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¦ft, Harper's Weekly. ILLUSTRARED. Harper's Weekiy tand at the kead of American lllustrated weekly journals. By lts unpartlaan posltlon in politics, lt admirable carefully chosen seriáis, short lories, sketches, and poema, contrlbuted by the foremost artists and authois of t'ie day, it carries Inttruction and entertainment to thousand of American homes. It will alwayn be the aim of the publleher to make Harper's Weekly the mout popular and attraciive family newspaper In the world. HARPER'S PESIODICALS. Per Year: HARPBR'S BAZAR $4 00 UAKPEKH MAGAZINE 4 O HARPKH'8 WBEKLY 4 00 TbeTHRKB above publlcatlons '.'.'.'.'.'.'.".10 00 AnyTW'O ahove named 700 IIARPKR'8 YOÜNG PJiüPLB. i fin IIARPKR'S MAGAZINE ) HARPKU'S YOUNG I'BOPLE t 5 UARPER'S KKAiiKl.lMtAiiii.innAnT, 00 xear Í53 IJumbers) 10 00 Postaee Free to all subscrlbere In the TJnlted States or Canada. The Volnmei of the Weekly begin with the flrat Number for Jannarr of each year. When no time Is mentioned, it will be understood that the subscriher winhes to commence with the Number next after the receipt of order. Thu last Twelye Amiual Volumes of Harpar's Weekly, In neat cloth binding, will be sent by mail, poatage naid, or by eipress, free .r exprime (provided the frei(!ht does not exceed one dollar per volume) for $7.00 each. Cloth ('aes for each volume, snitable for blndln, will be sent by mail, postpald, on receipt of 1 00 each. Remlttances shonld be mado by Poat-Offlce Money Order or Draft, to avold chance of losa. Newspapers are not to copy thi advertisement without the expresa order of Hiupku & Bhothkus. Addree HARPBR 4 BROTHEK8, New York. MrWnTrloiT I Ul MUM MI I.1IL ,11 In Point of Excellence it Is Unsnrpassed, umi Every Family Will Appreclate it ana Knjoy lis Perusal. Evory man Bboald make hls home as confortable and attractlve as posible. A moet txM-uiiiil requisita to tbat end Is agood iicw-pitiMT. The ictuhh1 of Buch a newspaper nut only instllls tn the rislug generatlou a love of home, but Ís a constant Incentive to improvement. Strnpy art an e ucator, and asido from all otbur pareut should forego taklng luto nía fainily Thk Dktroit Fkkk Pheup. Kor the year 1882 we have to offer the standard features whlcb hare made Thb Khkk Pkemh the most popular journal in the world, and witb such addltions as wili prove of special Interest to Michigan readers. Addressing more parlicularly the farmer, we tak e extreme puiut to procure complete and accurate markut reporte. They embrace farm products of every chttracter, Inclnding live stock. The quoutiont, corrected to the tlay of publlcatlon, from all the leadine citles, &n wull m tbooe of Detroit, are given eacb weeC. A carefully organlzod syftem of reeular correppondenc throuu'hnut Michigan wlll give the readers early and complete intulligence of all happenings In the State. Atthispolnt we wlsh to remtnd reader that the best and fallest reports as well as emrliest news of all Important affalra, whether happening in MIchigau or elsewhere, will be fouud In The Fkkk Prkss. No nt'wspapcr hae brlghtor or more intelligent editorial commenUt on the leading topics of the day. None surpass lt in candor; none equal it in literary merit; none approach It in space, sparkle and vlvarlty. lts corre po uden cu. by lts superior excellence, has attracted great attention, and In thla especial department Tuk Fitm Pubks Is acknowledged to stand at the very front. Kfttdcrsof Th Frk Prbm wlll receive through lts columns an inteligible ldoa of uew books of merlt as they are from time to time pabltsbed. Liberal extracte and discrlminating reviews appear every eok, Attciitinn is invento histórica! topics and art leien lavlnHpuclul rfereace to our ownöiate in prupara'I'III. IIOIHllHLI. Kvery ldsueorTiiK Wkbklt Free Prks Isaccomiitmrd by " Tbe HuQnehold," a supplement devoted o social and domen tic topics, flower culture, fancy work, toilet and cooklng reccips and bouHebold maters generally. It is furnlshed without extra cbarge, nd every purchaser or subscrlber to The Wbcklt puee Prbss Is entitled to r'cive a copy. To sum ïip, all must conclnde Ümt The Weeklt 'rkk Phkhs and "The Household11 - a supplement whlch accompanles every Issue - though larnlshed together for $1.50 a year, compare in tho amount and xcellence of cuotenta wltb tbe best of tbe four dolr magazines. The Weekly Free Press and The Honsehold" together are iiraished at $1.50 a year. Liberal premiums, are gtven for clubs. Addruae Uera to THE DETROIT FHEE PUESS, l70 IIKIIIOIT m H.


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