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T? ¦ ¦ ijTra C ostlveneiB, yjl 1 1, tt I ííLLaIB Sick Headache, 5gLSL ,JH ( liriinic DlarVí vfvV'è' rlici-a, Jaundlce, JSÍV Impurlty "f tli" %Wcl Vl[íljff :uul :ill Diseascs CSJS raused by Derangement ol liver, Hon els and Kidneys. STMPTO3IS OF A DISEASED LIYER. Bad Brcath ; Pain n the Sidc, sometimes the min is feit under the Shoulder-bladc, mistaken for fcheumatism; general losi of appetite ; Boweli generally costive. sometimes alternaling with lax; the heiá is troubled with pain, is dull nd heavy with considerable loss of memory, accompanied with apainfulsensation of leaving undone somethine which oughrto have been done ; a sligrit, dry cough and flushed face is sometimos an attendant, ouen mistaken for consumption; the patiënt complaini of weariness and debility ; nervous, easily startled; ieet cold or burning, sometimes a prickly sensalion of the skin exists; spirits are low and despondent, and although satisfied that exercise would De beneficia, yet one can hardly summon up forlitude to try t- In act, distrusts every -'. '¦;. Several of the above symptoms attend the disease, but case have occurred when but few of them existed, yet txamination after death has shown the Liver M have ben extensively dcrangcd. It should be used by all persons, old and jnimg, whenever any of the alove syraptoms appear Persons Travellne or Uviag In Vnbealthy LocaUtles, by taking a dose occasionally to keep the Liver in healihy actiun, will avold all Malaria, Bilious attacks, Dizziness, Nautea, Drowsiness, Depression of Spirits, etc. It 11 invigorate likca glass of wine, lint Is no lntoxlcating beverage. If You havo eatcn anythlng hard ol digestión, or'feel heavy after meals, or sleepless at night, ttke a dose and you will be relieved. Time and Doctors' Bills wlll be sared by always keeping tlio Regulator in the House! Tor, whatever the aüment may be, a ihoroughly fafe purgativo, alterativo ar.d tortio can never be out of place. The remedy K harmlesi and does not interfero nith business or pleasure. IT IS PtTRELY VEGETABLE, And has all the power and efiicacy of Calomel 0! Quinine, without any of the injurious after cflects. A GovernoVs Testimony. Simmons Liver Regulator has been in use in my fiimily for some time, and I ara satisñed it is a valuaole addition to the medicni science. J. Gill Síiofteb, Governor of Ala. Hon. Alexander II. Stephens, of Ga., iays : Have derived same benefit from the use of Simmons Liver Regulator, and wish to givo it a further trial. "The only Tliing that nevpr fails to Kelieve," - I have used many remedies for Dylpepsia, Liver Affection and Debility, but never have found anything to benefit me to the extent Simmons Liver Regulator lias. I sent from Minnesota to Georgia for i, and would send further for such a medicine, and would advise all who are similarly affected to give it a trial as it seems the only thing that never fails to relieve. P. M. Jannev, Minn;;ipolis, Minn. Dr. T. "W. Mason says : From actual experience in the use of Simmons Liver Regulator in my practice I have been and am satisfied to iise and prescribe it as a purgative medicine. j6êt5taBTake only the Genuin1, which always has on the Wrapper the red Z Trnde-Mark and Signature of J. II. ZEIMN & CO. FOR S ALE BY ALL DRUGGISTS. BUSINESS CARDS. WILLÏAM EIGGS, BUILDER. HOF: CORNER CHURCH AND ORLE1NSST. Ai Arbor. W. H. JACKSON, DEiriwT, OFFICE: Over Bach & Abel's. Kutrance by Mm National tank. ntu WILLIAM HERZ House, Stn, Ornamental and FRESCO PAINTER. Paperinu, OIazIdjc. GMd'ug, an i Calcimlnln and work of vf ry descrlptlon dnna In the brit styie. and warrantcd tn ivo BatUfnotion. SHOP,NO.4 WEST VA.SHllGTO ST. Ann Arbar. JlcMn. C88tf demTgodfrey & go.v PAIlTTEnS, DECOHATOnS, 10? .V 10 QrUwold Ut., Jletrolt. Une Paper llanglng. . KIi'.miu Celllng Decoratlons. Fln Frlexei In all Wldths. House Shados and Rullere. A lnrue vnrlfty if room mouldtng and hook. FRESCO PAI1TTI1TG. We make a npcclalty of Storo Shade and we wlll furnlfh cstlmates and samples of colors on appllcatlon. Shades flttod to roll from top or bottom of the lndow on Statlonery or Traveling roller. Wlll furntah Opaque Bhading to the trade ent to nwasure TUK S 1RBIH Savings Bank, Asr.v AJtnon, siivniii-is. Transacts General Banking Rusiiim. CAPITAL, 850,000, OrgMilie". undcr tht Umi-i at I!.-. nv. ! ., Lw ..f lht SU-o. the K'Okhuloers lndivldunlly Usbl fur an addltlon-0 ni'Mint eqnal to the MOtf held br tburn. h.-roby crea Inx n t ruaraates F'un l for .6 ben flt of I epositoï.,!" s 100,000.00. Three rer cent. lntTH-t I aiitmi'd on all lr lm mlt .,f ui. e d'ilinr d opwi-ii ooornlnii t., tb ru'e nf ihc Kunk nl ....... o uujioimiiei uil-,,,,,,.,!:, Mo i y co l.oan n unDiitEcroius f'hrtst an Mnck. w W. Winaa, A. ¦ al. Wiiuiii heaïal wiii.m M llrrlmui, Uantel lliu.iuk, rtnrt v'lll-,r B m h orno nt I M u-a, Pr W.w W1NE8. rt, l-'i ¦ Uucuci CaBlr. [B1Í UCt