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The receipts of the nutioiuil land ' pague Bince formaiion are L1,200. Bisraarck réjjaïds the deáth of GamBtta is the greateet loss that oovtW have betañen the poliUoal life oiEurope. The railway betwoen Genova and Belgrade in Switzerland is waéhed away, snd railway eoinmumeation with Franco anil Italy utorruptt'd. Delanoey, who waa found guilty of ÏDnspiracy tO raarder Judgc Lawscn, in Dublin, Borne time since, lias buen aeotenced to 10 vcars' penal servitude. The lloods in Germany continuo lo lucreose. The town of ltobstailt is cntirely submergcd. At Woisbadcn lü,000 persons are rondeved honioless, and Miuinlieim appears to stand on au isthmus in the middlc, of a vast sea. Relieí committees are boing formcd, and appeals for aid widely cirevüated. Gen. Cluui.y, the great Freneh general and life senator, died auddenly of apoplexy, Thursday, .Tan. 4. Great hopee liad been founded'on this man. and his death is a great BOÏTOW. Lord GránVaie PposesUiJ-canll2JU'li'BUIjjc(.l lo mies fortíddlúg tielligerent opetatlons, both ivitliin ils ehannels aud within certaln distauees of its extrcmities. The Ithiue and its tributarles are The studente in the Univeisity f lome have been arrestedto prevent tliem from nvaülng a bust of Overdank. Portugal and EnglAAd haye eome to n ogseement tegawliBg lbo control of theterriory on the west eoast of África. In a recent tour of inspeetioii the hief secretaryof [reland vlslted 20 families aml ound ïiot a moreel of lood in any house. Mr. Scxton, M. P., says thé leaders of he Irisli party are determined to earry on tho igitation for the indépendfeiicé of Ireland. The Empovorof Germauy is coniident hut the bteaily developniunt and progres3 of rade the past ycar will continue andlsturbcd. TIhí funeral of (am'oettaon Saturday, fan. (j. was the oet-asion of the most lmpo&lng lisplay and general sorrow knowii in Krauee dnce the burial at TWéts, The streetsof I'aris ,vere throtigBd with inouriiers and aamirers. ind In many respecte the spectacle as tlie btdjesslon ïnöved was unexainpled. Qrations were delivered bv the most eminent men of the nation, eulogi'stie. of the man whosé wliole lile had been speut in efforts to promote republican ubíoo and to save Franca. DcLesseps will accompany the expedition to Algeria to decide upon the feasibillty of convertlng a portion of the deseo of Sahara into au inlaad sea, as phumcd by him. A Liverpool dispatcli dateá .i:ui. 8th.-, jrivesUie particulars of a eoüision betwcin tl1 m _ . 1. ? 1. -i 1lH1II, - . V-i mili "fllï I unían Une Bteamshlp Ulty oí tsrueeeia ana me Kirbv Hall, wMcb occurrcd ora Saturday ' iDo-Jan. 0. The log was so dense t-hat Capt. J Land oí the City of Brussels deeided not to atlempt to inake headway, bat Ummainnear the lightship. Every precaution was taken to ' ivarn approRChing vesscls. of Bfer hereabouts, ¦ ivhen suddenh the sound oí a vessel [ng was heara, and a largfe Bteánl novine ranidly through the water loonicd uj) thrpugb thefojr. The JUrby Hall struck je starboard bow oí the City of Brttsêels, etittfng lier down to the wáter's edgc. Whon thc collision seemed inevitable everytUpg was done on board the City oí Brussels to protèct the 1 lives of the passengers and crew. LilV-buoys were served out, boats were Bwung, and every ! preparation made lor the emergcncy, wtoeh proved to be more eritieal and mmeuTate . tlian had been antieipated. In ahout 30 ; utes aftcr the collision the vcsscl gave !l niendous lureh. and plBnged into the depths with a learlul noise. The BCflne ivas ¦ rendins; in the extreme, l'he Kirby Hall was bo crippled ironi thc collisiuu as to be nnable to render assistauee. 'I lie Ijoats of ihe City ol Brussels pieked up everv person possible, and plaeed them on boanUlieKirbylfall. Wheuthey were must ered Itlnras iound that two passengere and eigüt ol the erew were lost. iftftet a thorbugh eearch, the men veuluring as near the sinkiug vessel as tliev dared, without danger of being sueked down with her, the bodies ol seeond oiiieer ÏOUBg and ship earpenter Woods were recovered. Alter thfi searehUhe kirby Hall started lor Liverpool, where she hmded the fiirvivors late Saturday Difflrt. H 1b not vet positively knowa how many hves are lost. " Passengers lost everything. rhose on board the unfortuuate vessel bear testimony