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1882. 1882. THE UK 0(111 FOR 1882 Promis...

1882. 1882. THE UK 0(111 FOR 1882 Promis... image
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1882. 1882. THE UK 0(111 FOR 1882 Promises btttcr service to its patrón s than ever before. Time and prosperity have increased its faciüties for gathcring the news and spreadlng it before the public. It ís the intentinn to im prove the paper in all departments, and lo fully maintain as reputation as an Enterpising, Well-Edited. Family & Political Newspaper. No journal n the United Stats has grown more rapidly, both in circulation and inlluence, durinir the past ten years, than The Intik Ochan, lts opimons are now more quoted la all parts of the country than those of any other newspaper published outside of New York. THE WEEKLYMTER ÖCEAN Is the most popular family paper publishcd in America, and now has a regular circulation of more than loo.Goo copies. In contrast with most Weekly papers issued from the offices of great Dailcs, The Wkekly Inter Ocean is carefully edited by an editor especially assigned to that duty. This accounts for the thorough manner in which the news from all the world is handled and the uniform excellence of its Literary columns. As a Leader In Political Thought and iction Th Ínter Ocean has a wider reputation than almost any of its contemporánea, lts ability and earnestness are acknowledged by all. For the accommodation of its readers The Inter Ocean has made arrangements with several leading Publishers by which thcir publications are ofiered in connection with Tui Weekly and Semi-Weekly Inter Ocean at reduced rates. Below is a nartial list : The Llbraryof Universal Knowledtfe ifemi(¦S large vols.,bound in cloth)with Weekly. Weekly. The Artlst's Album, an elegant work of art, with twenty colorea engravThe Proceedings of theNaüonaTRepublican Convention that nomi""f! Garfield. 337 pages 2 50 4 00 The Little Detective, or Housekeeper"s Scales. a useful article.... ;oo co Rural New Yorker (weekly) 'i 75 . je Andrew's Bazar (montlily) 3 00 t co Harper's Magazine „ 4 ro 5 75 Atlantic Monthly _ I 65 ? So The Century Magazine "!.!... 4 65 5 80 Breeder's Live Stock Tournal 1 Sc i 00 Harper's Weekly Í 4 L Harper's Bazar 4 60 580 Harper's Young People 2 30 3 So These offers are made for the aocommodation of the patrons of The Intek Ocean. The subscription prlce of Tui Ínter Ocian is as follows : Weekly edltion. postage paid, is $ 1 15 per year Weekly edition, postagepaid 2 50 per year Daily edition, postage paid _ 10 00 per year Sample copies of The Ínter Ocean will be sent on application. PÍCTIIRR OP Í.ARFIELD Every pergon subacriblng for THE INTKK OCEAN can eciire an elegant LI lli ographed I.11. . n. of the late ProHldent .1 11 mi' ..; 1 li. l.l.l, , n, i,,.Mv 10 CEXTS IPÍ MtlM I ION M I1M Ijll'IHIV PKKi: to pay postage and eipeimm, With carb picture ivill be sent a Tar-sliulle c-opy of a letter from General tiarfleld, returulng thanks for a eopy of thl picture. Send money In l(. j.1-1, -, . ,1 ketter, money Order, Bank li .11 r .... by Express, at our risk, and be snre and write the name and addreas of each subscrlbcr plalnly. Address THE INTER OCEAN, Chicago, III. THE ÁNN ÁRBOR BAKERY. We have secured the services of a first-class baker and pastry cook, and are furnishing a quality of bread that has never been excelled in this city. We are also making some ol the nicest articles in the line of pastry, many of them entire novelties in Ann Arbor. A good assortment of groceries and provisions will be found at our store. All orders for goods in our line will be filledand promptly delivered to any part of the city. A liberal discount will be made to clubs. HALL & MOSELEY, l No 23 North Main St. OSCAR O. SORG, HOUSE. SIGN AND I1MII Hl ALSO PAPKK HANOING. EAST LIBERTY STREET. All Work Done Promptly and Neatlj. ¦PWO FARMS FOR SALE. Oneofone hundred and twenty acres, and ¦11e of onehundred acres; both near the Ann Lrbor and Toledo R. R., aud also uear the )etrolt and Lanslng Rond. T D LANK Salem October 5th, 1881. lWö-7 i All kinds of printing and Job work will be one at The Coübiib offioo In better style and , t cueaper ratea than at any other liousa.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News