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BACH & ABEL'S COLUMN. A singularly aUractlve sale of Eiubroideries 9 now beinsr held at Bach & Abel's. Being peculiarly favored in our purchases, we tliink we do not exaggerate " saying we can show the hURMt lina and inake the lowcst prlcél ever qitoted in this city fijr merchandiseot CTnquettloned Ciedihil'u y. Will yon oome? The best Crochet Quilt in tho world is now being sold by Bach ifc Abel 2o per cent. cheapcr than they Iiave ever before been sold. 200 just received. When down town it wonld be money in your purse to invest in one or two. Por a few weeks longer Back ifc Abel will sell Ginghams at 10c. Remember their Ginghams are tbc best quality. (Jainbries i short Urne longer at 8c, at Bach & AhclV. A few Uylea of Bach & Abel's Spring importations of Buttons have been received. If you are somewhat anxious to know vvhat is going to be used, come and spend a few honrs with us, and we will be very happy to show yon. All kinds of Woolcn Ilosieiy at eost at i Bach & Abel's. A few Wool Blankets left at Bach & Abel's, which must be sok! rhis Spring. They will be sold eheap. The Winter Divss Goods cheap at $1.50 have been redneed to $1.10 per yard, the reason why we make the reduction, we are overstocked and cannot carry over so many winter goods. The small quttntlty of Cloaks uid mans iu our large Cloak Department lools veiy Iunc80ii)e, aud on lliat account we would like to dispose of every one. Wc have a few cloaks at BOc, $1.00, $l.r0 and $2.50, and a very few Dolman's at $(.50. Also a Kinall ([iiantily of Silk Garmcnts which wc will scll at $12.30, at which pi ices wc are bold enough to assert that they ai e the "Biggest Surprise" that bas ever been otlV-ml at retail in the Alhens j of the West. Bnciuklu Gloves and Mittens at half price at Bach & Abel's. They must be closed as tliis is our last season in that line. BACH & ABEL. pRAND OPERAHOUSE. O.VE OXLY Wednesday, Marcli 7. Grand Scenic and Dramatic Evenl And the Pronounced Engagement of the Seaon. Production on a Scale of Magnlficent Grandeur, of JAMES A. HERNE'S HEAPJS OF OAK Acknowledged to be the Most Perfeot Soenlc and Dramatic Picture of the Ag 'Die Company Unusually Slrong, Headed by JAMES A. HERNE TheScenery, entirely new, comprising an entire car load, consistlng in part, of Marblehead Neck at Sunsel.with Rolling Surf.Ocean and Llghtbouse iti the distance, The Squall. TheSignal, The Revolving TAgM, Wreek of tbeNantucknt, In full Nlew of the Auclience. Manning the lite line, The Rescue, The Rain Barst, Iuterlor ol the oíd mili, Home of Terry and CryBtAl. Popular prices of admission. Keserved seats now on sale at Büss & Sons. Messrs. Rayniond & Wliitconb, the popular American excursión managers will take several special parties to the Pacific Goast the coming spring, all of wMcb will pass through Michigan. Porsons may join at poiuts along the route and secure tirstclass aecotnodations. 'J'lie trips are arranged on tlie most liberal acate, and are taken leisurely, 59 days bcing occuptéd in the regular tour, the return tickets boing good for a miicli longer time. A hand8onie programme of particulars (80 pages) will be sent to anv address by W. Raymond, 240 Washington Street, Boston, Massachuietls. McMillan & Randwall will place on sale Monday, Marcli 5th, one of the choicest lines of Easter Cards ever sliown iu this city, comprising designs from the best Foreign and Domest c manufactures. Also novelties in hand painted. We have been shown somc very rood work iu witter colon in theshape of a picture enlargcd fiomaphotograph. Il was executed by George Donaran. McMillan & Bandall have rcfitted their store aud addcd to their stock a large and choice line of Artistic Paper Jlangings, selectcd by Mr. Randall in New York and Boston markets, they are really the tinest designs and colorings we have ever seen in Ann Arbor, they have also an elegant assortment of room mouldings in gilt, bronze, silver, olive, tenacotta, pcacockblue, and all new colora to match decorations. Doo Found. - A Pointer bitch ot good size by Charles Stoll, lirst house this side the Toll-gate. 1130-1 132 Persons haviug second hand qlothingto dónate to the poor, will confer a favor on the Ladies of the Charitable Union liy sending such articles to Mrs. D. S. Woodt, No. 08 Sonth Main Street. Ann Arbor, Feb. 2, 'S3. A. Henning.Scc. 1129-1I3B. DAVIS SWING CHÜRNS p -$&LffiaL 'iiit Mi(ti ui. ni djüi kY'-'M tilljflTC IU "II Uil' fllvnr 4sfiiSr IS 'e b 1 1 I II ii I il i-i nul ]in of I:iirv 1iim'1''iii(.tii j.t i. niiorl cttrr i'. VASÜH itlAilUM'. 'f!., BelkiTu l'iUHví 1130-1142 PUT 1DCCT QIQI CC ' ¦¦'' r-imiilieil Aj-ntl MMim Blli Tr.l.n. ¦.Tf.lrnl AÍJPIJTC UANTT.D 1089-1140 w-t ia jour own towa. Tfrms ná S5 outfit fre ibDOiUnii.H.niinit Co . PorlUod , Hal. &V1M


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