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- - - - - - 'poi,EIO, ANN ARBOK & . T. B. R. Columlms Time, Throuxh timo tab!e la effect Janaary 27th, 1888. OOINO NORTIL OOINO BOUTH i l ! i . f i "a . sTATlONd. - o. 5' a I _¦ ' - I M i M 810PM 8 35AM T Toledo Ar U ÜOaII 5 4UPM 0 18 ' 8 40 " Manhattan Jctl S 82 " 6 3) " B 25 " 8 47 " L. Alexia Juno ! 9 23 " 6 '8 " 7 0i" 9 29 " Monroe Jot , 8 41 " 4 51 " 7,0" 9 40 " Donde I I " 14 41 " 7 10 ' 9 64 " Aiallia I 8 20 ' 4 37 " ; 40 " U 06 " Milán 8 15" 4 10 " 7 59 " '0 '-9 " Ur.inla 7 62 " 3 67 " 8 0.Ï " 10 25 I PittJüll 7 4! ' '3 4T " 8.20 " 10 36 " ;ArAnn irj , 7S0" II 3í ' 1 20 " 12 J2P11: Jackaon M. O. 6 2" '.I 5:AM 1 0A 2 16 " Battle Creek ; 3 49 ;7 68 " 11 55 " I 2 Si " Kalamaaoo 2 60 " 7 10 " 7 3 1 ! 4 50' Urmd Kaplds U) 4Í)PM6 20 8 00" 10 35AMLvAnn Arbor Ar 1 Un 7 2) " H 20" iAriouthlyonhv 5 00 " Í12 02PM Howell DLN. 2 11" I 1 20 " I LarucnK : 1 CO " .. 3 0) " i Ionl :U1Ram 5 04 ' Edmore 9 '0 " : f 40 ! I lx Kapids : 7 2' " 4 45"' Hownrd dty : 925" " 4 15AM l'elosker o B I 105" 7 00MscklnawCMy] 9 50PM Connectlona - AtTolodow th ralrcadsdlTerglng; at Alexis wlth Tunad Southern, L.. 8. 4 M. .. aDd P P. M R'j'; at Munhutta-j Juc. wi Wheslng 1 ake Eii B. R ; at Honroe Jet. with L. 8. W. 8 ¦ at Dundeo wlth 8. & M. S.; at Mlln with W Bt L. P.K'y; at HittifleldwlthL. 8. M. 8 ; at Ann Arbor witi Mlch'gan (Jen K'y; at South Lyon with Detroit, Lanilng & Northern (l'y. II W. A8HLK7, Bup't. W. H Bevnïtt. üenl Pms. Agent, PORT WAYNB ft JAUK'ON R. R. Detroit and Iudiunapolis Line. Bf Michigan Central Rallroad írom Ann Arborto Jackson. Traln leave Ann I rbür aa fotlow: lndlanpolla Express 8 40 a tn Ft Wayne Accomodatlon 6 2Ï m Jlnclnntl Kxpresa 11 17 p m All train leave by Chlcngo time. Procure tickets at Ann Artior or Jackgítn. M. 1) OO"K"R1. Gen'l Snp't. TVKTHOIT, MACKINAT& M XÜQtJBT l'E R. K. J January, '5. 1683. Plonr East aal Went Lim Throngb the Upper Peninsala of Michigan. 240 Mile Sho' ter bttween nll castern and norihwestcrn pulnta vla l'otrolt, pnd 311 Miles Shorter via Port liaron to Montreal aod all points In Can 'da, etc. i-así1. ttl'vriuNS wíl f. 9 15 A. M. L Marquetto A. 4 13 F M. 10 41 " Onoia s 18 " 1110 " j Aa TrMn 2 1. " 12 10 P. M. Munlilng 1 l!0 " 2 20 " Senej ... 12 15 ' 3 00 ' ! MirMI.Un ; II 16 i. M. 3 30 " UolUrville 10 50 " 3 5Í " Newberry.. 10 SO " 7 0C " A St. Iiínace L1 7 SI " VIA M.C, B. K. 1 Ui. BarCitr 9 45 p. m. 8 57 " Lapeer Junct ... . Til " 10 15 " l'ort Hurón 4 15 " 7 68 " Baglnaw Itr... ' 8 30 " 10 25 " Lsnslng 6 36 1145 " Juckson. (U " 11 25 " Detroit i 6 C0 " VÍA G. R. & I R. R. 1 00 P. M. Grana Raplds.... 5 1} " 2 S7 " Kalam! io 25 " C'onnectlons are made at 6T. Ki.NAiK wlth: The üllohlgan Central railroad trr Detroit and all polnts Ín Michigan and Ín tb eaet, soutb and snutheast. Trains letve Macitln-o City f:SO ft. m , and ít:3G p m. The Grand Rnplfls I Indiana R. R. fur Grand Rápida, Fort Wayne and the outh and eaír. I.avlng Macklnae Citynt S):50 p. m t'onnectiona mide t MAItQUETTE wlth 1 be Marquette, llougbton Ontonagon rallrozd for khe I ron and Coppcr distrlcta. Throimh ticket on saín at Mnrquettc and S'. Ignacoand at all points In the Northern Península. Alao ttoketi to furopean ports by all prlneipal 11qh at Gen'l Pass, 'gect's offleo For Information aa to passenger and frelgbtrates applT lo ónice of Oeneral Freigbt and IVaenger AgnL Tralns dallr f Tcept Sunday D. Me OOL, ÏR4NK MILLIGAB, Go.i'1 gupt. Gen'l Frt. áiPaae. Ag't, Marquette, Mk-h Marquette, Mioh. TlVlCHlOAJ I'INTK AL RAILROAD. Time Table, Nov. 12, 1882. OOIXO WEgT. 8TATION8. . Í2ÍllíoI_g í t& flLL "a ft ¦L gl ? ra fa ra "w ; 3a. A H. A.M. P. H P. U. P. M. P. M 1. . Butrolt. . l.v 7 0U 9 35 6 56 4 0 8 00 9 50 4 00 Q. T. Juno.. 7 16 9 55 6 10 4 :0 8 15 10 10 4 16 WayneJnnc. 