to the laithlulness and ellk-ieney ot Capt. Land and his ollieers, and say Ihat thepresenee ol mind and eoolness displayed bv them in the hourofperil was most remarkablc. The eaptaiu and the ehief eugiueer, James lodd, were the last to leave the boat. The lost eleamshlp was built of iron, and up toa few years ago Avasknown as the faslest vessel on Ino Atlantic. F-riends of (iludstone are greatly alarmedat liit, emulition. His inedieal idvisi-rs declare absolute rest imi)erative. ïho flooda of the Danubi aio slowly abaliug. The loss to property is appaling, but thèdëath roll no( so largo as rotgbj havr In-en expected. A party of revengefal italiana plaearded theltalian eonsulateiitMarseilles, a few evenings sinee, as ïollows: -'Death to the Emperor of Austria. We will avenge verdank' Gen. Chanzy's death was oawscd by the burstingof a Wopd veggel In hls liead qjiriug sleep. Iu the Cci-man reichstag the qutíst;on of the Importaron of American pork is still being eonsidered. As the iloods abfitB umi the waters of the Rhine and Main reeede the terrible ravages of the liood beeome more appareut, some. ot whieh can uever be repaired. Seareelv have the eminent FrenoEmen, (amiutta and De Chn been laid to ret. ere the cable auuounces the dcath ol (jpn. DeValdan, soproniinent in the Francp-Trussian war. - CRIME. The appellate court of Chicago afürmsthoBcntcncc of Judgv Oary fliiTi.g 20 keepers ot $100 eael . i action afloras great Batiactiop to ihe betni dass of eitizens, as it eomes nea.rr toenf.'i emg the law than any previous legal action has done. 1! Valkeuhaimer, :i niihvay postal clerk was arrested at St. Louis on the morni, g of -lanuary 3, charged with witholding mail a.idnssedto August Boardman of the to isvi Ie 1 tterv, andto the Courier-Journal. ihe letters were iouud Hing ou the counter in Uto office, but he says Hi.y were simply overlooked ad would haveVen transmitted nnnKu.ate y. He bas been 17 yettrs in the portal service and is highly connected at St. Lome. The treasiirer of Tennessee bas absconded, and his hooks show a deficit ot over 1400,000. Np elue as to his whereabouts.. natíos Aij caj'ital. The Sapreme oourt has resmneil ts eittinge. The numborof standard silrer Jol ar.-, in circulatiou January 1, 1S84 Sf3791'048 the amount Jjkn. 1, tö, W'"8'888' Advcrtisunients are in preparaüon foi mail service, mail station and translcr sen ie o con nuiuc'e Jan. 1, and continua tour ew ta DetroU, Kansas City, St. Lonto and Chicago 1 The amount of money to be refunde ¦ incaíe oí a reduction oftaxes on stocks o ¦ tobo,cigar&matcBc8,etc-,iiowoanii ertinialèa Cy Comnüsaionej: Raum tobe ?.ü - 080,716. . .. Petitions continue to ponv m iroi) ill partsofthe country urglng Bpèedj legtelalion 011 the tobaoco fax. Guslayus Gowanl of Illinois has ben nmmnated liy the President as secretary ot legation of th: 1 nited States to Japan. Gen. Corastock, beforc the Mississip li river cominittoc1, est imated that the entire navigation of the river could not be seeurcd tor lessthan $0(i,üOU,(Mto, without regara tolevces. The postenast'er-gcneral has named the customary eommittee of three to opeu bids for star route contraéis. Th(! sceretarv of state luis writlentho Chinese minister 'that Chinese laborera will h; pcriiiittcd to pass through the United States. Gen. Comstock hasinforraed the Missisipni river iniprovement eominittee that ievees are not desirable in eonnection with the woi lint iinproving the navigation of that river. ('ilii'n.s of Washington believe the high prices thev liave been coihpeUed to pay for gas is the result of congrcssional favoritism.'and they are trving to prevalí upon eertaiu ïneinbers of eongress t( secure a rearess and stoppage of their wrougs. The tremurer of the '-}}irXTf fund bas reccived .ïltOeonti-" zens of I.yons, F2--' . ., mr (hé grand jtirj for atternpting 1" conmpl tlie star route jury, of whleb hc was foreman. 