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c HAS BEEN PROVED ThBSURESTCUREfOT . 1 KIPNEY DI3EA8ES. 2 Ladies.toyo."-1 ? .ndweeJuMewJaanay-WorttaraMTpeMed. " „. sou BY AU. PBÜQOI8T8. Prlcl_ TfsalmiLawrence, my towns-man.' ays Dr. Philip C. Ballou, of Monkton, Vt., was bloated from kldney dlsease. The kin of his legs shone like glass. Kldney-Wort curedhlrn. Apr. 20-82. Pis a sure cure"! 1 for all dl.ea.e. of the Kldney. and I 3 It bat .pcclflo aotton on thU met important [ 2 orgn enabling it to throw off torpidity and I i LELon. .ttmuUüni thehealthy, f"u? f i eBUe id by koeping the boweto in free L I oonditton.eotiiiit regular diaoharge. r 3 Malaria. ïsïïïïSJSSSs; I i iñthoBprln? to olean tbeSy.tem.veir F 3 one ahould take a ttorough couiw of it. C i 11 SOLDBY DRUCCISTjPrlc] " ïell ray brother soldiers,' wrlten J. C. Power, of Trenton, 111., "and all others, too, that Kldney Wort eured my 20 year livert disorders. Publish It, please, in St. Louis OlobeDemocrat." cFOR THE PERMANENT CURE OF ; COKSTIPATION. f - No othor dlnoaso la o pre valent in tbia tt " try mi Constipation. and no remedy ha ever equalled the celebrated Kldnoy-Wort as a c E ouro. Whatover tlio oauae, however obstLnat (S I tho oase, th.U remedy will overoome it. k. CO B tC TTTTB difltroesin O r ¦ kCW plaint Ia very apt to bo - ¦ eomplloated w-ltiioonstlpatloBL Kidney-Wort " v streiiffthena tho wcakenod parta and quiokly OS cures all kinds of Piles even when physiolans J" c and medicino have before failed. Í ï- tiTIf y ou have either of these troubles p "pRÏCBi. USE f DrugglgtSell k Anotber liank Caaheir escapes. Geo. H. Horst, Cash'r of Myerstown (ra.) Bank, said, recently: "Kidney-Wort cured my bUeding piles." c TH E : CREAT CUREU 2 I S3L 1 I - RH E ü MA Tl SM- . , Aa it ín for aU the pnful dlaeues of the -o KIDHEY8.LIVER AND BOWELS. g It olansea the ytm of the aorld poison 0 that OAnaei the dretdftll mnítéring which C only tho victima of Kheumatium can realixe. L THOU8ANDS OF CASES J t, of the worst fonns of thi terrible dlseaee a have been qulokly rclioved, and in short timo L PERFECTLY CURCO. B PBICZ, 1. Mijl III OR DBT, SOI.D BT IIIll (.TSTS. 44Dry riin bo sent bj mml. 3 WEIxLg. BICHAHD8ON & Co. , Burlington Vt. "Kldney-Wort has glven immedia relief, In many cases of rheumatlsm.fallingnnder my notlce."- Dr. Philip C. Hallou, Monkton, Vt. Apr-20-82. "I never found even relief,from rheumatisra and kldney troubles till I used Kldney-Wort. A'oui l'm weli:'- David IC Hutter, Hartford, Wisc. Embraces everv deslrahle r.ov-l'y of U II U 1 1 ¦ the season fully de-it ritirrl in t!:cir llinilUnU ¦ a.EVHYfHJWGföiBl whlch for 1SS8. coñtáhs n-'T'R IIENDERSOT?SB Revttfd Tnitruetio ¦" Vrt.ible and Flower ¦ ture," maltin? it a rmi Irii I Garrtening Beok, havinB Bilthe latest informtion 1-nown to the author of H deninc for iroflt.H M . e '. tr"f on applicatlon. H iPftst state in wkat ¦¦' yon j-íttk tkis). Peter Kenderson & Co., 35 & 37 Cortlandt St., New York 1127-1137 Vegetable Sicilian HAffi RENEWER was the flrst prepara tion perfectly adupted to cure diseases oL the scalp, and the flrst successful restorer of faded or gray hair to its natural color, growth, and youthful beauty. It has had many imitators, but none have so fully met all the requirements needf ui for the proper treatment of the hair and scalp. Hai.l's Haik Rkxewkr hns eteadily grown in favor, and spread its faine und nsefulness to every quarter of the globe, lts unparalleled suocess can be attributed to but one cause: the entire -f ui filment of its prvmises. The proprietors have of ten been snrpriseci „t the receipt of orders froni remóte couwries, whcre they had never made an etfort for its ntroduction. The use for a short time of Hall'8 Haik Kkxewek wonderfully iniproves the personal appoarance. It cleanses the scalp from all impurities, cures all humors, fever, and dryneBs, and thus prevent baldness. It stimulates the weakened glands, and enables them to push forward a new aud vigorous growth. The effects of this artlcle are not transient, like those of alcoholic preparations.but remain a long linie, which makes its use a matter of economy. BUCKINGHAM'S DYE FOR THE WHISKERS WIH chnnge the beard to a natural brnvn, or btack, as desired. It produces a permanent color that will not wash away. Consisting of a single ireparatioh, It is [plied without trouble. PRKPAKED BY R. P. HALL & CO., Nashua, N.H. Sold by all Dealers in Medicines. tFOB ALL THE PORMS Scrofnloti, Mercurial, and Blood Disorders, the best remedy, because the most searching and thorough bloocW 1 purifier, is Ayer's Sarsaparilla. Sold by all Drugglat $1, six bottles, 85. Estáte of Wllllam Manirold. OTATK OF MICHIGAN.Oouniy 01 Washtenaw, At a peelon of the Probate Court for the Connty ol Wanhtenaw, holden at the Probati Office In thé City of Ann Arbor, on Tueeday, the thlrd day of April, in the year one thoasand eiuht hnndred and eighty three. Present, Wlliiam D. Harriman, Judge of Probate. In the matter of the estáte of William Msntfold. oeceased. James D. Allison. executor of the last will aud teatatneDt of naid dfceased, comes luto ' conrt and represents that he Is now prepared to ' render hls account as such executor. Thereiipon It is ordered.ihnt Saturday.the ' eignth day of April instant, at ten oVlock In the ' forenoon, be asslgned lor examining and allowine ' such account, and that the devisees, leñatees and lelrs at law of said deceased, and all other persons ntcrented in aid estáte, are required to appear at a ' scsslon of soid court, then to be holden at the Probate office, in the city of Ann Arbor, in said county and show cause, if any thcre be, why the eald account nhould not be iillowed. And it 1 further ordered, that gald exeentor ïve notlce to the persons interested in said estáte 01 the pendency of said account, and the hearing parool, by canslng a copy of this order to he ¦ iBhed In thcAnn Arbor Poxrisr.anewspaperprlnted and circulating in said connty, three successive weeks prevlous to said day of hearing. (Atraecopy.) WILLIAM D. HARRIMAN, rwnr r, .__ Judee of Probate. WM. G. DOTT, Probate Register. 1137 IHO h W ( A wek made at home by the indastrlJ I Best business now bofore the pab I wBlic. Capital not needed. We will start ( Jl I ,"' women. boys and elrls 1 ll Alwanted evcry wheru to work for ns. Now c 7 m { the time. You can work in spare ime, or giv your wbole time to the business. No , Iher business will pay you nearly as well. Noone -an fail to maKe enormoUB pay, by engaglne at f toUy outfit and terms Iree. Money made fut, asily, and honorbly. Addres Tnus & Co., Port and, Mnlno.