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Skating at Caro. Farmers about Wayne were ptcmghlng last week. East Saginaw iptnt $642,792.62 in building last year. There are 33 lifc prisouers In the State piïsnii at Jaekson. The term of the Supreme court of thU Stato begins Jaiiuury 94. The small-pox has reached Grand Rnpids. Two deaths are reported. Some of the northern lui -uiers are reportui as plantiag port UK. Winter plauted potatoes do well. Hev. J. Donnelly, ot Ioniii, has accepted thecall to become pastor of the Baptist church at Coldwater. It II estimated that fully 18(6,060 wortli of buildings have been erected diiring the past year at Muskegon. (¦o. B. Horton, of Adrián, has been offered f 10,000 for the oak timber on laim at Fairtield, but has refnsed to sell. Congressman Lacey lias introducid a bilí into the House for a federal building in Lansing tu cost $75,000. Fernando Page, of. Grand Kapids, lias been given a potltion in the f old ing room of the House of Represeiitatives, at a salary of $750 a year. MatthiasTerrel, ofStanton, luid hisright hand completely cut off at the wrist hy the saw of a lath mili about which he FBI prorking a lew days ago. Tli ree stores were broken open on Tuesday nifjlit of last week at Vassar. The marauders were promptly arrested anil Rome of the stolen goods ïeeovered. Deputy Sheriff Amos B. Forbes, of Roscoiiinion, was shot recently while attempting to arrest a man naraed Titus, who was afterward arrested and lodged in jail. Frank Scherinerhorn, recently arrestetl for passing counterfeit money at Tataar and vicinity, has luid his examination and has been held for trial in Detroit. Febrnn ry 3d, his bail haviHjf been fixed at $1,1)00. The "oldest inhabitant"cannot recall the time in Muskegou's histoty when the lumber man ufact uring esta blislinients opera te 1 so long as they have this le&son. Some of the milis are ïunnilig now. So says the Muskegon Chronicle. On the lOth inst. a house belonging to August AlberU, of Friendship, Monto. ilm county, was burned. The only persona in the house were two children, one three years and the other six months old. Both were burned to death. The Pewaino riaindi-aler says that Harlin Egan of Hubbanlston had nearly all his upper teeth jerked loóse by a win clothes-line which he ran uto recently. The line entered his mout h and eaufjut back of his teeth, throwing hini over barkwards, teariug out four false teeth and loosening all the others on the upper juw. At the meeting of the executive eommittee of the state lioi ticultural society held at Jackson, December 20th, it was d'ecided to memorlali.e the leglslature to providc n chnir of horliculture and appoint a professor in the Agricultural college. This woi k has heretofore been done by the profesaor oí botany, - Lan'slog Kcpublican, Tbe Cadillac Newssays : T. T. Caldwell, of Missaukee ccunty, is a candidate for appointnicnt to the ónice of btate suanip land i-nminissioner, made vacant bj' the recent death of the Bon. J. li. Haviland, ot 'liaverse City. Mr. Caldwell has the requisita ability and experitnee to fill the position and has hostsof friendsln th is vicinity wUo would like to see hini appointed. It is reported that tbe Webster manufacturing company has secured the State prisonconvicts employed on the Schuit & Butler eooper contract, which may be discontinucd and the entire force COfloeutrated on the wagon contract. The succcssful l)id was 70 cents a man, against 65 by the latter firm. Mr. Schuit, is at tbe hc.iil of the extensive barrel and stave firm at North Lansing. A matter came to our knowledge to-day of interest and ospccially to mili men. The Barciu Bros. saw worka bavlog received an nrilwr for four Gti noli . .i-. . to bo made as quickas possible, succeded [ndoinu something unprecedented, so faras we bavc any knowledñ, In inaktng these tour large saws entire from the steel platel fittiny; them up ready for work and BOlppIng them within two days. - Muskegon Cbroulcle. It is reportad that Sojourner Truth, who resides in BattleCreek, wluic -heowii.