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Dr. Cocker is steadily improving. There are a few cases of scarlet fever In our midst ¦ The lnrge burglar-proof safe for tbe new bank has ai-rived. The Catliolics and EpiscopaüanB are now observing Lent by daily fasting. John W.Johnston of the Fifth ward feil on the ice Wednesday and broke his knee. The Protection Huse Co. broke the tongue of the new hose cart last Monday afteruoon. The Aon Arbor AgricuKural company piid a six per cenl. dividend the first of the montu. Prosccnting Attorney Whitman is now tlie attorney for the Michigan Central for this countj'. People skated to church Snnday. In the afternoon several went down to Ypsilanti on the crust. Regenta Diiffleld and Sliearer were here Thursday with the University committee from the Legislature. Knougli of a crust was formed by Saturday's rain and sleet to allow skating on the surface of the snow. At the meeting of the State Teniperance Alliance Wednesday at Jackson, Prof. J. B. Steere was elected secretary. While skating in Dexter Sutiday, Arthur Alífcander of Webster feil and severely cut his face on the icy crust. The Hook and Ladder truck weighs 2,700 pounds and the boys are talking of asking for a team to draw t for thera. We are to have an opportiinity of hearing the Princeton College Glee Club in University Hall Thursday, April 19tli. It is rumored about the streets that W. Douglas came back in the night Monday. He has been in nortbern Canada, we understand. Another sleigh-ride by the High School 'eniors takes place to-morrow evening. They are going out to Miss Wheeler's in Pittsfield. Nearly two weeks agoDr. Stowell's case took a turn for the better and since that time he has been improving mentally and physieally. By the cali for the next Republican state convention Washtenaw county is allowed seventeen represeutatives. There will be 013 votes to all. The printers In the Couriku office yesterday, asked for and receiveü from Mr. Beal an advance frora 25 cents per 1,000 etns, to 30 cents. In Xorthfield last Thursday Charles Alber, a well-to-do Germán farmer, coinmitted suicide by hanging. It was done in a fit of despondency. By the derailinent of one of the T. & A. A. R. R. cars last Friday it was overturned and Mr. Hamilton, wlio bappened to be in it, was slightly injured. The Toledo road was snowed in again Tuesday night and was opened Wednesday by a train of two locomotives and three cars which went north to South Lyon. About 85 couple attended the montbly inspeetion and hop of Co. A last Monday evening. The hops are getting quitepopular with tbe citizens of this city. There will be three more this season. Of late our nttentiou has been repeatedly called to the slippery and unsafe condition of the walks about the court house. But little care has been giveu theni and not a few of the many passers-by have received severe falls. Last Saturday evening about 20 couple fiathered at the residence of Miss Hennie Kemper to pass the evening, it being her blrthday. In the course of the evening a large and beautiful photograph album was presented her by her f riends. On the "haunted house" of Mrs. Morgan which was recently consumed by flre she bas received $1,000 insurance. For the fuiniture saved $100 was taken out and for the cellar $300. It was lucky for the company that they saved the cellar. In many houset about the city Monday "ight just betbre midnight the inhabitants were startled by a loud cracking of timbéis and a tiemblmg of the Hoor. Some thoujrht it was burglars, some that t was the students and others that it was the ghosts which had been driven out of the haunted house. Perhaps it was a slighc earth-quake- a little fellow fora cent. Talepuona instrument have boen put into the followlng places: Prof. Monis' house, S. H. Douglas' house, Dr. Frothingham's priDttng office, the Gas companyVs works and the postoffloe. Mr. Sawyer will soon have one at his realdence. A stiulent b3' the name of H. Btring whilo skating tíunday fcll and struck his head on the edge of the sharp crust. It cut through tlie scalp aroniul the Qpper part of the skull and the g:ish was so wide as to talie somethirty stitches in sewing it. In looking over the shipping labels of the Chase recipe book the other day we carne a curious address. It read as follows: "Europa, Ilussia.Gouv. Saratow, Herr Pastor J. Schneider, Kreis Kamischlr Kamenka, Wodjanoi Bijerak in Stephan." We hope it gets there. It is proposed that on the birthday of Mr. Longfellow, which is the 27tli of February the children of the country should make a general subscription for the beautiful memorial cards which are issued by the Longfellow Memorial Association of Cambridge, Mass. Superintendent of schools and teachers can ob'ain the neeessay inforniatlon by applying to the association. Last Sunday morning, Arthur Hicks l(i years of age, a son of Heman N. Hicks of Ann Arbor township, skated by the public highway, from his home to the Methodist church in Ann Arbor, a dUtance of Z}-2 miles. Aftor the sermón he took his skates ag;iin and found himseif at home 15 minutes before one o'clock. The dislance, each way, being gone over insideof half an hoor. Oíd S. H. Douglas has again done something worthy of note. On Monday while looking for a leak in the gas meter in the basement of the court house he clumsily succeedid in findiug it by means of an explosión. The blaze set fire to the wood work and could not be extinguished until the gas froiu the Gas Works was turned oft'. Judge Hairiman's office immediately above was pretty well smoked. By the kindness of Mr. P. Lathrop, the assistant postmaster, we have been furnished with the following Interesting statistics of the business ol the postal department in Ann Arbor: Monev orders issued during quarter eudlng December 31, 1882 $1-1,481 90 Money orders paid during quarter endtng December 31, 1882 43,112 77 Money orders issued In Jan. 1883 4,72 51 Money orders pald In Jan. 1883 10,875 83 Starops, postal cards and envelopes sold during quarter endlng December 1882 _ 5,660 54 The court has been busy this week with a suit brought by Timothy McCune against the Michigan Central road. Two years ago he feil into an ábandoned well on the grounds of the railroad in Clielsea and hurt himseif so tliathe has since been unable to labor. lie sued the company and the suit carne to a close yesterday by the judge taking the case away from the jury stating that the case was so plain for the plaintiff he would decide it The sait will be appealed. Harry Kussell, of Detroit, and Mr. Whitman were for the railroad and Mr. Sawyerfor Mr. McCune. The jury in the Sophie Lyons case came into the court room Friday morning at half past ten and pronounced her guilty but with a recommendalion to the mercy of the court. Tuesday morning she was brought up from the jail but for a time she was too sick to receive sentence. It Is understood that several of the jury 'iiung out'1 because they did not want to see her receiye as long a term as before. Partly in defference to this the judge sentenced her to the house of correction for three years, nearly two years less time than from the former trial. She has been sent to her old "retreat" where ;t is hoped she will be a good girl and try to make herself useful. Wild rumors were about Wednesday afternoon to the effect that George Buil, of the Lower Town, had cut his wife's throar, but upon investigation we ascertained that he attempted it without success. It seetng that he had secured a razor and began to chase his oldest daughter around the house. She escaped hlm, whereupon he turned upon his wife who was sick in bed and who was Imploring him not to hurt the girl, and assaulted her. She was dragged from bed and while attempting to ward off the razor from her throat, she received several gashes on the arm.. At this juncture a neighbor arrived and overpowered the madman. He was taken to jail, and yesterday morning brought before Justice Brennan, where the above facts were elicited from the witnesses. The justice bound him over ior trial by the circuit court. Not receiving bail he was taken to jail. The prisoner at the investigation affirmcd that his wife had the razor and he was simply trying to get it from her.