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rpo BUILDERS. Sealed bids will be received by Leonhard Gruner for the construution of a School house in the Gth n-ard of this city, until Monday evening, 19th nst. Plans and specifications maj' bc seen at the office of Judge Ilariimnti In tlie Court House, nfter Monduy uext. - K.Llit to i jeet anr .ind all bids reserved. ' By Commtttee. Aun Arbor, Feb. 1, 1883. 1128-30 ffiSlSl CATABRH, TIIKOAT D1SKASES, BRONCHITIS aud ASTHMA CAN BECURED! Also dieeasee of the Fy Lar and Heart, at ttie Detroit Throat & Lung Institute, M. HILTON WILLIAMS, Nf. D., M. C, P. S. O., Proprietor, Over 40,0r0 Canee Treated in the Lfist Seventeen Years. All dineases of the Rcspiralory Oa'un treated by Medicated Inhalations, comblii' d wheii , requred witta proper couatitutional remedien for the Stoni.iih. l.i i t and Itlo-d, &e.. If possible cali personal'y an exHminatiou. otherwts write for "LIST Or 9UISTI0HS" and "KEDI0A1 TSEATISE." Addreas, Detroit Throat and Lung Institute, ! 2j3 WoodwHd Ato., Detroit, Kich. 1128-1179 rf THIS PAPER %- lOnHIKaa Tertising contract! J9 " S I gQOD II 'or it and all other Q G0OD I IARTICLESB iroridcanbomade ¦mffStWltftl I """"o ou 'k0 most F== i L 1M ablo ternis at the " INTERNATIONAL NEWSPAPER AOENCY U. P. Ilubbard, Prop., Kevr II T,n, Ct., V. 8. A. FobIIhrr f the Nwpatr anl Buk Virtttorj of the World. VB BC BÍ B" Uouk. o all ¦""¦ "-¦¦' ¦ a ¦ ;r. t.uip for riuc - 4 iwllIlTsiiÊariTQr.YwTBïi: 1127-1178 ITn lipeople are always on the lookontfoj I m II chances to increase thelr earning?, 1 m li and in time becomo weslthy ; those III ¦Iliwhodo not Improve Iheir npporta-. 1 11 illnitieB rematn in poverty. We offer I I U Ua ;reat chance to muke money. We want many men. women, boye aud ii'ir to work for i lis rlght in their own localitiea. Any one can do the work properly from the flist start. The boslness will pay more toan ten times ordinary waues. Expenslve outfit furnishod freo. No one who enjrajjes fils to make money rapidly. Yon can devote your wholetlmeto the work,or only yunrspiremoments. Full Information and all that is needed sent free Address Stinson JS Co., Portland, Ma'oe. PATENTS Ob'alni-d and all othcr bnalncoo n the U. S. Patent ] Office attended to for MUDKKA'i E KEES. Our office is opposite the U. S. Patent Offlce, and we can obtain Putent In lesö Time than iho.-o rcmote from WASHINGTON. Send MODKLor DtAWING. Wc adviie aa to naientability free of ch ree; and we make ÍJO CHARGE UNLK88 WE nBTAIN PATENT. We refer here, to tho Poatmafter, the 8npt. of Money Ord 5 Div., and to offlciala of the U. S. Patent Office. Ptr circular, advtee, lermi, aud relerences to actual cliënt- in yonr own State or connty. address C. A. BXOW A CO., 1119 tf Opposite PatentOfllce, Washington, D.C. TO RENT A snit of rooms over the POST OFFICE Goo.1 for the MILLINERY BUSINESS. Apply nt COTJRIER OFFICE. 320 ACRES FREE! - IN THE- Devlls Lake, Turtle Mountaln And Mouse Rircr Country, NORTH DAKOTA, Trlbutary to the United States Land Offlce at GRAND FORKS, DAKOTA. SECTIONAL MAP and particulars malled PKEK to any aiklresa by H. C. DAVIS, Assistant General Passenger Agent, St. Paul, MiK3ip3Ü3 1 húúi R, ?.., 1127-11 ST. l'Ul. MIXX. THE DINGEE & CONARÏ COS BEAUTU-'DIj EVEK-BL.OOMXSG I2f„,.2. j9frS3. ' Uwred rfdy tïÏMfl 79" 10." 100 I3l POft-l'aidtoaUpointi HIP fMlIJ" " JInnilomr PHEiSENT of WW lm U I V lm f'rro vrith every order, and are tho only concern makinfr HI'KOlAL HnNfncnq of Kop. OveriïO ljargr IloiiHefifor UoscmkIcu1. Our it Ctlirir, a complete l'rtat'itr COWSC on the Krt 70PP, elegant ytllutratrd,ler,t r t Im Cm THE DINCEE &. CONARD CO. UocCirower, WetJroTe,'hrter C'o.P ItSB-lMt


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