-. two liouses and lots, has made her will. Ariiving, as 8he states, at the mature age of 106, when h' i.s supposed to be DOMMsed of dicretion, and beinfi, as she nfflrrai, "(ifsimnd UikIv and niind." she luisliled lier last (and 3rst) will and testament. She beqoeatba her iii'opci'tv, reuland pertonal, valued at tbout $.{.00 to $4,000, to her three dUfhten Hrinjt in Battle Creek. Althnugh haing manyotlier children In slavery, vet she does not know their namesor whëther they are now living or not. The Kust Baglnaro Courier ghes tlie followlng f oo tinga of tbc mdousi of lojn rafted out bj' the vari. ms Iiooiiumí: comíanle in the Sagiimw valley Iliis year: TitttibHwraee rhrer, 4!) 1,600,000 feit; Cnn river, 12,948,720; Bnd rirer, 8.874,006; Rifle river, 92,858,000 ; Au lires river, s;i,l Hi.niiii: Au Sable river, 1-60,233,347; Kawkawlin river, 16,(100,000; total, 856,592,067 het. Besidet these there cnme by rail tnd smal] trearasit total oi 164,964.600 feet, ItisesÜBiated theitl is held hark in tl.c sticuiiuiul in tlie booms a total oi 180,000,000 feet The total qimntity of logt rafled and In sijrlit at the close of operatlona is 1,481, 88T, 617 feet. an iiHTeasc over the sanie product at the close of 1Ö80 of 301,104,000. The Iron Hcrald gives tlie foUowlng deMrlptlon of tlie new raducins workj io be cslablished at NegaUBce, Mieli. Il U ,. peoted to complete the Mirveys tur tlie i etlnoing W nks l)iiiiiliii!,'s durlne the present week, mm) that the (Iriuiiihtsineii and lili IIwiifihts will arrive en tlie 26th lust., and inniieiliately proeeed iimkinx plans l.r the building and sueh ot the maelimery as is to be built The site aetectvd ti the maia buildiiif, which, as we undentand, is to ba aOOfeel in leilgth, IromöO tolillteet in uidth and 70 teet in heiffht, i direi'tly uorUl oi the .laek-on roe k diiiiiji at the tunnel, tlie blnfl to be teiraeed in BUcll a iiianner as to giva eiich Of the seveial 11 la rock toiliidatioii. and aieonliiifr to the pittMDtplMia will leave the sonth side oï the bÓUdilij on au angle oi afaoHl .'it) decreet, Shorüy atter the o the drauliUsinen umi niillwrlgot, 1 l'oree ot lroin iorty to fil'ty eaipeaten ill be iet at work oñ the trame of the baildioKa wliich an ruquired tobe oí the most wbaUotlal kind, in order to taln the powerflll inaehiiiery lo he employed. 'l'he rock lor treatinent is tu lie reeeived at the top of the building, run tlil'OUf(h a series ofcrn.shers on three ol i i Qooraal least, and then througb a ystcin of rollers, IriMead of being suliuitled to the stamping proOSMai heretotore Ititiniateil, attei u hieh water wlU ba nwd in leparatlnA by which ineinib the lowest K'des of rock treated will be reiluced to a umterial carrying froin 6.5 to 70 per cent. metallic iron. Mr. John P. Conklin, of Glens Fall.s, N. Y., is here in charge ol the prelimimiry ariant;enients, and i mt at liherty todivn'le the iiteutlou of the company furlher than that the great work will be iushed to coraplction as rapdly as possible, and is uot umv abk to mention any delinite time at which the mili will be set in motlon. Mr. Amaaa B. Stnne, a heavy capilalist- repnted at i!l."i,()O0,000- ot Cleveland, Ohio, is presídela ut thecttHpany, hile the otler nieinbers of corlonition are men of wealthand eoterprlse. t is now staled that a forcé of frOUl 500 to Ü0 men ill beemployed coutinually, and UmI the busineiMi of the concern will run into hundrcfls of tliousauds of dollars aumally.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News