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SCROFÜLA [ and all scrofulous dlSSUes, Sorrn, Kryhipelap. i Keeina, Blotrhpn, Ring wvrw TttmorBi ; bunclett, Boils, and Kruptions oi tfefl Skin, Are the direct result oí an Impura state f tttp j blood. ! To euro these diMases the blood must he pnrified, and restorèd to a healthyand aataral oendl tion. Avkk's Sarsapaiui-LA has for over furty yeais been recognized ly emfoent medical authoritiea as the most powerful Uood puritier In existence. It frees lhi ?yslem from all fonl mors, enriches and strengt hens ihe blood, remores '¦ all traces of mercurial treatment, and provee it i sel f a complete inaster oí' all Etcrofuïous üs uties. A Recent Cure of Scrofnloili Sores " Some months ago ï was trotibtad wiih wmfn lous sores (ulcera) on niv Iejs. 'I "In limhs v m badly swollen and Infiamed, and lb sores itiscliarged large quant i lies of olíousive niaiit-i . Every remetty I tried Cal led, until 1 wed Aykh'íi j SAKSAPARiLl.A,of whirli I have nuw laken tlirt-o bottles, with the result that the sores are hcalcd. and mygeneralhealih cref-tly f mproved. 1 fel rery grateful for the good yonr medicine liasulone j me. Yours respeclfully. Mits. AKS OBbIAK.' 148 Sullivan St., New York, Jmie M, 18KÜ. ' " All persons interested are lavlted to i cali on Mrs. OBrian ; alno upon the ltvx. 7,. ! P. Wild of 78 KaRt 54th Strwt, New Vork j City, whowill take pleasure in to ! the eronder f ui efficacy of Ayer's la, not only in the mtrfl of Miis lady. bint in ', his iiwii vne and maiiy otlierrt ithin hi& , knowledge. The well-known vritcmn the Button WcrriW, R. W. Ball, of Boeketter, A...writes. June 7, 1882: " Kaving sulfi:red Sfvercly for poniH ears witli ¦ Boxenta, and haring fallad totlnd relief fromother j remedies, ! have made use, daring the past tlnee months, of Aykic's SakbapahILLA, wliloh lms effected a complet1 fffirf. I (iousidfr it a lungnlfi cent retnedy lor all blood liseayes.' J Ayer's Sarsaparilla ! stimulates and regolatei ilio actton of tlic ligestive atul asitiiitniivc OTigAiift, riiem ail Btl'engtlieiis tlie vital forres, aml miumlllj ahcu nheumatiKtn, Nenmlsia. lïhrnniatir Oout, t'atarrh, Genera nebililv, Mul a!l dlwmn I arising froin an itupovorihod or eorrupted ' tiouof th lilocxt, and a veRkiift'l vilality. It is iiicomparably the ehoftpcBl Wóod nn-dicine, on account of itsconcentrated strciitli. aml great power over ilisease. rnrrARKi) nv Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mass. Sold by all DrugtfisM; price Í1, six bottles for $5. J-. BEBBY, The Practical TAÍLOR AND CUTTER Of the late flrm of WINANS A BERKY, hap cu his place of bupinene at NUMBER 7 HURON STREET, " With a fine line of ' SLITINGS AM) TR0USK1UNUS, And would say to his old flriendp una now om thn if thcy w:mt a Unod fit and a Nobby Fit at Kiason : able Priccs. cali on him and ttu-y will bc uure t t;et one I li RRQM1 FY'S I IL7Z!! [I : S ELECTRO PLATK WORK8. 5 I 48 Woodward Avenne, DETKOIT. MICH, I ' VS. G OLD SILVER AND NlüKt-L &í Largcst Plating establishment in the State. ALL WORK FIKST CLASS. RF.FEBENCES I ' M. S.Smith & Co., Detroi tSafe Company or ¦ "rösrta"y"o"f'ïrn„.iu""iTEn?ri 112!(-11."1 GET TOUK rUOPERTÏ IH8UBED Bï ! C. IX. MZZ.Z.ZXT, INSURANCE AGENT, j No. 4 S. Main St., Ann Arbor. ' Tho oldegt asency in the city. BaUkbHshed a qnarter ol a ccntiiry ago. Bspreaeotli'K ihe following ftrtt-cla8B companiep: ITome Inmirance Co., of N. Y % 7,0'YVKm Continental Insurance Co., of N. Y 4,áH7.'." Niágara Insurance Co. , of N. Y 1 7:ï; íiho i irard InsuraDce Co., of Phila 1,182,488 ( OriPDt lnpnrancc Co., of Hartlord 1.419,622 Commercial Union, of Lond'in 12,n(X).lllli} ty Untes Low. Losses libcrallv j ' jll.stfd aml ii'oniitly ]ial(l. i C. H. Millcn. uiö-iiio i i II 11 L Fll ""' ¦ l'!' 1H JU i'i-MiL' lv, u'ii Hint I I' 1 y" (''e' 8oln(-'n'nir nl' h'y ' ¦f m ¦ I and sublimo leave hehind to coiKjucr il ¦ ¦ I tillin." ;[wkillïiilllciri'iili. Illl I $óou!fit free. No rifk. BvBTVIhilUí I ¦ ¦ mJKJ I new. Capital not rcqnired. Wewill furnish you everything. Many are makingtortuncH : Ladics make aa muc i as mon, amt boys and glr'i ! mtike great pay. Header, if you want tiUHirie! al j which ou can make great pay all th' lim , rite íoj j particular to H. Hai.i.btt & Co., Portland. Mnine. ,


Ann Arbor Courier
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