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cFOR THE PERMANENT CURE OF, COKSTIPATION. - No otlior cunease 1 o prevalent In thl m try aa Constipation, and no remedy has ever -, O equalled the celebrated Kldney-Wort as a i C cure. Whatever the eauae,llowever obstinate a fí the oase, thi remedy will overeóme it l " PILES THH Utrossing ¦ LHl Plalnt lí very pt to be f oompUoatedwithoonstipaUon. Kldney-Wort J , Btomgthen the woakened partB and q ulokly a onreB all kind of Pile even when pnyBiclans m and medicines have before falled. t! O tyiiyouhaveeitherof theso troables í '1 I I C p I ¦ i flCí? we#k iB our own town. Terms oí $5 ootflt fre, ÏUU .d.l,e...H H.lliti Co,PorUnri.Min. 83. m CASTORlA Oíd Dr. Pltcher's remedy for Chlldren'g Complainta. EtptAaUy adapted to ehitdren." Dr. Alex. Eobertson, 1057 2d Av., N. Y. 'Pltuant,narmUs$andWonderfuUyEfficaeiout." Dr. A. J. Green, Royerton, lnd. ' Ipreicrlbt it cu tuperior to any hnown renudy." Dr. H. A. Archer, 83 Portland Av., Brooklyn. Castoria i not narootio. Motheri, Nuríei and Dootor airee that for Sour-Stomach, Ilatn'.oncr, Diarrhoeu, and Comtipation. nothing is o prompt aa oíd Dr. Pitcher' Caitoria. I!y assimilatin the food, Castoria girei robast health and natural sleep. (entaurjíniment The Great Healing Remedy. An lnfalllble curo for Kheumstlim, Sci?Í!S?' IíeurBlB'. Woundi, Burnl, Sprains, htlff .1 oiri i s, Spavin, and I.umtutss from any cause. P'T.Barnum, the great Showman, says : - "Among my yast troupe of Equestrian, Teamters, Horaes, Camelí, and Elephanti, aome aro always trained, bniised, or wounded. My Sur(eom and Veterinariea all say, that for casualitira to men and animáis, ia lo I effieaciona aa Centaur Linimcnt." 438 Fifth Av., New York, May 9th, 1S75. ypjjmmpjmajfMBiiBiMMMijgf ¦¦¦ eow-nrm 1074-1126 DEAN, GODFREY & CO., PAINTERS DECORAÏORS 17 A 160 Grlswold St., Detroit. Fina Paper Hangings. Elegant Ceillng DecoratioLs. Fine Friezes In all Widtba. Honse Shades and Rollers. A Larye variety of room moulding and hioks. FRESCO PAINTINC. We malte a specialty of Slore Shades and we will furnish estímate and samples of colore on applicatlon. Shades fitted to roll from top or bottom of the window on Stationery or Traveling roller. Will fnrnish Opaque „hadin to the tradc ent to measare. 1145-1176 GET TOUR PROPERTÏ INSUReFbY C. S. MILLEU, INSURANCE AGENT, No. 4 8. Main St., Ann Arbor. QulHe,.rOl?ie8t "SfnCy ln the Kslabllshed a ü"wirngü?8't.acICa8rcUo7npï.11ïe,KeDre"eUt"'S 'ha M Home losnrance Co., of N. Y.. 7 0"n nm Continental lnenraneCo., ol N. Y 'swana lam Insurance Co., of N. Y fs 5S '.irard Inaurance Co., of Phila í'm B Oriënt ID-Brance Co., uf Hartford 1 44S5 Comi„ercW Union, of UrttaZtZZ IíiSíiJo 1" Katcs Low. Losses liberallj adJmted aud prompt j paid. 1115-iuo C' H' M'"en. JJOUSE TO RENT. The Enoch James Humextead, 21 Liberty Street, lsfor Rent, partly fnrnUhd. Posses8ion give at once. 1126 A. DcFOREST. f - THI8PAPCR %- bUUU I f r it and 11 other 0 GOOn ¦ m tho most K - J ' - - -M ablo ternis at the ifl rttlous of youth. nervon weakues, ,.arly decav o. of manhood, c, I wlU end . receipe than,' :ureyou,PRKEüpCHAROK ' end" 17 by mi88i'""' in o"' America' ü ¦ Inman, Staüon D, Kew York City. 1(,.ly tl III f f! IilPK1le are alwav8 on the lnokout ÍOJ ei II 1 1 I andinetV h"CrCas0 'helr 'Í" w hole time tohe work or LnlT vonrn" deVte yOUr


Ann Arbor Courier
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