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DARBYS PRÖPHYLACTIC FLUID. A Houscholil Artlcle for Univorsal FamUy Use. BHBBE&SSK9BJ For Scarlet and ï T?wi3;i+at. BTyphoid I'overn, B Eradicates Dipntherla, sauWÁ? AT? TA Biatlon, Ulcerated MALAKIA. SoreThroat, Sma„ PfflimffHl'lfH- Fox, Measles, and ftllContagiousDiseases. Persons waitingon the Sick should use t freely. Searlet Fever has nevcr been kDown xo spread where the Fluid was used. Yellow Ferer hit been cured with it aftor black voinit liad taken place. The worst cases of Diphtheria yield to t. SMAIX-FOX son refreshed and and Bed Sores PITTING of Small cd by bathing with pOx PREVENTED ""J1"?1;, ,. AmemberofmyfemChofinge, etc. . , , w p.-,. KbUMU.m cured. '' phJdnhiS Soft White '2 ÍOD8 secured by ïïs use. fllG Shlp Fever prevented. ¦_..,. . To purify the Urcath, ¦ ElühthGria Cleanse the Teeth, ¦ - it can'tbesurpassed. T-....iJ I CntarrU reUeved and ¦ rrSVSüteCl. B cured. 9. fwwMrrrwiinmWTJI Erysipeltffe cured. ¦¦¦¦aillHIVfiiï BurnireUcvedinstantly. xhe physicians here Hoars prevented. use Darbys Fluid very Dysontcry cured. successfully in the treatWoonds healed rapidly. mcnt of Diphtheria. Scurvy cured. A. Stollemwerck, An Antidote for Animal Grcensboro, Ala. or Vegetable Püisons, , , Stinp.otc. Tettcr dned up. I used the Fluid during Cholera preveated. ourprasentafflicüonwilh Ulcerg punfied and Bcarlet Fever with ] healed. cided advantace It is In cases of Dcatllil imUapensable to the stiould be used aboul room.- Wm. F. ! the corpse - it wül FORD, Eyrie, Ala. I prevent any unplea1" Tlic eminent Pliy¦ Cl .-l.ifl.,l siclan.J.MAKION ¦ Searlet Fover 1;sim8, m. d., New I York, ays : "I am rinvpfi 1 i convinced Prof. Darbys U Ui BU. Prophylactic Fluid is a LManMHnHH ' valuable disiofectant." Vanderbilt University, Nashville, Tenn. I tcstify to the most excellent qualiries of Prof. Darbys Prophylactic Fluid. As a disinfectant and detergent it ís both theoretically and practically superior to any preparation with which I am acquainted. - N. T. Lupton, Prof. Chemistry. Darbys Fluid is Kecoimnended by Hon. Alcxandek H. Stephuns, of Georgia ; Rev. Chas. F. Dekms, D.D., Church of tho Suangers, N. Y.; Tos. LeConte, Columbia, Prof. .University, S.C. Rcv. A. J. Battle, l'rof., Mercer University; Rev. Gco. F. PinncE, Bishop M. E. Church. INDISPENSABLE TO EVERY TOME. Perfectiy harmltiss. Used imcrnally or extcrnally for Man or Beast. The Fluid has been thoroughly tested, and wi have abundant evidence that it ñas done everythmg Here claimed. For fuller Information get of youi DrugUt a pamphlet or send to the proprietors, 0'. H. ZE1IJN & CO., Manufacturing Chemists, PH I LADELPH I A BUSINESS CABDS. WILLIAM BIGGS, BUILDER. CORNER CHURCH AKD ORLEANS ST. Aan Arbor. PRIVATE TUTORING _FOIt - COLLEGE PREPARATORY WORK. UEKEKENCES:-Pres. AiLl-1!, Prof3. Oluer, ïfrwz D'üog, Payue aud Pciry. Chas. E. Lowrey. AM. Rosidonce. 19 Orleans 8t. =WpTLLfAM"vV . N 1C11OL.S Ajj&. Hai Rsmoyed To HU NEW DENTAL ROOMS Orer Joe T. J&cobi' GMtf W. H. JACKSON, OFFICE: Over Bach& Abel' s. Hntranoe ty I ïrn Nulonal Eank. 782tf WILLIAM HERZ, House, Sten, Ornamental and FRESCO PAINTER. PaperLng, Glazlng, Gild'nK. and C&!clmlntn? and work of every descrlption done In the bfst siflc, and warranted to c 7e satis f net' on. SHOP, NO. 4 WEST WASHINGTON ST. Ann Arbr. Michigan. ES8tl TUI! Kff% AftBB Savlngs Bank, Asa ah bob, 3ii;ura.i.. Transacts (Jmoral Baakiag Business. CAPITAL, 850.000, Organlzed undcr the llene ral HnnV.Inx Law of thl Sta'.e. the siockholJera ua lndtTUfcially liahlo for an addltlonil orauunt oqunl to the ituck held by them. thereby creaMns a Guarantee ï'und for the benefit of Depositorsof $100,000.00. Three per cent. Interest 1 alloned on all catlr.Rs Deposita of ono dollar and upwurda, aocordtriB to tbe rules of tho l'.:ink and Interest compoun.leil ieml-aiinanliy Moncy to Loan on anlacumbereJ roii estat nnd o:ber good securlty. DlKEOTOlia -Chrlstlan Mack, W. W. Wines, P.. A. Bal, Willluni Deubel, VVllUm I). liarrlmaa, Daniel Ilisook, nnd WillarO B. Smiih OPFICEKS. CBKlbTliN MCK, Pres W.W.Wt.Vïe. Vlce-Pre (Jbaj) ti I1IBC00K, Cainler. [U-ei


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