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Fací whirh Cannot be Dlsputrd. One ( the principal reaatnw ot Uw ""- l.-iïul smc(c.-.s Of Dunk's Camphorated fc frita riM its manufacture is tlmt it is preparad striotly m honor. lts preprJetof i latend to nv any InJfcrior "ooits, mi iix-s tin1 xfiy baat tlmt cm bc boujiht ii th markct ngardleM of eoat I( h re.-iviii!T enclnrsriniMit ot' OKU tas hyand It preacribed by tham datly. hal Dr. O. 1'. l;trlfr. of Sa-iim ,'iiy. Midi., lapt: IHTTl'K OKDh. O. I' IIUIHBB, I SaxinawCity, .Midi., Jan. 15, 1881. J W. I!. lioore, K.-(, .: Dfiir iip- Havu nsed your preparatlon tiiowii ai Duok'i Camphorated Amia, i ikI can uniicMtiitingly reoommend it m bc externa! appltóatlon I have ever wan 'or Bruises, Chapped Handt or Faca, Rhetinaiisiu, etc, in het wlicievcr au externa. ippltcadoa is awdod. Foura, 0. P. Barer. tkddbyall druggbta, Price, 50 cent -r bottle. Mothprs ! Mothers ! ! Motliers ! ! ! Are you distnrbed at iiïirlit and hrnken f your n-st by u sick chlld luffering and ryinjf vrith the axcmetatisff pain ot oul Ing teetbl II' ao, go at once and eet a of MUS. WIN8L0WS SOOTH] i:i I'. It will relieve the little ullerer imiMcdiiitcly - depend upou il; there ¦ nu mlstake about it. There II not n notber on earik wtoo baseTeriMed t, who vill not tel! you at once that it will i :ite the limvcis, umi jflve lest tO the ïnotber, ud relief and bealtli t the cliilil, npcralng like mafiC. It II perfeetly sute (O n all cases, and plelMant tO tlu? laste, and ,nd N the preacrlptton of one of the oj nd l'st témale pliysicians and ri 11 r-he United States. Sold erery where enti ¦ bottle. ïoci-uii; PILES ! PILES!! PILES!!! L Sure Cure Foiiufl at Last. Out' Xeeil Suffer. A sure ein-e b' tbe Blind, Bleedlug, Itcli Hgalld l'leenited l'ilcs lias heen dllOOTered ly Dr. Williams (all Inflian remed Jr Williams Indian Olntment. A si iox lias n red tlie oist rhronie e -i-es i i 25 .nd 90 yeans ibindlny. Noone iicedmtffer ive ininutes atii t applylng tbis wondcrfii! Oothlllg dieine. i.utii.iis. I n-l ninienl-, nd do more banu tlmn giioíl. tVilliains' Ointmeul abaorbi the luiuora, llatin' intense Itculug ( partícula rljr al lijjbt after gettlng warm In bod), net , poltice, gives tmtant and palnless wlief, ,n. I is preparad only for riles, Itcbing of he private parta, and nowlng etae, Kcad wliat tbe H011..I. M. ('olllnbei ry. .1 ( leveland, siivs ab(it Dr. VN Iliains' In lian Tile Oiiitiui-nl: 'l bave IMed Scoren .f pile cures, bul it afibrdi me pleaiun ay ibal 1 have aever Ibund any tMng vilieb gaT sucb :nmediateand j-icriiKim-n! eliefas Dr. Wil'iams' Indian Ointiiient." For sale by all druggiaU, or malled en oelpt of pnce $1.00. .1 s. E DAVIS 4 CO. Wholewte Drogrists, Detrot, Mieli., Agenta. 