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Hali's Catarrh Cure ís taken internally. It acts directly upon the blood and the rnucous surfaces of the system. Price ?¦"' cents. For sale by Eberbach & Son. "Does your Helen remind you of Helen of Troy ?" she isked svveetly, as the sota springs flrtttened onder a prauure of 100 pounds. "No. not preeisely; you reniind me more of Helen of Avoirdupois," was the scaly reply. - "Fivt doctors; no end of medicine; no relief. Dr. Beisoii's Skin Cure has driven meay all eruptions and l'm uearly well." Ida C. Young, Hamilton, Hls. Itallan musie is fine becntue it isground so much on thcstreets. - Now Orleans Picayuue. "Rough on Rats." Clears out rats, inice, roaches, flies, ants, bed-bugs, skunks, i-liipmuoks, gophers. 15c. Druggists. - " Dr. Itenson's Celery and Cliomomile Pilis, are wortli their irelffht In gold in nervous and slck headaclie." - Dr. H. II. Schuchter, of Baltlmore. Another hotel horror, as the man said wheu tlie hash was set before litni.- Boston Transcript. Hncklen's Árnica Salve. The best Salve in the world for Cuts, Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, S.ilt Rlieuni, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblainp, Corns, and uil Skin Eruptions. and positivcly cures piles. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfactin or money refund ed. Price 25 cents per box. For sale by Eberbach & Sou. 1106-1159. "Extremes meel " said a boarder as he tackled a couple of pJg1 feet - Kansas City Argo. Rheumatlsm Positively Cnred in the shortest time. Write for free 40page pamphlet on Rheuniatism, to R. K. Uelphenstine, Druggist, Washington, D. C. Itching1 Piles- Sjmptoms and Cure. The symptoms are moisture like pers piration, intense Hching', increased by scratching, very distressing, particularly at night, seems as if pin-worms were crawling In and about the rectum; the private parts are sometimes affected. If allowed to continue serious results may follow. "Swayne's Ointmenf' is a pleasant, sure cure. Al so for tetter, itch, salt rheum, scakl head, erysipelas, barbera' tch, blotehes, all scaly, CTUSty skin diseases. Sent by mail for 50 cents; 3 boxes for $1.2.r, (n stampa). Address, Dr. Swavne & Son, Philudelphia, Pa. Sold by Druggists. Life is like a pack of cards. Childhood's best cards are hearts; youth is won by diamonds; middle age is eonquered witïi a club, while oíd age is raked in by a spade. - VVhitehall Timeá. To all who are sulTering from the error ard indifcretions of youth, nervous wenknesp, early decay, loss of m:inhood, ifec, I will eend a receipe that will cure you, KREE OF CIIAKGB. This ereat romedy was dldcovercd by a misgionary in South America. Send a self-addreesed envelope to the Rev. Joteph T. Iuman, Station D, New York City. I9-Jy = HAS BEEN PROVED o The 8UREST CURE for ë iKIDSMEY DBSEASES. I Does a lamo baolt or disordored uriñe indi cate that you are a vioüm P THJEN DO NOT L E HBSITATE; use Kidney-Wortat once, E giata recommendit)andit wiüspeedily ._ come the dieease and restore healthy action. 9 c I a fá : aq For complainta peculiar -C bad U I CDi toyour sex, suchas pain -J andweaknossea.Kidney-'WortlflunBurpaBöod, ¦ q as it will act promptly and safely. I Either Ser. Incontinenoe, retention of urine, O I brick dust or ropy deposita, and dull dragging C 0 pains, all speodily yield to its curativo power. 2 p BOLD BY ALL DBUGGISTS. Prie 1. X huve presCTlbed Klndey-Wort wt'tft very great success Ín a score or inore obstínate cases of Kidoey and Liver Troubles.also for female weaknesscs.- Pliilip C. Ballou, M. D., Monkton, Vt. "My wlfe has been mach benefiled from the use of Kidney-Wort. She liad kldney and othercornplaints," writes Kev.A. B.Coleman, Fayettevllle, Tenn. IS A SURE CURE for all disensos of the Kidneys and LIVER i It has apeciño action on thiq most important organ, enabling it to throw off torpidity and inaotion, stimulating the healthy aecretionof tlio Bile, and by keepiiijf the bowela in freo coiidition , eíTecting its regular discharge. Mnlorlü If you are from IWlClICII Ida malaria, have the chilla, are bilioua, dyspeptic, orconatipated, KidneyWort will surely relieve and quickly curo. In tlio Spring to cloanse the 8y atora, evary one should take a tliorough courae of it. 1 SOLP BY PRUCC1STS. Prlce $. "I am a living advocate of the vlrtues oí Kidney-Wort. 1 suffered uutold agony from liver diaorder. It cured me."- Jno. D. Nevlns, Springfleld, Ohlo. cFOR THE PERMANENT CURE OF CONSTIPATION. 1 - No other diMMe ii o prevalmt In this a try a? Constipation, and no lemedy ha over eqmUled the oelebrated Kldaey-Wort tl " ? toxtre. WhateverthooauM.lioweTCr obstinate o the oase, thi remedy wül overoome it Z I PILES. pStaïSTlSi 'S S 5oompUoatedwlthoon.tipation. idnev-Wort J v BtrenethonB the weakoned parto and ouiokLT O mire. all kind. of Pile evenNrhen phyaf " and medicine havo beforo failod. " j, trït you have either of these trouble (JonstlpnUoii, in ail lts forms, ylelds to Kidney-Wort. In female dlseases ltist-t ucee;fu!-"-nr. Philip C. Uallou, Monkton Vt. Apr. 20-82. ' e THE GREAT OliR.: I ros E KIDNEYS.LIVER ANO BTeL8 ' WÊBÊ "I could flnd no remedy ior my kidney complalntand rlieumatlsm," writes Mr A A. Burr, of Temple' MUI, Florida, '-unlil I wascuredhy Kidney-Wort." Exposnre, lncldeuttolumberlng.causedMr.Burr'sdlsordcre. "POR SALE CIIEaFT" I.AIMil; TWO NTOKV FRAME HOUSE AND BARN ! Largje Iot, Fruit, etc. Centrally Loeated 11H1-1134 w. W. WHEDON. HALÜS (JafárrhPure jRecommendedby Physlclansl S 1 OO RËWAPDCAsÈlTi Mt ¦ W JVfty.flflU paira t0CÜKE We manufacture and scllUwllha Dnoitlvn tefflBS F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toíetío, ! Obla 1193-1188 For sale by Eberbach & Son.


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