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towusbln of Venloe, Sblmum County IMich,, Heury ühurob, in the WtU year of hls Henry Church was born In Roibory. Dala ware oounty, New York, on the I7th of Bept 1793. In 181Í ha was murried to a MIm Klvtra Harria, of Amsterdam, Monlgomery oounty New York. In 1884 they moved lnto wbat was called the Qeuesee country, and daring hls resldeuce there he becanie a Christlan aml Jolned the M. E. Church. In 1831 they oam to Michigan, and settled In r he town of Bup. rlor, Washtenaw oounty, where hl wiie died in Augut, 18. In 1M ha married Mr. Catharlne Lonard,wldow of bel Leonard He wa an exemplary OhrisUan. and tor mora than flfty yeara he had been ldentlQad wlto the household oí falth, doíng whatsosraT hU hands found to do for hl Lord aad Muiter. HU house was al way opan to the waary ltinerant preaoher ln.tho dayi wliia losg journeys had to ba mada to reaoh appotnt menta, and hla purga trinca wera al way held wlth an open hand, and ready to help whan help was wanted. jH was a constant reader of the Blble, whlch book ha prlced abora all book, and tbe lamlly altar waa malntalnad In hls house untll hla iklllng ayeglght, and the lnflrmltles of age wetghed so hearlly upon hini that lt had to be omitud, bot he had made such good ase of hls tima In hls carllor raanhood that he eould repeat wholn chapter from the Blble, and cmly a few day before he died, as he lay on hls bed ha repeated the whole of the fuurteentb chapter of Job, from whieh chapler, at tha Hth verse, tha txt for his funeral dlsvourse was taken. Tlina bas passed away a father in Israel, trae friend, and a laan who had no enetnles. Ha laaves slx chlldren, four soos and two daoghtars, and alarbe cl rcle of friends aad acqaatntances to mourn his los. His life's work Is done, and 'lis well deue.