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M IÍS. CHIPMAN S.M 1 1 II, Has taken a store opposite Keck's Furniture store, where ladies can be suppüed with Millinery Goods. . 1138-1141 A GENTS WANTED ! XI Tosoliclt orders for hardy grown Nurseiy Stock lu .Miciiiiíiui. Ourspecialties are cholee ornamental stock. To good men we can give Bleady etnployinent aud good salaries, wiHi expense paid. Apply for terms. i. Ii. II & CO.t 1137-1110 Nurserymen, St. Paul, Minn. Ij. 8TJTEB, BOILER MAKER Has opened a shop for BUILDING AND REPAlüING BOILERS, Of every description, Statlonary, Portable, Tnreshiuz Machlue Boilejrs.and every variety cf work known to the trade. Kst Imates furnisbed fur New Boilers on short notice. Shop Cor. MAIN A CATlllKIM: Hts., OppositeCouKiKR otïlce. 1187-1 162 CHEAPEST B!BLESLïïr.iLïïïïiïi.SS. 1089-1140 THE PÜREST AJÍD BEST Reuiedy Ever Made.- It ís fonipniimled from Hops, Malt, Bucliu, Maudrake auü Dandelion. The oldest, best, mos-t renowned and valuiible medicine ín the world.and in aildition it contuins all the best and most effectiye curative properties of all other remedien, belng the great liver regulator, blood puritler, and lite and heiiltU restorin agent on eartli It gives new life and vigor to the ared and infirin. To clergymen, lawyers, literary men, ladies, and all whora sedentary employments cause irregularities of the Blood, Stoniacli, Bnwels, or Kidneys, or who require an appeüzer, tonic, and mild stimulant, it i.s invaluable, being highly cur-ttive, tonic and stimulating, without being intoxicating. No matter what your feelings or symptoms are, or whit the disease or ailment is, use Hop Bitters. Don't wait until you are aick, but if you only feel bad or miserable use the bitters at once. It may save your life. Hundreds have been saved by so doing, at a moderate cost. Ask your drujrgist or physician. Do not suffer yourself or let your friends suffer, but use and urge theni to use Hop Bitters. Ff you have lameness in the loins. wlth frequent pairis and aches; numbness of the tliijfh ; scanty, palnful and frrquent discharges of urine, tilled with pus, and which will turn red by standing; a voracious appetite and unquenchable thirst ; liarsh and dry skin ; clauimy tongue, often darkly furred; swollen and inrtamed guins; dropical swelling of the limbs; frequent attacks of hiccough ; inability to void the urine, and great fatigue in attempting it you are siiftering from some form of Kid:iey or Urinary Complaint, snch as BrIGHt's üisease of the kidneys, stone . or in ion of the bladder, gravel and renal calculi, diabetes, stranguary , stricture and retention of the urine, and Hop Bitters is the only remedy thal wil) , lermanently cure you. Kemember Hop Bitters is no vile, , ;ed, drunken nostrum, but the puiest and eit medicine ever made, and no person , or family should be without it. Don't risk any oí the highly laudcd stufl' with testimoniáis of great cures, but ask your neighbor, druggist, pastor or I ihysicians wliat Hop Bitters has and can do for you and test t.