7 55 10 24 C 43 4 46 8 45!l0 40 4 44 YpsIlanU.... 8 23 1C 48 7 05 5 05 a OS 11 01 t Si Ann Arbor.. 8 45 1100 7 24 6 22 9 351117 5 1 !exter 9 08 . .. T 48 5 39 941 .... 6 38 Chelsea 9 75 . . . 8 05 5 5S 10 00 6 60 Uraasl.nke.. 9 50 8 32 6 12 10 30 .... 6 13 P. M A. II. JaoksonJunr 10 10 8 55 198 Jacison . ...10 20 12 15 g 55 11 05 II 45 7 02 Albion 1104 12 50-3= 7 4Í 11 55 1 2Í 7 42 M -lui1 ..1150 1 .. í 8 OS 12 20 143 8 C6 P.M Battl Creek. 12 10 1 55 8 41 12 47 2 02 8 2 A. M. Gn!eburg lül ... i si 9 15 117 S 00 KalamaaoO. 113 2 36 4 50 9 35 1 S6 145 9 18 Lu ion 162 6 25 2 ÍS 9 60 Decatnr. ... 2 07 6 42 .... 2 Sí ....1005 Dowaglae... 2 2! 6 07 .... 2 57 ... 10 2t Niles 2 55 4 Ot 6 50 .... 3 27 4 15 10 52 Buchanan . 3 OS ... 7 0.' .... 342 .... 1105 ThreeOaks 3 38 7 27 .... 4 12 ... 1132 New Uuffalo. 3 53 4 52 7 40 4 35 1145 Mich. City. .. 4 23 5 18 8 OS ... 6 03 5 26 l M. Laku 5 13 6 02 8 64 .... 5 51 6 18 105 KenMngton. . BU 6 60 9 45 .... 6 40 7 10 2 00 Chicago. Ar 6 50 7 40 10 3 .... 7 30 8 10 1 60 OOIXQ KAST. " í ¦ I I v . I o . . STATIONS. . Ij a - A M. Jl. P. M. Y. M. P. M. P.M. ('bielgo. ,LT 8 45 9 00 3 40 .... 5 15 9 10 S 30 Kensingtoii TU s ít 4 30 t ([i 1' tí) 4 30 l.aki 8I7 10 27 5 13 .... 6 5UJ10 40 Mich. L'lty. . 90.11113 600 ... 7 38 1133 .' SJ New liuíTaio. 9 27 1133 6 25 1145 Thruo Ouka. . 9 42 .... 6 40 A.H Buchanan... 10 30 p. M. TOS 12 ÏJ Nlles 10.5 12 18 7 37 9 00 1 46 ti 27 Dowagiao... 11 5S .. 8 0'! 111 Dtcatur 1118 8 33 187 LawtOD 1135 .... 6 53 1 4S P.M A.v. Kalamaioo.. 12 12 138 9 30 6 50 10 25 3 SO 7 Qaleeburi.. . 12 33 ? 7 08 Battle Creek 103 2 15 jj 7 3s!nOs'3 3O 8 1 Marshall .. 1 du 3 00 j t 8 011113 3 48 8 36 Albion 2 12 3 21 ?5 8 32 1166 4 12 A.H. A.M Jacksoii...l.T 3 05 4 05 7 05 9 SO 12 40 5 00 9 28 GraeaLake.. tu ... 7 28 9 60 .... 5 2 Chelsea. 3 68 T 50 10 07 i 60 Dtxter 4 15 . 8 03 10 19 .... C 05 Ann Arbor.. 4 37 5 07 8 25!0J42 05 6 !6 10 6 Ypallantl 4 45 5 2; 8 43 10 48 2 20 6 4110 41 WajneJunc. 6 20 5 45 9 OS 11 08 2 44 1 ti O. T. Jnno.. 6 0.! 6 15 a 45 1155 3 30 7 4,r 11 i Detroit 8 16 630 1000 1150 3 8 00 114 Sunaay excepttd. I teawday fionday ti al)f. axcepted. O. W., H. B. Lidtau, 'v tí. P. de T. A., aief. m. ínr'l DetroU. WTÍT H. Boylan & Co., PAINÏERS and 1 esleí s in French, American & Píate Glass. ¦ - - _ Sign Writing, Paper Ilanging, Uecorating, Frtscoing, etc. 16 S. Main St, 2od Floor. ITTTBEMAi i GENERAI Insurance Agenr ome ftver Casper Rinsey's Grocery Store, COR. HUKON AKD FOÜRTH 8T, Horth British Insurauce Vomp' (Of London and Edinburg) Capital 18,000,000, Gold. Detroit Fire and Marine Ins. ' n Cah Asaets f600,000 Springflold Ins. Comp'y of Ma-.. CBh Assets .... $1,800,030. Howiird Ins. Co., of New YorV Cash AMeta.... $1,000,000. Agricultura. Insnrance Comp' WATKBTOWN, . . NKW YORK Cash AmU 9100,000.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News