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WHO IS UNACQUAINTED WITH THE CEOCRAPHY OF THIS COUNTRY, WIL!. SEE BV EXAI71ININC THIS MAP, THAT THE Chicago, Rock Island & Pacbfïc R% Belng the Creat Central Line, afrords to travelers, by reaswi of lts unrlvaled eeoeraphioal posltlon, the shortest and best route between tho East, Northeast and Southeast, and the West, Northwest and Southwest. „f J! !? "t!rally and strlctly true, that lts oonneotlons aro all of the principal Unes of road between the Atlantic and tho Pacific. By lts maln line and branches It reaches Chicago, Jollot, Peoria, Ottawa. La Salie, Ceneseo, Moline and Rock Island, In Illinois ; Davoñport Muscatlne Washington, Keokuk, Knoxvllle, Oskaloosa, Falrfield, Des MofnSs West Uberty! now'c-í n'' . Audubon, Harían, Cuthrle Center and Council Bluffs w„hT ' h 21 Í "' Tl;enon' Cameron and Kansas City, In Missouri, and Leavenworth and Atchlson In Kansas, and the hundreds of citles, villages and town il i tormoutiitc. Tho "GREAT ROCK BSLAÏMD ROUTE Fast Enpress Trams, composed of COMMODIOUS, WELL VENTlCATED well latest designad and handsomest PALACE SLEEPINC CARS, and DININC CARS the low rate of SEVENTY-FIVE CENTS EACH. "u to iraveiors at TÜnETÍÍNS eah Way betwee" CHICAGO and tho MISSOURI RIVER vlaT faous """ bfWen CH'CACO and 'NNEAPOL.S and ST. PAUL, ALBERT LEA ROÖTE. and Council Bluffs, St. Paul, Minneapolls and intermedíate points Fayett0 Fr m . l! T,h'o.ugh Passengers carrled on Fast Express Trains. For more detalled information, see Mapsand Folders, which may bo obtained a well as Tickets, at all principal Ticket Offices n tho United StateTnnd Canada o'r of R. R. CABLE, e. ST. JOHN Vloo-Pre't &. Cen'l Manager, Cen'l T'k't Pass'r Ag't CHICAGO.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News