'Vw Sccretury of the navy asks the öcnate for an adclitional nppvopriation toput tlie l'iiisarola navv yards in a suita'ile COndition. Tho i'resideut Jias approyed the act to re-imburaé the icilizens of Orcgon and California for moneys paid in tlie suppressiim ot ludían h'wtilitics during the Modoc war. An applicatiou lias been made to the BPcretary of the treasury to dismiss the tobáceo case of lioüicchild Bros', of Detroit, and accept i compromis;; ol $1,000, the snit against the parties beiig for s-;s,oun. The sécretary of the treasury has authorized tlie coinage oí aBCw5-cent nickel pieoe, of a aew design, and a larger than the ]rcseut eoin. (ion. Longstreet, who cominandoil a part ot the rebel force at the second battlfi of Kuil Kun, has writtcn au open letter to Grant, conlirming the latter's views in the case of l-'itz Jolin Forter and exoneratinu l'ortrr trom all blame. CÓffOBÉSSIÓjAÏ.. - Jan. 3.- A uumber of petiiions were presented lor a utioual uncndment prohibiting the manufacture and sale of alcoholie liquors. The bill forthe rciustatement oL Fit. John Porter was the only luer-.tiou before the Scuate. Logan resumed md couctófled his argument in oppositiön to the bilí. The general üiscussion was particlpatcd iu by Sewcll, Hawlcy, Hale and otters. A test vote was taken, the rcsult of vhich that the bill will probably pass tbc Senato unlcss lUlbnstcrhii; prevent Housk.- Mr. Ilatch of Mlssomi, presented a telegraco f rom the St Louis umrcautile exchange- Mking for' immeddatc actlon nu the "Sherman ESteusion" bill, and Mr. Shcrwin oL' IllinoW, presented a memorial trom the American social seience asaociatlon, asking lor qn.appi-oprlatlcmior state éaueationalpurpos es. 'Plu' Bo'üse went intn coinmittceof tbc whohon tbr annv appropriaMon bill. Au uniinatec diacueslon 'was lndulged in. in the course of wliicli Mr, Fliscock madèTa'statemeEt denying that tbêre exteted Söy prc-ooiudvcil plat to ereate dcflciencies tobe provided for by the next eousrtss, thnugb the coiiiniittcc on appropriations of the 4(itb congress had Iütenttónallv thrown a large amomit of defieiencj upon lu' 47th congics.í ïhis etatciacut angorcd the Deiilocrats, and a livcly dlspn'te ¦ arose. Satcastie ppeeelies wcre made, cloi-ingwüha scatliin" retort by Mr. Keed of Jlaine. No actioi iinon the bill was taken. The DtstMct O Coïumbia appro]Jriatton bill ws reportertjad reteia-ed. ïhe amount apBropriated ia $3,000,000, a deercase of $30,000 fromthC approprlation tbr the eurrent yenr. Senate.- Jiin. I.-Mr Morrill of Vennont. reperted the HotMfl bil! to reduce the interna! revenue tax witb au amendment embraeiiiítan entire revisión of the tariff, and of the mannerof lts collection. Mr. 'Kdinunds subqütted a bill proyidtog for additioual compensatïon to witnesses in Cnited States eourts. The West l'oiut apprBpriatloO bill was taken vip and passed. The Fitz John Fort er case bas becnilaid over untiï Thursday. The bonded wliisUy bill was takcu up and diseusaed. Several amendments were offered, and after au earnest debate, the bill passed. House. - Apctition of eiti.ens ofOhio was preseuted bv Mr. Noal, asking that the civil service bil! bc so amended tliat persons acting as attorneys of railroads or steamship companies, ))( incligibleto liold a position in either braneh of Cougress or diii f of department or bureau. Referred. Tbe House went iutocomuittee of tbe whole and discussed the army appropriatiou bill. The Wil was passed. lt iBtálns a provisión for gradual abolition oltlic ay corps of the army. Péndletpü's civil serce reform bill was rëported back to the House. ebate ensned, and after the question had icen tliroughly discusscd the bill was then jt to vote and paaaed, The voie atoodi yeag, ,:i5, nays, 47. Senate.- Jan. f- Mr. Ingolls, of anas, introduced a petition for the adinison of Dakota as a stMi and in the comise of risrcniarks he said the opposition to ils adïission was wholly parifeac. The reniark msed considerable discussion, but 110 act ion as taken. A bill was passed granting au apropriatlon for a survey to ascertain tlie praecability of uniting thé ailluents oí the Misi.uri and Coluinbia river by a canal. The bill hich passed the House January 2, relfltklg to xportation oL tobáceo, snuft and eigars in ond free o( tax to ad}aceat loreign terntory asreportedto the Seuate by Mr. Beek of ¦CinUicky, v. ith the aniendincut that the bill iiall ajiply to exports without regard to tlie ïethod of transpoitation. Tlu presidential uccession bill came ii[ as uuflnished business. n interesting debate occurred, sevcral amendleutswer!' oiTcnd and diseussed, but the 1)111 ¦asnot acted apon. HODBB.