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Lost - Between the residence of E. L. J. Smith and this city a prayer book, hearing the name of Anna Seedle on its leaf. The fínder can lea ve the same at Bitch & Abel's store. lwk. It will pay to see Wines & Worden's enonuous stock of Ladies' and Children's Gloves and Hosiery; the best in the city. Ladies In need of Mourning Goods will find it to their interest to see our assortment of Bombazine, Australian Crape, Crape de Lion, and all gr:ide9 of the wellknown Courtland English Crapes. WINE8 WORDEN. The Fonillion French Kid Qlmt is the best Kki now In inarket. A complete assortment of this beautiful Kid always in stock. Also the best $1.00 Kid in the city. WINES & WORDEN. In Wines and Worden's stock of Dress Goods you can find Black and ; CiisUmeTes,Cashmere Plaid.i, Roman Stripes, a full line of the genuine and only Broadhead Gerrnantown Mohair?, tbr which we have the exclusive sale in this city. Also a complete variety of the celebrated Manchester Malanges and Cashmeres. A full assortinent of Silk Plushes, Brocades and Velvet in Black and all the new shades at Wines and Worden's. Our stock of Carpeta, Oil Cloths, Rugs, Mats, Matting, Crmnb Cloths, etc, is always full and prices the lowest. WINES & WORPEN. Tlioso desiring a nurse for the sick, will please remeiuber that Mrs. Guernsey has had experience, and solicits your patraonafre, orders left at the dressmaking rooms ot' lira, Cooper, 43 Main Street, up-stairs. 1061-78 The best, cheapest and largest variety of Bteacbed and Brown Duniask Table Linens, Germán Loom Dice, Turkey Reds, and a large attortment of Towels In Damask, Hurk and Honey C'omb at Wines & Worden's. Cloaks caeap at Wiues & Worden's. 10C4-71. Free of Charge. All persons suffering from Coughs Colds, Asthma, Bronchitis, Loss of Voice or any affection of the Throat and Lungs, are requested to cali at Eberbach & Son 's drug store and get a Trial Bottle of Dr Kinjf'8 New Discovery for Consuinption, free of charge, which will convince them o its wonderful inerits and show what a regular dollar-sie bottle will do. Cali early Pliysicians say Hops and Malt Bitters are the best. B. K. of F. For Cholera, Cholera Morbus, Diarrhcea Dysentery, Oamps and Pains in the Stomach, there Is nothing equals Beebe's King of Pain. Piice only 25 cents. Sold by all druggists. ' 1008-1120 Don't Take Quinine. If you want to get rid of Malaria or the Cliills don't take quinina but wear the harmless remedy - the Lion Malaria and Liver Pad and Body and Foot Piasters. The cheapest remedy ever offered. The Whole fiomhiiifid for on dollnr. For sale by Druggists. ÜSTOTICE. The annual meeting of the Ann Arbor and Lodl Plankronri Company will be held on Tueaday, the tenth day of Jauuary, A. D., 1882, at 10 oclock a. m., at the office of ttie compauy, loCHted at the toll-gate of the b iid company, in the Second Ward, or the city of Ann Arbor, to elect offlcera and trananct uch oiher businoMH aa may be deeraed nrceaaary. KMANUEL MANN, Treaaurer. Ann Arbor. December 23, 1881. 1071-72 "püREST HILL CEMETERY. Notice Ik hereby glven that at the ann aal meeting of Foreet Iltll Cemetery Company of Ann Arbor, to be held at the tore of Emannel Miinn, Jaanary 3, 1882, at 12 o'clock, p. m. A propotition will be mbnifiti'd to the atockholder of the corporatton to amend artictes two and tbree of the artlclea ol aaeoclation, relativo to the election and power of the board of trnetees, so as to conform them to the amendments to the luw under wblch the company ia orgauized, enacted by the lelulatare at the laat aeaalon. By order of the Board of Truatree. f E. B. POND, Clerk. Ann Arbor, Deo 28, 1881. 1 wk NOTICE7 Offioe of tbe Washtinaw Mütdal I FlRE l-NBURAMCE C'OXPANT. Ann Arbor, Dec. 27th, 1881. Notice ia hereby given, that the Annual Meeiing of the Wahtenaw Mutual Fire Inaarance Company for the Klectlon of Orneen and otbor buslnens will be held at the Conrt Houae, in the City of Ann Arbor, on Wedneaday, January llth, 1882, at 10 a.m. STBPHKN FAIRCHILD, 1071-72 Secretary. A $20.00 Biblical Reward. The publixbertt of Katledgtí's Mnutbly Ín the prlze puzzle lfJtiriint-:it ol ihtïir Mutitlily for January oftVr thu Tulluwin eaey way fur hobu; otie tu make 20.(X): To Ihe perton telling u how mnny timen thr word Moseti 1h iiHed In the New Testament Scripturet (nottheNew Kevittiou) by Jan. lOita, 1882, wc will tiive $0) 00 In gold &a a pnze. Tha mouey will ba forwaraed to tlie wiunor Jauuary 15th, 1S2. Those who try for the prize must send 20 cents wlth tbelr jin-wi-r, f(ir which they will receive the Ffhnmry number of ihe Mocthly, In which will be pnblichea tbe name and addreas of the winner of the prize, with ihe correct annwer thcreto. Cut thts out: it may be worth f'iO.OO to you. AddroHc, Rutleae lublÍKhiiiií CoDipany, Kastou, Pa. 1071-72 P INSEY & SEABOLT'S BAKERY, GROCEIH AKD FLOUR AND FEED STORE. We keep conatantly on hand, BREAD, CRACKERS, CAKES, ETC, FOR WHOLBSALÏ AND HBTAIL TRAD. W9 shail alio keep a snpply of 8WIFT DBDBEL'8 BB8T WHITK Wil E Al FLOÜR, DKLBI FLOUR, RYÏ FLOUR, BUCKWHBAT FLOUR, CORN MEAL, FEED, Ac, Ac. At wholeaale and retail. a general stock ol GROCERIES AND PROVISIÓN conatanlly on hand wblch wil] be eolú on aj reaaoo able terma at at any other houae In the city. Caati pald for Butter, Bgga, and Country Prodno generallT. 0r"ood dellvered to any part of the cttj wltl nat extra charge. jr KINSIY SIAO1,T. All kinds of Booli-Blndlnc iloue at Tke Comrler Office oo ahort motlr


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News