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KIDNEY-WORT THE GREAT CURE FOR RHEUMATI SM- 1 q A it ia for all the painful diseases of the -g L KIDNEYS.LIVER AND BOWEL8. E g It cleanse the system of the aorid poison 00 th&t causes the dreadful Buíferin whlch L $ only the victima of Rhoumatism can realize. THOUSANDS OF CASES J L of üie worst fbraifl of thl3 terrible diseaae - (8 have been quickly relieved, and in short tune L PERFECTLY CURED. L PRICE, t. liqTTD OR DKÏ, 8OLD BY DBCGGISTS. L IADry ca-n be sent by mail. rz WJtíIjIjS,IlICHAItDSON'&Co.,Burliii)jfton'Vt. rpAKIGRAFY; Simplest, Easiest, Best Learned in Slx Week. Legible as print. "I have studli-d Takigrafy with Mr. Roblnson six weeks, and nowreadilv takeall my note of lecture in this way, and read thnm with perfect ease. I am more than pleased." J. L. Stewart, law '84. Hundreds of testimonies. Rkdcced Terms this montli. J. M. ROBINSON, Teacher. Office, 40 Washington St. P. O. box 2744, Ann Arbor, Mieh. TjARM FOR RENT. Onder good cultivation, well snpplied with water and good for grazing, wheat and fruit. Sitnated onemile from Romeo. Applj corner of Inpralls and Ann Streele. 1126-1127 AQENTS WANTED FOR Q"R NEW BOOK By ALUS PlNKKBTON, the THE sreat Detactire, who, ander m m llio nr de plumc oí E. J. 11-1 MBt M leu wu Chmf af tlm Secret 1 I_JI Herrie of the United BUten m W W Arnir duriug the Kebelhon. A B m ¦ marveloui, thrillingand ¦ ¦ ful work. Containing many V . . _ . „. ecrectiofthewarneverbefore 01 tt EetelUOn. made public, full of vivid illustrations. A rare cbance for agenta. Write for ciroïilara and special terms. C. C. WICK & CO., Publishers, Cleveland, O. Uïft-1129 ABILITYT ÍMGWWA rll THIS PAPER L RRIN$W Is on FILE and WERSlSTBill jnrwmum vertising contract f S I gQOD il for it and all other H GOOD I ¦ nTipiroH newspapers the Ili'Htopjprna IARTICLESB tcurld can be made WJLVVoWral ==flfc on the most MÊ== 1 1 ' ablo terms at tho fwi I INTERNATIONAL NEWSPAPER AQENCY II. P. Hubbsrd, Prop., New IlnTcn, rt.. l . S. A. ruLIWirr .f the Kenpsixr and Buk of the World. Mpeople are always on the lookout foJ ! chnnces to Increase thoir earnincs, and in time taecome wealthy ; Ihose who do not iinprove tlieir npportanities rctnain in povarty. We ofl'er a great chance to make money. We want many men, romen, boys and girls to work for ns right in their own localities. Any one can do the work pioperly from the flrst etart. The business will pay more than ten times ordinarj waaen. Expensive ontflt fnruishcd frec. No one wlio engage fail to raake money rapidly. Toa can devote your whole timeto the work,or tjnly yonreparc inoments. Fnlt information and all thst i? needed tent frep Address STiNsoN Co., Portland, Ma ne. PATENTS nhtained, and all other business in the U. S. Patent Office attended to for MODRIlA'l E KEES. Our office ia opposite the ü. S. Patent Office, and we can obtain Patente in less linie tliau tho;ü remotc from WASHINGTON. Send MODüLor DitAWING. We advine ae to paientabiiity fnc of chirge; and we tuake NO CH1RGE UNLESS WK i'BTAIN' PATE.NT. We refir here, to the Postmator, the Supt. of Money Ord 3 Uiv., and to officials of the ü. 8. Patent Oftlco. Kor circular, advice, terme, and retcrences to acttial clici.t in ynur nwn Htate or county. addresa C. A. MXOW A CO., 1119 tl Opposite PatentülBce,Wahini;ton, D.C. TO RENT A sult of rooms over l!ic POST OFFICE Gooü for the MILLINERY BUSINESS. Apply at COURIEB OFFIOE. 320 ACRES FREE! -IN THE- Dim K Lakc, Turlle Moiuititin And Mouse Rlvcr Country, NORTH DAKOTA, Tributary to the United States Land Offloe at j GRAND FORKS, DAKOTA. SECTIONAL MAP and FULL particulars malled FREE to any adilress by H. C. DAVIS, Asslstant General Passenger Agent, St, Paul, tfioipoii. i Uanitoba R, H., 1127-1180 8T. PAI'li, 1WIXX. Embrace! erery desirable novclty 'MANUAL the season. fully de5crirx-.t n thcr lüMHUWL ¦ pfEVMYfHINQiorthej wTnfiHtl. mntVni rrTFR HEN'DFRSON'S ¦ "Rntsed Instruetions n Vetabtt and Flrwer ¦ trt," mskinjj it x cnndrnfl Gardeninj Boolt, havinM all the Utrst information kiwwn totheuthor of " r-B drntnc fbrProflt- Mail-d frre on applicitiou. I (.Pleatt stntt Ín wkftt paper you mw this). Peter Henderson & Co., 35 & 37 Cortlandt St., New York.


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