10 Fnr -ale by II. BBOWM & Vo. Beaoned Krom Deutii. Wi liain .1 CoojfbltB, of Sonurville. daM., says : " In the fall üf 1876 1 was aken wiih a violent blaeding of tlie lungs, ollowed by a severo cough. I was 30 weak ,t nne linie as to be uoable t-n leave my led. In the summer of' 1877 I as adaitted to the city hospital. While there he doctors said I had a hole in my left ung as big as a half dollar. I was so far nae at one time that a report went around hat l was dead. I gave up hope, hut a riend told me of Dit. Ym. Uai.i.'s Balam kor 111E Lusos. I got a bottle when o my surprise and gratificaron I couiDencnd to feel better, and to-day I fee! in letter spirits than I have iu the past tliree eais. 1 write this hoping every one afflicted rith diseased Luugs will be induced to take )e. Wm. Hall's Balsam for the Lunos md be oonvinced that cousuiuption ean be :ured." Sold by DruüAists. 1026-78 TUTT'S PiLLS INDORSED BY PHYSICIANS, CLERGYMEN, AND THE AFFLICTED EVERYWHERE. THE GREATEST MEDICAL TRIUMPH OF THE AGE. SYMPTOMS OF A TORPID LIVER. Lomo fppetite,Nau8ea,lo wel oostive, PaiD in theïTend.with a d u 11 ensation in the back part, Pain ander the shoulderbïade, fullnensafter eating, with a disinclination to exertion of body or mind, Irritability of temper, Low npints. Loas of memory, with a feelinf? of navlnR nep; lected ome duty, weariness, Dizzines, ïluttennKof th Henrt, Dota before the ejes, Vollow Skin, Hcadarho, Hestleasbesa at night, highly colored Urine. IF THESE WARNING8 ARE DNHEEDED. SERIOUSDISEASESWILLSOONBEDEVELOPED. 1 TU'1"1"S PILLS re enpeclally alapted to (tiichraHfN.oiifdoHn ITtM I s sucha chango of feeling kr to nHttiiiish the sufferer. They Ihr Appelltr. and cause tbe boly to Tmke on ll%li. ihiis system Is nfMirfBhed.aii'l by tli'trToiilc Actionün the llli.ii.-iieip., H.unliii .i.m.I are )iro(lüi-c.l. IT[i-y '1 .. in-, mitiirrm!.. Ü.T. TUJT'S HAIR DYE. Hi A K by a slujd applttation 01 n.wuu iinpartH a natural color, art.s Inliiluii"uuV. iosab7Dni(ftBU,or ssDt bypri ' ? Office, 30 Murray St., New York. (I)r. 11 n-H IM II "f v.l„.l,u hknuUa ¦¦"! k BkM I1.I1. -III It ailM KkK .... IssHsijlS V HM S5 Rpgulate th I.lvrr poilllvelyeure tl III' Dyapppnta, IndlirrMloii and Blek II 111 llri.Jn. l.i . I ' ¦ :i ( ontlpnlion, reII It] . lllliouiiii ¦, relieve "f KIii-iiihii,M Hl [Urn, purlfy the Hlooil.Hrausc Uw Klit¦ Rl ners correct the Stouuicti uuu llow cl, 1 H ¦. ! ; 1 . llitrn ,.-. S Illlffh ¦ ¦ il Ihat soiirí sS II Uh. Int iirornti', 1'uriryuiKlSlrrniilh 0 lira. Thev supply Kruin, itluwulnr aml Ji 1 II Nene torre. Vigor to the EnlViblrd, Jjl lili Tour aii'l Mmiid '" ' " U" Kxhu iinIiiI, KI MlmnINourUI nl In the YnuiiKaml Au I g Ih No HA-rrn whftt your oonilltloo,or bnw muiK 1(1 Hj OTrcom by dlMe, TRY THKM. It rret ia wil B bslthr ftottnn or the Vital Fohcch, BtiinnUtlnk' Hl MH si i .,tin ('jm-i'i ATioM nrt promoting Oo-'ii l'iHl 9 ocvtiom. Ci kak CuarLExiuM, Kxjuwl, aüd ViuuüH Hfll :.!¦! Mlt.l TH. H u&nMi ihhulroniTiidoor llH j M ( onflnrmrnl. Oterwork or llcnr. II Q r lf vuur Itrain Ih (vertftxi'd. Itlu-lfM [1 H and ïierve Wi'nkrnrd t' l'isn of s U II or app'tlte, or buglnesM str&ln, thcy will Inl IHIXourlÁh. Strengthpn anil Rewtorn you. [ JT a:r-j-t M i.'TTJJ HUI Hiti'J lili visiTORs:;;.",:;::::1,:; un liis i ion ol' our rare llectlon or HOMDAV (ioii for the NfiiKoii ol' IMJU IMITMOO, Jewelers and Diamond Importars. DETROIT. (OlllllsHIMIiAU. HOMdTltn. 1064-71


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