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) Real Estáte for Sale. STATK F Countj ol Waxhtenaw Ifl the matter of the estáte or Willimn Hulbert, deceaaed. Notlce is hereby given. that iu msuanee of an order granted to ihe anue-sigsed d mmistratorof theest.teof said deceas, d hy the i Hon. Jadee of Probate for the Coantv of WnehK?. th(= twenty-third day t.f December, A. D. 1S82, there will be sold at public vendue. to the hiKhest bidder, at the east front door .f the CoutC pnce in the city of Ann Arb..r, m tbe oonntj nf ¦ W"h'-Daw.lii said State.on Tueediiy the thi. t enth day of February, len o'u uck iu the io.-cnoon of that day (object to all encnmbrai ce bj mortgage or otberwise extsttng at the time o th eath of aid deceaëed, the lollow na: describid reil eitate, to-wit : Commencng on ih weet ine of ectton thlrty-three(33).town8hip tw.(2}-outli nti'ji six (6) east, at a point flfty rods souih . f N . rur. of sald section.thi nee east parallel to ihe i.ortl' ere tlou line and flfty rodn therelrom or.' imdredaod twenty ene rods and three-Bfths (121 3 5) ui a rad thencc iouth parallel lo tbe west line ol ea"! m cttOD twenty-STe rod, thence est p -aliel to hs nortb line of said section to the west line of MÍ4 ection, thence north on the weet line of sid wttion t the place of beginntng. containing u acres of land more orles,except 5 nerts ai d 6-liiO old to Fortune C. White and recoided n i.tbi of Deeds page 483, alvo except 5ace( ld to V - ''m rre! and recorded in Líber 43 ..i D t - 62J, intendinu to couvey 8 acres and S-llxi mg streel all on ectlun thim-thu- of t" two sooth.rangesixea-i.Washtenaw Onunt Mlrhuan. Aleo the east hair of the soutli weel quant-r and tbe outb-eaetquar er of the no'th-nvet quar1 i ¦ section number thlrty-flve in town time _ . u 1 1 . naf three east In Micbii;n, containlug IZo aeree of land be the same more or les. Dated, December Í3. lt-82 ,,„„„ COMSTOCK F. HILL. "231129 AdmiMi-intor. Estáte of Kboila Fhller. QTATB OF MICHIGAN.Countj of ITashien i. .-. At a fession ot the Probate Court 'or.the Cout IJ of Wasotenaw, holden at the Probate Ure In tbe city of Ann Arbor, on Friday tbe t nt ? x h day of January in the year onr thousand iehi bundred and eighty-ihree. Pretent, tt illiam t. llarrnunu, Judue of Probate. In the matter of the estáte of Hboda FulU-r, deceased. On reading and flling the p. titimi. cluly verUed, of Deire Ormsby, prayine ihatacertain inntrument now on file in thia court purportinL' u be the last will and testament of paid decetis.'d.ioay be admitted to probate, and that she and John T. ruller may be appointed executors ihereof. ihereupon it is ordered, that Monda,thetwcuty lxthday of Febrnary next, at ten o'clock in the torenoon, be assigned for the hearing of sald peiition.and that the d visees, Iceatees and heire at law of said deceased, and all other pereons iutereeied in aa d estáte, ar reqaired to appear at a session of ald court, tben to be bolden at tbe Probate office, in the city of Ann Arbor, aud show cause, if any there be, why the prajerof the petitioner shocld not be granted. And it lë further ordered, that paid petitioner eive notice to Iho persons interested in caid estáte, ol the pondency of Baid petition. and the hearing thereof, by cauaing a copy of this order to be publhed '" the Ann Arbor Courier, a newspaper printed "ll circulattng insald county, tbrce succbpIt week previousto said day of hearing. (A truecopyi W1LUAM D. ÜAKKIMAN. M. G. DQTY. Probate Register. " 1128 1131 Öf% lp. CQ A Pr dj ftt home. B&mplen worth Q frtt 1U be maffl raxx to Jf appllcantsfbd toef ' tomer of Uut year without orderini? it Itcont .ius bout ITSpasM. euo illmtratinuM, pricVi aceuïa"' Si .5?i?'rrf VefetaWa aud Plowei Seedi, Plant, Fruit Tree, jt-c. Invaluable to all easso. laily to Market pardeners. 8,-ndforit 1 ' 0TM. FERRY & CO. DETROIT Mich. 1127-1131