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AYER'S Sarsaparilla earea CkaainatUm, Neuralgia, Rheumatic floul, Qmmanl Deblllty, ( atiurU, and all 4taottler aised by a thin and impovtrishetf, or orrupUil, coadiMon of th bld; expallrug the tood-poteons f rom the iystoai, enriching and reiiuwtaig the blood, and restoring iu vitalizing p#we. Ourlug a long period of unparalltled tuefulneB, ATiut's Sarsaparilla has proven ita perfect adaptation to th euro of all diseasi-s origiuatlng in joor blood and a vea.kend vltality. It is a Highly i Mlraled extract of Sarsaparilla and other blood-purifylng rooi, combined nllh lodide of PotaggJura and Iron, and 3 the Mfent, most reliable, aud most economioal blood-puiitier and blood-iood thnt can be used. Inflammatory Rheumal Iflm Cured. "Ayer's Sahsai' haa ured me wf ,h IntlaiHMi.'itnry Rheunaatisni, wilfa which I have suffered for many years. W. H. JIoor.E." Uurhani, la., March 2, 18S2. " Eight years sgo I had an attnek of Rheutna1 1 Km so severe tbat I couM not move front tii bed, or dress, without help. 1 tried several remedies vittiout much if any relief, until 1 toolc AVEIt'n Sausapaiulla, by the us ol two bottles of v liu-li I was cotnpletely eured. I hav not been troubled with the Kheumatism since. Hav sold large quantities of your Saksaparilla, and it still retains its wonderful popularily. The many notable cures it has effected in this vicinity convlnce me that it is the best blood medicine ever ottered to Mie public. E. F. Hakkis." Kirer St., BucklanU, Mass., May 13, 1882. " rst March I was so weak from general deblllty that I could not walk without help. Kollowing the advice of a frieiid, 1 commeucel tükiiis Avlh's, and before I had used three bottles 1 feit as well as 1 ever did in my lile. I hav been at work now for two months, and think your Saus iki i.i.a the createst bkxd medicine in the world. James 1avnaiu." 020 West 42d St., New York, July 1, 1S82. Aveu's SAR8APARII.LA cures Scrofula and all Scrofuloug Complalnts, Eryglpelaa, Eczema, Ringworm, BlotcheN, Sor, KoiU. Tumor, and Mrnitionsof the Sklu. ItcWnri Uio Wo4 of all lnaparities, aids digestión, Mídiu. lates Ibe actio of the bonels, and thus reUo vitallty and strengthMW th whole system. rnrAn BY Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mas. Sold by all Droggiate; price $1, six bottlw. ¦ I " I RRfiMI FY'S I snTi ELECTRO PLATE WORKS. I 48 Woodwaid Avenue, DETROIT. M1CH. I (Ettablishcd 27 ycars.) rC GO LD. S ILVE R-AN D NI C KEL tS-j] I Largest Plating establishment in the State. I j ALL WORK FIEST CLASS. j REFERENCES I M. S.Smith & Co. , Detroi t Safe Company or I BrTiïTTany prominent citiienl"?"l M.iii, - '. -i,.,,, Tl.-:;;::. ? 1129-1154 GET YOÜR PROPERTÏ INSUREI) BY C. H. MILLE2ST, INSURANCE AGENT, No. 4 S. Main St, Ann Arbor. The oldeet agency in the city. Entablished a qnarter of a century ago. Representlug the followlng flrst-class companiep: Home Insurance Co., of N. Y t 7,0ifl.n(K) Continental Insurance Co., of N. Y 4.2"7.2Xi Niágara Insurance Co., of N. Y 1,735 563 Wrard Insurance Co., of Phila 1.1S2.4K6 Oriënt Innnrance Co., of Hartlord. IMVA'22 Commercial Union, of London 12,000,000 IW Ratcs Loir. Losse liberal Ir adjusted and promptly pald. UI5-1H0 " ¦""¦ II H fl ninot' llre ' weeping by, go and dare II I ll'llhefore you die. domethlnc' mi hly K V I I and sublime leave behind to conquer ' I lll I 'me'" f66aweck In yourown town. ¦ IJL V I tSoutatfrec. No risk. Bvcrything ¦ 1 mJKJ M i],.w. Capital not nqulred. Wcwill Farnish you everything. Many are mxking fortune? Ladles make as mnci as men, ana boy and girls make great pay. Reader, if yon want businex at which yon can make gret psy all the timr,write foj particular to H. Hallïtt A Co.. Portland. Mainc.