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= HAS BEEN PROVED The SUREST CUREfor I KIDNEY DISEASES. J E uso Kidney-Wort at onee, a ciBtsrooomroendiOandit willspoedily over coma the diseaae and reitere hoalthy actlon. o coms "" T"" í-or complainta peculiar L L3UIC& toyoursox, suchas pain -I and Wort israsurpassed, ?JasitwillaotpromptlyandMftly. ,.„„¦ EitherSex. Inoontmenoe, rotentlon ofnrlne, o S brickdustorropy deposita, and dull dragging i ü poins, all npeedily yield to ita ouratlva power. _ SOLD BT ALL DBTTOaiSTS. Frloe ti. "My friends, E. C. Legard, this City, used to be drawn doublé from palnful Kidney Disease. Kidney-Wort cured htm.''- Jas. M. Kinney, Druggist, Alleghany City, Pa., Aug Zi-82. IS A SURE CURE i for all d!eaes of the Kldneys and LIVER , It ha speciflo aotion on thla mout important organ, enabling it to throw off torpidity and 1 I lnaction, atimulatdne the healthy BeoreUon of j the Blle, and by keepiní the bowelfl in freo ' oondition, effeoting 1U regular discharge. ¦ BlaKÍA Ifyouareoufleringfrom fViaiana. mlAria,havetliecMlls, I are büious.dyspepticorconatlpatod, KidneyWort will urely reUeve and quiokly ouro. In the Spring tooleanse theSyotem, every one ohould take a thorough oourse of it. I SOLDBY DRUCCISTg.jjcegM "l've galnedüO Ibs. Ín two months," wrltes Mr. J. C. Power, of Trenton, III., (Deo. 2-82)," and am a well man. I'd suflered with liver disorders slnce 1802. Kidney-Wort cured me." Strong words from a New York clergyman : "I unhesltatingly recommend Kidney-Wort. It greatly benefltted me," says Rev. C. E. Kemble, of Motliawk, N. Y. CFOR THE PERMANENT CURE 0F CONSTIPATION. - No other dlseaso Ís so pre v&lant Ín this 0 " try as Constipation( and no remedy has ever - V oqualled the oclebrated Kidney-Wort as a c E cure. Wliato ver the cause, howovar obstinate (S O the caee, this remodywill overoome it. k DI I CC TÍTI8 distresBing r ifc-fcW. piaint la very apt to bo ¦Z oompHoatedwitheonHtipatioa. EJldney-Wort J 4,, strongthens the weakenod parte and quickly (0 citrea all n of Piles even when physicians Ï? tt and medioine have beforo iailcd. 5 tó lyif you have either of these traubles p PRICE$I. USE I Prugglg _Sell "For 12years," writes Lyman T. Abell, of Georgia Vt., "I found no relief from piles, untll I tried Kidney-Wort. It hos cured me." .THE GREAT CURE o I tob. "" ï I- RHEWMATISM- I „ Aa It is lor 11 the palnful disoases of the v L KIDNEYS.LIVER AND BOWELS. g O It cleanses th system of the aorld puison a 00 that oauBGs the tiroadful ufferlng whioh O only the vlctims of Ehpivmwiii oan realice. L „ .. THOUSANDS OF CASES j v or the worBt forma of thu terrible diaease B hve boen quiokly relleved, nd in nhort time S PERFECTLY CURED. U PRICE, i. LKJIID OB DUT, 8OLD BÏ DKIGCISTS 5 ¦ DrycjuibeeentbymaiL JgBICgABggOIJ&Co.. Burlington Vt. "I had habitual costiveness, pain in ihe back and rheumatism," writes 8. J. Scott, Burlington, Vt , Kidney-Wort has cured tliem all." I 'HUÍ) BAMFOKD & CO., FRESCO ARTISTS, ía,'-rs ln riae WaU pPeraj Líithor Papors, LINCÏC3TA, Paper Ceiling. l)coirations. Store Shades, Decorative Picture Mouldings and Centres. Estimates given and designs submitted forPrescoingand Paper Decorations. ,,,, ,,255 Jeffferson Ave., DETROIT, Mioh. llti-í-llbl A GOOD OPrORTUMTY T0 Fit up Your Farlor Cheap ! i For want of room we offer fbr the next few weeks our large stock of parlor goods at reduced prices. We have worked all winter with a full force and have now a very fine selection of complete suits, Sofas, Divans, Patent Rockers, Easy Chairs, etc , covered with Plush, Silk Tapestry, Spun Silk, Terry and Hair Cloth, after the latest style. Cali early and take advantao-e of our offer, as this reduction will last only íor a few weeks until we gain room for Spring Goods. Respectfully, KOCH & HALLER. AYER'S Hair Vigor or atep black, as muy be desired. By its use ]ri,í It check talling of the hair, and ,t muíate, a agreeable, and lasting " excelle,,t'pr,,rat f rt wh r T" ' Í '"f"St from my owñ ëxDerlenntt rti puak of ' ÍUled togiveeSt'iTfactíon!;!'61"11'11'0" "'" 'LÜÍS"".f 'e ce!enudntaü, ail „,,,,. .'. ;.; '' a0 've been ahle to ter of coiisi.Ier.M . ythfulness - a inatomt-.r8,a,Hor amUn ot3"'Ce tO I"''-9, the eyes of th pübíi".'y one wLo lives '" bll. On ui, " L d w8 fast growiug i one botlto of the v" L i ,', J ri'K'l""ly Oled bul i Uy as a Uewüig ' now us0 " , Utal to convide tUe „,o8t skeptica. ofiw valué c PRBVARKD UY Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mass. ' Sold by nll Drugglsts.