- But Ilfctle business was trausaetcd n the House. Scveral represeutativesexplaind liow tUt'V would havo voted on the civil 6er¦uee bill had they been present yesterday w hen ,he. vote was taken. As conimittee of the hole, the House then tooi; up the District of 'uluinbia appropriation bill. The ainount ealled for is $8,448,843', about $8l,W2 lc.-s thau the estimates. The bill passed. Sen.vti-: -Jan. ü.- An appropriaüon wasaskedfor by Mr. Slatcr oí Oregon. to Improye the to ('olunibia river. The bill pennitting the exportatiou of tobaeco, snull' and eigars free of tax to adjacent foreign territorii ¦.-, was jiassed. The presideutial s'ucecssion bill came up, and the discussion was opened by Mr. Maxcy of Texas. The subject was thoroughly canvassed in the debate hat followed, but no action was taken. Mr. Morrill of erinnnt introduced a resolution proviiling ior the ti ¦rinination of the llawaüan reeiproeily trealy.wiiich was tableil.and after a short cxecutive session the Senate adjourned. II, u -se.- Tlie speaker submittcd to the House the recommendation öt tl1 naval advldory board OKklllg an appro]niation 61 S-J(I,Ü(K) to provide for detective arniorsi and a message from the President transmitting a communies tlon from the superintendent of tbc census urg theneecssity of anappróprfation of 1100,00 to complete the lOth eensus,both of whieh wer ferred to the proper eoipmitteei. Theshippin; Ijill (uue U] lor eonsidcratiou, when Mr. Cox of New Vnik dclivered a carcfully prepam upeecl) Buppor) ottho 1 i 1 ! - He gave a de tailed accuuut of the naVlgntlon laws, and d( picted In forcIWö laagoage tha condltlon o aur merebant marine. Otber senators bl!iw cd in tlie sime ¦train, bul tbe bil! was lal overwithout aetfou liavüig lifcn táken. i bill was introdiieéd to cciuáü.e the lMiities! sr.iiliers. sailors and inarii -. wliicb was retel red; tlie House listened in :¦ reeolutlou offere .bvMr. White of Rentucky, urging an iuvcsl gation by the eoromissloner of Internal revenu 5s to the ainount of dlstilled spirits in war. liouscs of Illinois. Tbis resolution was offer cd in reponse to tbe petitiou of Illinois capitallbts asking for another i'Xtcusion of the bonded leriod. The resolution was rsferaed without liseussion. Si.nate. Jan 8. - Cincinuati mercante present a memorial asking üje passage f thé natlonal bankrupt law. The bill to proïibit the use of the capital tur other than legltmate purpOBCB waa passed. Tlie President ial iueceselon bill was taken up aud consldered at Icngth. Mr. Beek ot Kentueky, opening thedisjussiou, opposingthe bill as it now was. Mr. Dawes of Mass., approved most lieartily of the bill. Sherman of ühio, thought the question of VresideBtial sueeession a very important one, at the same time one not diflioult of solution, although lie did not offer a satisfaetory explanation as to how it was to be solved. Mr. Ingalls of Kansas, thought the bill detective in every way, and more particularly in the tact that it did not provide some method of ascertaining the faet of Presidentlal inability. Others folluwed, and the pros and cons of the bill Wère well diseussed, Mr. Ingalls eoncluding the debate by saying that rathcr than have the Presldential term extend to eight years he would pnfer . to have an election -Jir ínfHtntiou---IíPínt ieturns lilíiíperypTethe souree of all legitímate pow.-r. IÍouse - An attempt was made to pass the Senate bill iuereasing the pay of witnesses in the star route cases from west of the Mississippi, butthe effort was defeated. A bill was iutroduced by Mr. Anderson of Kansas to créate a postal telegraph, and for the eonstruction of a bridge across the Missouri river at Lcavenworth. Mr. Carpenter of Ohio, reported a bill appropriating $30,0(10 to defray the expenses of exhibitors from the United States who desire to particípate in the international exposition of domestic animáis at Hamburg in July, lSii. The House at this point resumed eonsideratiou of the shipplng bill, Mr. Kegan ot Texas being the first speaker, and wasfollowed by others in n exhaviKtive debate. The bill went over vithout aetion. A bill was introduced by Mr. owley of New York authorizingtbecoustrueion of 'a bridge over the Niágara river. Ket'crred. Senatk - Jau. 