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Washington, D. C, Feb. 3, 1883. After weeks of gloom and frowiílnjf, the sun has once more been pleased to stníle upon Washington, and the magie of bis power is everywhere apparent. The beautiful aspalt streets, for weeks past so defiled by slusli and dirt, are now clean and dry, aud Pennsylvania Avenue, thronged with thousands of elegantly attired promenaders, has assumed its gay, bright, busy life. The prospect of tarifF legislation is now more encouraging. Both ends of the Capítol are talking tariff furiously, ind begin to realize that the present Congress is expected to do something witli the bilí. Monday, the House, in comniittee of the whole, have had the bill under the compleled twelve of theone Imndred and forty pnges of the bill. The schedule now under discussion relates to chemicals, and will excite less dispute than any other. At this rate of progresa tlie bill will be about half flnlahed by the fourth of March. The opposition to the bill is not factlous, but to almost every article made dutiable about a dozen amendments are offered. The Senate is tnaking more progresa. It Is now discussing the iron schedule, which is considered the most difl3cult one of the bill. In the hope that the Seuate bill can be disposed of by the middle of next week, sessions are now held until midnight, and a brilliant light may be seen in the dome of the Capítol, indicating that the Senate is in session. The subject of an extra session is beiug Lliscussed araong niembers of both house's if Cungress, ana oplnion3 pro and con - f uil VA Vfl_ II are expressed. The Democratie members of the House profesa to hayenofearof the President'scallingan extra eession in case of the failure of the tariff blll, and say the noise abont it is "stuff and nonsense" to fnghten the Democrats into acquiescence in the passage of such a tariff bill as the Itepublicans want. Every day of the week now an arrav of carriages that would do honor to a iirst class funeral niay be seen stationed in front and around a dozen residences. But these occasions are not in tlle least mournful or even serious. In each house so designated, under brilliant gaslight, a lady usually assisted by several other ladies, all elegantly attired, are "receiviug" her fnends. Greetings are exchaned and every guest feels required to make a few d.sconnected reraarks and Uien pa8s on to be followed it, turn by others. The guests generally remain standing, and many go from one reception to another, often attending half a dozen in one evenlng. Mrs Speaker Kiefer told me yesterjay that slie made 3,000 calis last session. This is wliit the fashionable circle of Washington cali sociability. The reception given by the British Minister in honor of the Marquis oí i.orne was one of the brilliaiit features of the season. A tliuner party was flrst given, followed by a ball for which oyer four hundred Invltailons were sent out. llie legation building was brilliai.tly ilhiminated and decorated with palins, pla.its and flowers, bright llghte bu.-ning on either slde of the large portrait of Qlleen V ictoria at the hflftd of the grand staircaae In the raaln hall. All the membersof the foreign legations were present wearin-r the oecorutions of the orders to whlch they belong with plain dress suits The ministers of twenty-one great powers were there, and three embanlea were rep. rescnted by charges d' affairs. It was also attended by the President.the Cabiuetofflcers and their vvives, the President of the Senate, the Speaker of the House, and by niimy senators and representaties The Marquis visited the Capítol, the War and Navy Department, the Agricultural Department, and other places of interest He was entertainod at dlnnerby President Arthur, and also by General Sherman. This being the last week before Lent an effort is made to crowd ,11 the gayety possible into tliat little space of time There is no end to hops, balls, receptions.' and entertaininents of every description The Cabinet ladies liold their last reception this week, and indeed noepttong generally will be discontinued during Lent, but only to give place to a milder j kind of amusement in the shape of fairs ' for charitable purposes- excellent places : by the way, for tiirtations, and then, too! i thei'6 wlU bo pte&ty Of düROluS ial11 kind, so tbat galcty la not over with y. Tlie President held hii flrst public reception of the wintcron Monday evenlng, from elght toten o'clock. Many tranger. vvere present, and as is usual on theso occasions, the jam was immense. Uut when the hour for closing arrived, all had been presenled, over two thonsand persons. _____


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