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) Real Estáte for Sale. gTATL OF MICHIGAN, County ol Washtenaw In the matter of the estáte of William Hulbert, deceased. .Notice is hereby given, that in puraunce of an ordr grauted to the undersi-ced ad - mlnistratorof theest teof saiil dec.:asi-d l.y tbe Hon. Judge of Probate for the Countv of Whtcf55" S? tbe .twenty-thlrd day ..f Uecember, A. D. 1882, there will be sold at public vendue, to the hlt-heit bidder, ai the east front door ..f the Conrt Hooee in the city of Anu Arhor, in tbe county of ' W h'L,nwln said SUite.on Tnesday thethiiti-enth day of February, A. IU888,at ten o'o ock in the Ze. noonot that day (subject to all encumbrantes by mortgage or otberwi,.e exi-tine at the time 01 the , death of eaid deceased, the follow n describa d real estáte, to-wit : Commet.cii.g on the wwt ine of secnon thirty-three(33),township two(2)south ram-e six (6) easr, at a poim flfty rode auuih if N cor. ¦ of said east parallel lo ihe nortb s.c tiou line and fltiy rods ttierelrom, or.e hundred and tentycnerodand three-flfihs (lil 3 5) ut' a rad, tüence sonth parallel to the est line ol eairi sic tloc itwenty-averudf, ihence et p.rallel to the nortti line of snid .-e, tion to the est line of euid ection thenren. rtn on the west line of aid spctlon to the place ol begiuning. containing nin. teen acres oriand more or leo, except 5 acres and X5-100 oíd to Purtune C. White -ind recorded In t.iber 3Ï of Deeds page 433, al.-o except 5 ac es ?..ld to W ïlllam Irea and reiorded in i.iber 43 .) D.eds pnge bU, Intei ding to convey 8 acres and 5-luo inclndIne streei all on Bection of tow.i two sonth.ranireBlxpai.W'ashti-naw Uonntj Michiean. AIuthe eaul half of the ontli-wesi quar rr and the aouih-eastquar er of the no th-weot quart r of section number thity-flve in 'on thri-e wath range three east In n. contaiuii.g 12U acres of lai d be the more or (es Uated, December Ï3. 1.-82 112! 1129 WJMSTOCK F. HILL, lls UJ9 AdminiMrator. Conimlssioiiors' Aolire. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, Coiinty of Washtenaw, .k ïf ' v underslgned naving been appointcd hy the Probate Conrt for faidcoiinty.C.-mmissionersto rece ive, examine and adjust all claims and demand pi all persons againstlhe esiate of Arci.Ibold -ro.t. lateol said o.unty.d.-ceasd.hfreby give notice that pL , ' 5f om date reHowed, bj order of said rni f .e,f Ollrt' f"r ""¦ to P"eni üelrdto. Sín he tate of said d-ceas.d, and that theï lil me. t at the Banking ornee of C. S Ureg aj and Prrt ,'íe Vlll'cof ter, in said count. . on Friday the tweniythird day of Maren, and on hfnn'vfV e twemJ"hl'd da or June m-xt. at 'enoclock a.ra. ofeach of said daj s, to reccive, examine and adjost said claims. Udted December 23(1 1882 HKNKY O GREQOIÍV l„ LOLIS W. BK1GUS, Commi6slon(rs. 1 1 J 1 _'ti (i 1 ( A we',k mtlde " nome '¦ the indnstriII I "e" tantees now b.fore the pub I I P''1 not neeiled. We will tart Jl f , Men. omen, boys and eirla H 1 anted everywhere to work for u-. Now , m the time. Yo:i csn work in stiate lime, or ive yor hole time to the business, o oiher business wil! p.iy you neaily as wel!. Nuone i'hii lail in nnKe . pay b engajtlnir at otee Lnstly outfit and :cr:us ine. Money made rut, fasily, and honotably. Address Tri-e & Co., Portland, Muinc. CT. BERRY, The Practical TAILOR AND CUTTER )f the late flrm of WINANS & BERRY, Uas locat eo hls place of business at UMBER 7 HURON STREET, With a fine line of 8UITINGS AND TROUSERINGS, nd wouW say to hls old firiends and new ones trm hey want a Oood Fit and a Nobby Fit at JLasSn 'L O "nd they WU bt ntj


Ann Arbor Courier
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