arch Capt ; Albert Sorg, Secretary; Fred Sorg, Treasurer; Thos. Taylor.Sentinel. Tlie editor of the Argu last week in au aiticle uponthe Hainard-Cuitis trial says: "It was developed in the prosecntion tliat Rev. Mr. Curtís, a Methodist cleiyinan ia good standing lost lifty dollars at poker." We entertain the Idea that a Methodist cíeríT.vman wouid not De considered in good standing long after anytliinof of that kind were known of him. Bot as the Rev. Curtis is not a Methodist, and probably they have no desire to claim liim, we pass him over to the denomination to which he belongs. Last WftdflMday night as an inoflensive citizen was coming out of the post-offlce he was struck on the top of the head by a cañe in the hands of a student, cntting an ugly gash in the scalp. As near as we can learn there was no cause tor the act. The blow was given trom behind by one of about tifteen. It must be that the pólice forcé does not enjoy arresting students as in formcr years, lor here was an excellent chance to arrest one and for a good cause too. Such lawlessness should be sevcivly punished. David Potter, of Augusta, recently losl his Larn and stables by fire. The property liad beeninsured in theWashtenaw Mutua Fire Insurance company, bot Mr. Votte liail Mglaoiad t,, poj u,,, ,,. was lúe a few days before the fire. Tli directora think ttiat they cannot allow tha gentleman tlie insurance olniined, as ther are about 150 others tliat have not vet pal their insurance lor this year. Any one o these ia liable to be burned any day, and t pay in one sucli case is to establish a dan geroift precedent. Professor W. H. Payne beginsa series o ameles in the School Moderator of las week on Pestilozzi, with tlie pnrpose o stimulating " a spirit of inquiry into the rea facta of Pestiloz.i's educational career Whatwere the ruling motives of this man'i life? Whatwere his professional quallflcations? What sort of schools did he actual ly teach i What oew educational principies did he discover? What nevv plrl did he infuse into popntar education?' Tha Int article only explnltu the proposed plan of the author. We noticed quite a long anide ia the Landing liepublican of' December lst, makng serious charcos agalnsi the pólice and judicial forcé of Ann Arbor. It si ata I i liat two inollcnsive stranjrers werê sent up to Ionia without cause a few dava ago, Ijfing arrested In the depot. The justice tlmt sentenced them suys that they were arrested while hanglng aroand tlie freight house and that he s perfectly satisfled that they were tramps. We as i comimuiily are thankful that we liare not such a pólice justice as Minar of Detroit i.s said to be. Miss Emilia Hekle was tlie star soprano at the C'incinuati Festival, and sang b the Grand Kapids Festival, where she reoelred nnbounded praise. Rechob Tandy, of Buffalo, has an excellent robusto tenor voice. Jle has received the Uighest praisc from musical critica ,of JJoston, I'hiladelphia and New York; and the pressof Canada everywhere ipeaka oL hi ricUnesa of tone and majrolflcent voice. Mr. Bemmertz, of New York, is known to the citizensofAnn Arbor wlio heaid hïm in the "Creation" last year as au excellent basso. All these artists have been secured by tlu' Musical S-iciety, at a í,'rcat txpenae, to appear in the "Creation" to-nlght. Èvery body should hear tbem. An item in the Coükiek of last wmtk conveyed to some the idea that thfire are those in the city that are prejudiced against the Mosieal Societj-. ïliat was not our meaniii. In Ann Arbor, as n other cities, thero exlits a iort of prejuóüce against boxne talent. People will altend n ucoñd gradé entertainment givcti liy a forein troupe rather than encourage by theik presence a flrst grade entertainment given by home talent. The concert CO-aight will be a liret class entertainment and should lic listened to by all the musió loving citizens of A mi Arbor. Messrs. 0. 14. L. Crozier, Qeo. Bcoit, I'. I). Woodruff, and Jas, B. Saunders] represented Ann Albor Lodge, No. 320, I. O. G. '1'., in the District Lodge, at their nieeting held at Bellville, Wayne County, on Wedñesday last. A tood time gcnërally I ie lorted l.y thein; and tliey believe the tempéranos sentiment is rapklly growing " the order ol Good Templara it least. Tliey speak very Iiiglily of the reception extended them by the peonle of Bellville, aud the oflieers and uiembers in general,' ind oí the earnest desire lelt by all the ''''l' 'i-iinw! peoplo they met, toelect men in eoping ck-ctions who would see to it that tlie preseqt ltquqr law was so strictly .enforeed as to niake it practically a f. hihitory one, in the rural districís at least 1'. 1). Woodrnfl1 wm elected district counselorand J. B. Baondm district carrier. The January term of Circuit Court will opon on the 2d of next month, and the jurors are to be on hand at 10 o'clock a. m., January !th. The following jurors have been drawn from the several townships of the county- Lyndon being the only townahip not rcpiesented. From Ann Arbor rown, Kveret H. Scottj Ann ArborCity, lat 'lisjjict.John B. Allen; 2d district.Thos. Keanis; 'M district, Guy Beckley; Augusta, Martin Brelning; Bridgewater, Emmet Allen; Dexter, Christoplier Lavey; Freedom Peter Xeiss; Lima, John M. Woodngeyer; Lodi, Frederick Laubengayer; Noiüitulcl, SU-wart Fitzgerald, and Timolliv Doimvan; Pittsfield, Milton II. Begole; ölem, David L. I'erkins; Saline, James Boyt ; Sharon, MadisonDavis; Scio, James üsborne; Superior, George Mc Dougal, Jr.; SyTvari, Michael Savage; Webster, James lucas; York, Geo. F. Richards; Ypsilanti '!' n, Stephen C. Yates; Ypsilanti City, Ist district, Ilerschel Goodspeed, 2d district, Oliver E. Thompson. A íellow that occupies a part of a doublé house on the north end of State street had B ilngular adventure a few evei:ings since. In the ianiily tliat occupies the otlier part of the house Is a young lady that ou that particular cvcning had a friend stopping witli her. About bed time this young m.irried fellow was playing priest for the amusement of bis wife, being ciad in the best substituto for a priestly robe that could be found. Ile was panding up and down the single hall when he heard, whom he supposed to be, the yonng lady of the house coming through the hall. Hedodged tato a Utmll bedroom, separated from the hall by curtains only, sei.ed a pillow and shot it out through the curtains striking the lady on the heiul. It happened to be the strange yoong lady and she, frightened almost to deatli, ran througli the hall and aroused the fumily. As tlie young man was not iu just thecondition to receive ¦ DJ'i hc bcgan tu tiemble considerably. Just a hia pursuers were about to run in upon liini lic waá rcM-iii'il by bis wlfe, and vows tliathc will oever don the priestly roU-s Rgakii


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