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DARBYS 'ROPHYLACTIC FLUID. V Houseliold Arficle for Universal I 'llllilj USO. SSMKBMHHBBj fo1. Scarlet and iraaicates [niphtheria, tuu. MALAEIA. rUo"' Ulce5ated ¦ Sorc Throat, Small WlflTMfTHyYBTrai Pox, Mcasles, and Contagious Diseases. Persons waitingon t Sick should use it freely. Scarlet Fever has 1 -er been known to spread wherc the Fluid was i d. Yellow Fever has been cured with it after ick vomit had taken place. Tlie worst es of Diphtheria yield to it. I I SMAIX-POX ons rcfreshed and and led Sores PITTING of Small d by bathing with pox PREVENTED )arbys Fluid. . . fJ. ïpure Air made Amember ofmy famarmlcss and purified. 'V laTken ¦ Sore Turoat it is a I sed the iré cure ' Fluid ; the patiënt was jns Fured by ts use. DHMMHHHHj p Fever prevented. ¦ t purify the Breath, ¦ DinfltllSH.a leansi tlie Teeth, ¦ PW"1 tarrli 'n-Uevcd and I PlSVeilted. I jrej. HBDHS ysipelas curcd. BHHHf Hiirnsrelievedinstantly. The physicians here . Sears prevented. use Darbys Fluid very sontery cul-ed. successfulfv in the treati'. oundshealcdrapidly. ment of Diphtheria. urvy curcd. ja. Stollünkerck, Antidoto for Animal Greensboro, Ala. i r Vegetable Poisons, 'tings, etc. Tetter dried up. med the Fluid during Cholera prevented. Li ¦ present adliction with ! Ulcera purified and icarlet Fever with j healcd. led advantagc. It is In cases of Death il ispensable to the ' should be used about room. - Wa. F. the corpse - it will rd, Eyric, Ala. prevent any unpleas'amM 7),0 eminent Phy. ii e-li 17..r._l sician, J. MABION Scarlet rever ¦ suts, m. v., now i York, saj-s: "I am ClifPfl I ! convinced Prof. Darbys w ui c. Prophylactic Fluid is a ; mm valuable disinfectant." iiulerbilt University, Nashville, Tpnn, I testify to the most excellent qualities of Prof. irbys Prophylactic Fluid. As a disinfectant and tergent it is both theoretically and practically perior to any preparation with vhich I ain acainted.- N. T. LuPIOH, Prof. Chcmistry. Darbys Fluid is Recommended by Hon. Alexander H. Stephfns, of GeorgiaRev. Chas. F. Dekjis, D.D., Church of the . rangers, N. Y.; los. LkConte, Columbia, Prof., University, S.C. }ev. A J. Bjttlh, I'rof., Merccr University Rev. Geo. F. Pierce, Bishop M. E. Church. . SDISPENSABLE TO EVEUY HOME. Perfectly harmless. Used intemally or extcrnally for Man or Bcast. The Fluid has been thoroughly testcd, an.t wc lvc abundant evidence tliat it has done everytbins .-re cl.iimed. l"or fullcr informatinn ca of yui 'raggist a pampblet or send to the proprietors, J. H. ZEILIX & CO., lanufacturing Chemitts, l'H II.ADF.LPillA BUSINESS CAROS. WILLIAM BIGGS, 3UILDER. SHOP: (RNER CHURCH AND ORLEAÏiS ST. Ann Arbor. RIVATE TUTORING FOK - COIME PREPAiiAïöRY WORL EtEUENCKS:- Pres. Angelí. Pinfs. Olney, Fricas loge. Parne and Par. Chas. E. liowrey AM. Residence, 19 Orleana St. ir i lïTa M VV. NlCIK ) Ls Bk. I li X I ST! JSST Has BtmoTed To His NEW DENTAL ROOMS OTor Joe T. Jacobs' StStf W. H. JACKSON, DENÏ18T,OFFICE: Over Bach & Abel's. itranco by Kirst National ank. T32U WILLIAM HERZ, House, Slüii, Ornamental and TRESCO PAINTER. :O: I iperinK, Ginzing, Glldíng, and C&lcimlninp and rk of evory deacrlptlon done tn the bf et style, and vrarr.Tnted to Kie satisfnet on. hHOP,NO.4 WEST WASHINGTON ST. Ann Arbxr. Mlcl.te-in. fSStf Tlli; K 4KBOK Savings Bank, A AltllOIt, 3UVUK1AS. Traiisacts Gebral Banking Business. CAPITAL, 850,000. OrganiuM unüer thé General Hantlnu of thli ta'e. thB Htuckholdan ara lndivldually Hable for in njiiiti.uiii mnonot equal u, tho itock held by Mm. itarabf crenine a GuáranteO I'und for e twni m of üepositoi-3 of S 100,000.00. 'I'iiree per cent. interest is allowed on all "virus Uepnstu .,f onc dollar and upwards, ac'¦-rolns to the rulos of the Bank. and Interest com'"indcüi semi-unnunPy Money to Loan on uncumbared roa: estáte and other eood wcurtty. l'mrejüiis -CbriiMan Mack, W. w. Wlnes, R. A. ii.V i' ,VIHn'J1 Meubel, Wl Ham O. Ilarrlma, 'aniel Hiscock, nnd Wlllaro ü Smith. OFFICERS. Lttii.vxM.icjc, Pres. W.w.Wtsss Ylc.Prei


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