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SCALES AND SAFES. MANUFACTURERS of Platform. Hay. Wheat and Counter Scales. NEW AND SECOMDHAND Scalea and Safes for sale and repaired. 1128 1179 M. N. ROWLKY, Detroit, Mico. PATENTS Obtained, and all othcr business In the ü. 8. Patent Office attended to for MODERA'! E FEES. Our office ia opposite the U. S. Patent Office, and we can obtain Patenta in lesa time than thoëe remote from WASHINGTON. Scnd MODKLor DKAVVING. We advise au to pamntability froc of charge; and we make NO CHARGE ÜNLESS WE OBTAIN PATENT. We reft-r here, to the Postmaner, the Sopt. of Money Ord ? Div., and to officials of the Ü. 8. Patent Office. For circular, advice, terms, and relerenccs to actual cliënt" in your own State or connty, addrexs ?. A. S() t .. 1119 tf Opposite PatentOfflce, Wasnington, D.C. qyn A WKKK. $12 a Aj at hom eully made. Coitlj ÍP L Outfit free. Addreu Tkuk & Co., Augusta, Malne. ABILITYP' WiÖGWA r THIS PAPER m-- BRAINSB 1 on FILE and fcERSlSTOTÍI juiiniimM vertisingcontract B S I GOOD H 'or it and all otber ¦ GOOD I )riTrpi rel nowsp&pers in the 9iiv?PADCT?d iftH I IULloB tcorld can be mada nlit:YYjrfrtlw r fc on the most F- I L alilo tenns at the I INTERNATIONAL NBWSPAPER AOENCY H. P. I !u libard, Prop., .New naren, ( t., l . 8. A. Fobllthtr of tfa NmUMT and Bank Director of the World, TO REN'F A sult of rooms over the POST OFFICE Gooil for the MILLINERY BUSINESS. Apply at COURIER OFFICE. HA LUS Qatarrh gure Is Becommended by Physlciansi We manufactura and iellitwilha positivo guarantee that It will cure any casG) ;ind we will forfeii the abovotmouut iiufaiisia a single Instancc. It ia unliko anX otb,T Catarrh remedy, as 'tis taken ir.tornaüy, acting upon th lf you are troubkdiib this aistressing dïsease, ask yourDruggist for it, and ACCIPT KO IMITATIO OS SÜBCTITDTE. If h8 bas not got it, eend to us and we will forward lüimediaicly Pri'ïe, 75 eenls f,er boitle. F. J. CHEKEY & CC:., Toledn. Ohio. 1 ISC-1183 For sale by Eberbacli A Kon.