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Swnvnc'H PUI Comfirt!nf to Uw k. Thoawntlidle Oom neglect to properly treal Impure Nood, (xmitlrmtiwi, d.vspepheart diñases, rin.p.y, and rheunmtlïin. Hut to tliu debllltated burdeiied with sucu s,Ti -U8 Btoknes W con.-cUntiously recmedicinal propertíea pouBeed by no other reroedy. Sent by mail for 20 cents, box Of 30 pillBi ! lioxwi. l, (in stainps). Aildress Dr. Swayne&Son, H.iladelphia, Pa, Sold by Di j. CARD. To all who rc inffrto from ihe error ard indicretions of youth, uervous weakmup, carly decay, loss of manhood, &c, I wlll send a recelpe that will cureyoii, FRKE OF onAKOB. Thin ereatremcdy was dijcovered by a miralonary In Sonth America. Send a elf-addrcssed envelope to the Rev. Joeeph T. Inman, atation D. New York City. lü-iy ¦pOR SALE. VERY CHEAP 35 G0L0NIB8 OF BIES For Cash, Approved Credit or In Excliange for Wood or othur property, cause age aud poor healtli. Italians & Hibrids, Good Frame Hives! No. 30 North State Street. Arm Arbor, February 15, 1888. 1131-32 N. A. PRUDPEW. RAYMONO'SbS, All Travelllnx Expenses Included. Trip to OOLOEADO AND CALIFOEHIA. Special Parties wlll leaveBcslon April 5. 12 and 26, for a tour of 59 days to the Pacido (,'oast, golng via the Southern Route, and returulnx via the Central and Union Paciflc Ilues. Numerous stops by the way, with side-trlps, carrlage-drlveM ftc. Kverythïng First-Claes. Persons inay Joln at Chicago April 7. 14, or 28. Rates and all deslred Information, togetlier with descriptivo programineof 80 pages sent on applicatioo. W. RAYMOND, 1131-1133 240 Washington St., Boston, Mass. IS A SURE CURE ftor all disoases of the Kidneys and LIVER It has apociflc action on thifl moet important l organ. cnabUnj it to throw off torpidity and j inaction, stimulatlne the healthy Booretlon of the Bilc, and by Jteeping the bowola in fro oondition, eSocting ita refular disoliarge. Hi3o!dl-Í5 Ifyou are Bufforlng from 1 Rn O I II da malaria, havo the chili, 3 o U 1 iouB dy Bpeptic, or constipatod, Kldney2 Wort will sorely reucvu tuid uuicKiy euro. I In the Sprüig tocleanse tho Sytcm, every A one Bhould take a thorough coutbo of it. l SOL P BY PRUCCISTS. Prlc. @taurJniment The Grcat Healing Eemedy. CASTORlA O ld Dr. Fltcher's romcdy for Children's Complaints.' eow-nrm- 10T4-1 133 CABmET GREAMERY. ?fe'fti%liÏJ91'r oïn, Jlií'hiííuii auu Kuw'i ' '" .".--- ?-T NUt - it Fairt, 1SS2Ï ¦ ¦'¦ ¦¦¦¦¦ ¦'¦"'V: ¦' ¦i'tV) A1 i'vh fnr dairy or tucuE „.'„J i,--"il't f tory Uhft. For convenleiic1 "" """""' " 1 bauüüiifer, ïviKinr tbtf fcj ¦¦¦t-.Ji - ¦¦¦-¦ti crepiii (ïuickly and thor-üit 1 - ! oitrlity, iul e.t-eoícoaiiiiiK. at ¦-¦-:¦-- ;---¦. 3 wunwirid. ' -i,} -'lul imstii] for circulan H I hik! te.;tniK-ni'-ls. K__:_j;ii Dsiry Imnlement Co., -ia." j i,.io,VM x,-,is, vi. 1 130-1 U2 mUnFAIUNG FORAllSKlX f BEMEDY SUCHAS DlSEASESl VTETTER.ITCft SOBES. PIMPLE9. llËkÏÏES Bjrnptoms are moiature, stinging, telling, worse at night; seems aa if pin-worms were crawling about toe rectum; the private parta are often affected. As a pleasant, economícal and positivo cure, Swayne's Ointmint ia superior to any article in the market Bold bydruggists.or sendSU cta. in 3-ct. Stampa. 3 Boxea, $1.26. Addreas, Dn. Swatne 4 Sou, PhilaVPa. 112t-H80 AYER'S Hair Vigor reatore, witli the gloss and froshness of youth tded or gray hair to a natural, rieh browB color, or deep black, as mfty bc dcaircd. Ily iu ue light or rd hair may be darkcnt.l, thi.i hair thickenad and baldness oflcii, thuugh uot alwHys, cured. It checks falUng of the hair, and stimulau a woak and sickly growOl to vigor. Itprarantl and curea temt and daildraff, and heal n.nrly vury disease peculiar to the soalp. A ¦ Ladles' Hair ln-BBslng, the Vioob is luwqaallod it coutalai neither oil nor dye, renders Ihe hair BOt, gluey and silken in appearanoe, aud importa a dliu:ii agreeable, and lastint; perfuiuu. 3 UmíM1 "."''ú'-" writ-fr"ni Kirh,,. (., Jut 3, 1882: "LMt rail my hair ooirunencwl t..;,na out, and m a short time I bacame nearlv i.i,i T ued part of t bottle of Avijt'a Ma,., V ,,„ whloh Btopped tl,, falUng of tl,, hair. a,„i,t lrt ' I v,B„mUsly, :„,d a,„ convin.„l tUat l.ut tffiSy M.?" U1' PMPHrBtiUn 3llOUM "" -- J. W. BOWEff, proprietorof the Mr.irlliurlOIno) F.nqmrer, says : "AYEB'S Haik VlOOB n , !t excellent pr,pamtio„ f„r the itir 1 "„ ",L -Í f ron, mjrpwii experienos. Hh om promotes tlw ÏÏ f "'"" also a aure oure fot Saiirfrutf S'ot i-j. ato aí,,ut"twouTn,s'tf ,Hri,:r,y;..n',V';r ¦!¦ We hav. huiulredaof ilniilar testimoniáis to the effieaej oí iTH Hil Vraol. Itneedlbota al to convince the most Uteptloal of Ita value. PRKPAREI) nv Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mass. Sold by all Druüglsts. L7? i "?¦ " d" " bom "j cu. BELL-HANGING & LOCKSMITHING ii-ii79 M' Nl R0WLEY, DetroitMich.


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