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The Ubi York Trine. 'Thc Leading American ewspaer," During the yemr iSSa The Tribune hopes to tmiluy witn Ín creas ing succes the work and the methds which have won t'or it so Urge a measure of popular approval. It has attained, and means ncvcr to ose, the high standard of success which was aimed it by iU founder, the larptst circulatipn atnong thc íest people. So large a circulation and one so widely distnbuted over the eniire terriiory of the Nation has never bcen attained by any othcr newspapcr in the Jniled States. We accept thís fact as the verdict of he American people upon the conduct and character of The Tribune. The position it occupies could never been gaïned nor retained but by pre eminent nerits as a newspapcr, as an organ of sound opinioa, and an advocate of just public measures. In short, The Tribtne wil], as heretofore. continue to be the medium of the best thought and the voice of the best conscience of the time; will keep abreast of the h ít nest progress, favor the freest dis cussion, hcar all sides, appeal always to the most enightencd ín tel lig e nee and the purest moral ity, and refuse peremptorily to cater to the tastes of the vilc or the prejudices of the ignorant. The well-known special features of The Tribune will be carefully maintained. lts Agricultura! Deartment will remain as it is, thc fullest and best. The Household and Yonng Folks' Departments, the iterary, scientiiic, and religious features, the standard market reports, will all be kept up and extended as opportunity may serve. Valnable Premium.- The Tribune has never been equaled by any other paper Ín the permanent and substantial value of its premiums, and the extraordinary hberality of the terms upon which it has jflered Ihern to the public. We take pleasure in catlng attention of all intelligent readers to the followng offers : The Llbrary of Uu.Tersal Kuowlcdre, embracing Chambers'Enclopaedia complete, omitting only some of the cuts, with extensive additions by an able corps of American editors, treating about 15,M0 additional topics, thoroughly American i zing he entire work, adaing to it over 95 per cent. of the latest, freshest, and most valuable matter, the whole making 15 HandMome Octavo VolumcM of O by O inches in size, averaging nearly HM) iaH to the volume, prlnted in large type on rood strong calendered paper, and ncatly and subtantlaliy bound in cloth. Charles Dickens's Complete Works. An entirely new edition of the complete works of Charles Dickens, printed iroin new electrotype plates arge, clear type, on fine calendered paper, In 15 lohniK, :._, by 7'i Inches in alze, containng over Soo pages each, beautifully bound in cloth, filt. This is one of the handsomest edttions of Dick;ns's works ever issued. The price of the set of 1 5 volumes i& #L2.5O. We can send either Dickens's works or the Library of Universal Knowledge, as above deschbed, on the follow ing term : ( The Library of Universal Knowlwr ji' J edge, or Dickens's Complete works, as Forl.. 'S above described, and The Weekly Tri[bune s years to one subscriber. f The Library of Universal Knowlpn. aoa J dge, r Dickens's Complete works, as ror 1 above described, and The Weekly [Tribune 5 ycars to one subscriber. The Library of Universal Knowl7 na J dge or Dickens's Complete Works, as ¦for 1W. ¦) above described, and ten copies of The (. Weekly Tribune one year. f tu T thj-ary vf Universal Knowl-, nH ! edge, or Dickcnsrs fnrnpttw,w..i, -. ror -j above deacribed, and twenty copies oí [ Thc Weekly Tribune one year, The posUge on the Library of Universal Knowledge, if sent by mail, will bc 21 cents per volume; on Dickens's Works 15 cents per volume, which the subscriber will remit if wishing them thus sent In .mekages, by express, tliey can bc had much cheaper. The Oreat Bible Concordance. Analytical Concordance to the Bible. on an entirely new plan, containing every word in alphabetical order, aranged under its Ilebrew or Greck onninal, with the literal meaning of each and its pronuciatton ; exhibiüng 311,000 refcrences, bcyond Cruden ; marking 30,000 arious readings in the New Testa ment; with the latest information on Biblical (icography and Antiquities, etc, etc. By Robert Ynunjj, LL. D., authoror a new Literal Translation of the Hebrew and Greek Scriplures ; Concise Critical Comments on the same ; a Gntmmatical Analysis of thc Minor Prophcts in Hebrew; Biblical Notes and Querles; Hebrew Gram mar, etc. This great work is comprised in one handsome quarto volume, containing 1 ,100 threc-coluinn pages, neatly and substantially bound in cloth. It is at oncea Concordance, a Greek, Hebrew, and Knglish Lexicon ol Bible words, and a Scriptural Gazetleer, and will be as valuable to studeuts of the Holy Word as an Unabridged Dictonary Ís to the f;eneral reader. In fact, every home that has a Bible n it ought also to have this great help to Bible reading and study. It is as well adapted to the use ol the common reader as to that ol the scholarly clergyman. We. offer it, in connection with The Tribune, at the followmg remarkably low rates : For $0 the Concordance and one copy of The Weekly Tribune five years, or five copies one year, to different addresses. For ftll tha Concordance und one copy of Thc Semi-Weekly Tribune five yeats, or five copies one year, or ten copies of the Weekly Tribune one year, to different addresses. Kor ift'20 the Concordance and twenty copies of The Weekly Tribune one year, to different adtiresses. The postage on the Concordance ís 40 cents, which the subscriber will remit if wishing it sent by mail. Except for short distances thc mail will bc cheapcr than the express. I 'iiatriljLd Dlctlonarle. - We can furnish the new revised and enlarged edition of either Web ster's or Worcester1 Quarto Unabridged Dtctionary and The Weekly Tribune five ycars for $12; or The Weekly for 917. Remember that these are the new and enlarged editions of these great works. A BEAUTIFUL GIFT. There ought to be n every home and every office in the land good portraits 0 james A Garfivld and hts heroic wife. Toenable every one to possess them, every subscriber to The Trioune who with his subscription, will send 10 cents additional to pay for nacking and postage, will recerve as a present from The 1 ribune an elegant lift-like portrail of the late President Garficld or his wife, wnichever may be preferred, or for 20 cents addional we will send them both. There portraits The Tribune has had engraved Ín the stylc, and they are perfect foce-similcs of the best crayon likenesses ever taken of the martyr Presidentand hts noble wlfe. Thev are beautifully printed on fine plate paper, 22 by 24 inches in size, and will bc ornamentes to any parlor, library, or office. TERHIS OF THE TRIBUNE. (Without Premiums.) TUK WKKKLY I Hl Ml MC. Topy, one year - - #.M Kl. Cnilc - - l..'.0eall Ten ople, one year - - l.OOearH. And one extra copy with every ten names ; or any person making; up a club may rctain per cash, com mission. THK SE.niWEF.KLV I lililí NK. Slnisle Tony, one year - - Í3.OO i. i'" var - - - 2..Í0 each Ten ol-, n" yea r - - i.OO a-h And one free copy with every ten names ; (ir. llie person making up a club may reuih ten per cent cash. commission. The price of The Daüv Tribune, including the Sunday Kdilion, is tJ per year. $3 for threc moothi Éi.vfor one roonth. Without the Sunday hditiun $10 per year, $J.CO for tbree months, $! for on month. The Sunday Kdition alone i tl per vear We cannot alTord cliib rates or comimssion 011 Dall) (ubscriptions. SPECinEN oril-.S f eithcr edition o The Tribune sent free nd postale paid to any ad dresi. We want an agent ut every Post-ofhce in th l'nitcd States where we have not one now. Kenut Uoces should bt made by registered letter, Pott-ofna order ordraftonNew Yort. Addres THK TKIBt'JfK, New Vork.


Ann Arbor Courier
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