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"-Forfour years I tuffered agony f rom a skin dixease. Dr. Benson's SHn Cure cured me." C. B. McDonald, Plantersrille, Ala. $1 at druggist8. Poor little Emma Sinith weddcd big, burly Jolin Brown. The latter, on being asked his business, replied witli tlie air ot' a man who wa9 telling the truth, "I'man embosser."- Pittsburg Telegraph. Swayne's Pilis- Comfortin? to the Slek. Thousandsdie froni neglect to properly treat Impura blood, constipation, dyspepsia, malaria, appoplexy, liver, kidney, heurt diseases, dropsy, and rheumatism. But to the debilitated burdened wilh such serioii8 Blcknesi, we conscientiously recommend "Swayne's Pilla," wliich cortain medicinal properties possesed by no other remedy. Sent by mail for 25 cents, box of 30 pills; 5 boxes, $1, (n stamps). Address Dr. Swayne&Son, Philadelplna, Pa. öold by Druggists. " It is the little bits ov things that fret and worry us," says Josh Billing; "we kan dodge an elephant, but we kan't a fly-" Take Ayer's Sarsaparilla in the spring of the year to purify the blood, invigorate the system, excite the liver to action, and restore the healthy tone and vigor of the wliole physical mechan sm. In Siam the people worship the elephant. In this country they only wunt to sue hiin. "Buchupaiba." Quick, complete cures all annoying Kidney, Bladder and Urinary Diseases. $1. Druggist. The St. Loutepapers say Gebharclt looks lik a footman. Then Langtry must be a Lily of the Valet.- Pittsburg Telegraph. $100 Renard Is offered for any case of Catarrh that cant be cured with Hall's Catarrh Cure. Taken internally. Price 75 cents. SoldbyEberbach & Sou. Girls are more courageous than men. They are willing to make a match with a fellow twice their fize. - Fresh air, exercise, good food and Dr. Benson's Celery and Chaniomile Pills wil!, when used together, cure any case of nervousness, sick headacbe, or indigestión. They strengthen the nervous systera. 5,000 physlclans prescribe them.