'J. - SeyeraJ merporiala were presented in favor of the passage of the educational bill, Mr. t'ockerell of Missouri re)orted favorably the bill grauting the right ol way for telegraph Unes tlirough the military reservation at Fort Smith. Tlie resolution to provide for the tenninatiou of the reciprocity treaty with llawaii wascalledup for discussion. Mi-. Morrill of Vermont warmly advocated its tf.TMninntiiiii nja n Tiriiteet.ive moiisni'e to tilt United States. Mr. Frye oí Maine thought tliis reaty had turneil out like all our treaties with other couutrics- thev suceeeded In getting the advantage of us. Tiic resolution was at leugth ¦aferred to the commlttèe on foreign relations. resohition was adopted dkecting the sccretary oí the interior to t ransmit to the Senate. the corespondencerelative to the release of the Yellowtone National park. Mr. Van Wyck of Nebrasia ealled for liis resolution vequesting the postnaster general to suspend contraéis for daily nail service between Fort Niobrara and Deadwood andfromChanibcrlain to KapidCity. The uselessnefs of these routes was elearly shows n the discussion whlch iollowed and the resolutlon was linally adopted. Mr. Koar from the judieiary committee, reported the House biU exkending tho time tor lorfettlDg elaiins in the the eourt of eoinmissioners of Alabania claims. The Presidentlal sueeession bill caine as up unlinished business and uith the various amendnients passed the Senate. Mr. Blalr of New Hampshire called up the bill to aid in the support of commou schools. The resolution was opposed by Mr. Logan, irbo said that the distrioution ot funds upon the grounda of illittracy was to niake eevlain states pay forthe education of the people of other si at es. JIüi-si:.- The Bhlpplng bill was thelirsl orde,r of business in the liouse, and was the i hief topic of discussiou during the session. N act ion was taken ou the bill. Ou motion of Mr. Burrows ol Michigan, the ScBttte anicndments to the consular and diplomatic nppropriation bilis were non-eoncurred in, aud they were referred to a conference eonmiittee. also the military appropriatiou bill. d ES F. KAT, ITKMS. A syndicale of Chic&gó capitalists want to lease land in Imlian trrritory for razlng purposes. They oll'ei s'üüO as rental. Tlu; rolling milis of Alovrison, C'olwell & Page of Cohoes, N. V.. burned ou the afteruoon ol January ". The milis are a total loss. The tire spreail to other property, making the entire loss $680,000. Great hostíííties by tlie Indians in British ('olumbia are reported. W. K VanderbiK has been oliosen president of the Nickel Píate railroad. National and municipal ilags wove dlsplayed at half mast in New Vork on the day of Gambetta'8 funeral. The woblen milis at Nowburgh, N. Y.. have been closed until the market lmproveS, and other milis will reduce wages. Over :2U0 lïien are thrown out of cmployment. Chicago saloon keepers are making vigorous efiörte to prevent üie increase insaloon HcenscR. The citizeus' league hope to niake the lowest license fee of any saloon $500. Application has been made to Gov. (Jritteuden by friends of the late.Col. Slayhack that he direct the attorney general to co'me to St. Louis, andtake charge of the grand jury investigating the case of Jolm A. C'ockerell, alleging' that the circuit attorney is prejudiced, and' bas obstructed the iuvestigation. The (iovernor peremptorily refused to comply with the requoet. Marshall l'olk, the ilefaulling si at e treasurer of Tenuessee, has been arrrstcd at San Antonio, Texas. Charles Smith, an adult, and a boy nained Samuel Smith, were drowned in Toronto Bay on Suuday, Jan. 7. tievere shocks of earthmake were feit indifferent parts of Northern Ohio on the Sth iust. Matthew Fraakliü Whittier, only brother of the poet, is dead. Ilewas the author of the famous "Kthan Spike" letters. Citi.ens of Cleveland, O., celebrated the 58th aimiversary of the battle of New Orlcans on the üth inst., with a grand banquet. Whitlaw Reid, his wifo and brother. together are the owner of 14;! shares out of 200 into which the stock of the New York Tribune is dividid. C. L. Doxèy lias been chosen as thE Miici'ssor ol the late Congressman Orth trom the 'Jth Indiana district. By an explosión iii a coal mine neai Couftcrville, Illinois, ou the afternoon if .lanu arv S, 10 persons have lost. their lives. Engfneer Melíville and Wiffe are now in litigation fortlie custody of 1 1n ir chlMren He. alieges that Mrc Mellvillu not a prppei persou to train her ehildreu because of her in températe habits.


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