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THE DINGEE & CONARO COS iti.v i;tihji eveb-Bloomino ROSES 6RPLENDID VARIETIESff 1 qfrnn„ pof pi, „(o fo. I2for2. I9for83.r lvfcrad Mfdy by mail ö é 35 M . jo6t-paid to all polute III nillr " Handsoine PRESENT of Wr 11 III Choic-paiKlTaluahleKOSF.S Tl l_ U I V l_ free wltii every order, and are thconly concern mattnfr Nl'KOIAI. IlusiarM of Roses. OverGOI.areHoiweaforKoseiiloiie. Our New (-IlidtS a cúmplele Trjt CDCK? or (Ar Rote, 701'P, eltgantly UuXruUd,Mnl r IA d E. THE DINCEE & CONARD CO. KoaeGrowen, WeatGrve,C'lieterCo.F 1128-1144 ET YOUR PROPERTT INSURED BY C. II. MILLE27, INSURANCE AGENT, No. 4 S. Main St., Ann Arbor. Tlic oldcst aircncy In the citj. Etablihed quaitcr ol a ccutury ago. RoprcfcntlDg the l'ollowiui; flrM-daa companic: Uomc Insuraoce Co., of N. Y f 7,0'IO.ü()0 Continental Insurance Co., ol t. Y - 4.an7.20R Niágara InsuraDce Co., of N. Y 1,735 fth3 Girard Innurance Co., of Ptaila 1, 132,488 Oriënt Insurance Co., of Hartlord 1,11922 Commercial ünlon, of London 12,000,000 $W Kates Low. Losses IilMirallT adjustcil aml iiruinptl) iii!il. C. H. Millen. 1115-1140 AYER'S Sarsaparilla ixxs Rheuraatiam, Neuralgia, Ithcumatic -)inia. Genoral Debility, Catarrh, mul all nl.ii ma.xi h a Uiiii and Imuoverisbe, or orfUpted, cundition of th blsod; expelltng the Mud-iatns fioin tbe tysteu, enrleblng and reBtvtag the blood, and restoring its vitaljzillg mv, rw Hiattf a long period of unparalUled aseful¦nees, AYKtfs Saksafarilla bas proven its perfect adaptatiou to tb cure of all dlseases ginating in poor blood anda weakened vitality. ¦ tt is a highly eoncmtraUd extract of Sarsaparllla and otber bloMt-parlfylnK rootfi, combined with lodide of Potafiltlum and 1 ron, and is the safest, most reliable, and mest iconoiiiical blootl-purifler and blood-food tbat can be u3oU. Inflamnsatory Kheumatlin ('urrd. " Ayek'8 SA118AI-AR1LI.A lias mrd ne f h Inüanmiatory übeuniatism, witli wbich 1 have iAtflcred for niauy year. W. il. MooK.M Uurtiam, la., Marcb 2, 1882. " Elght yearsago I had au attack of lUicumnttois(ftcvere that I conld not nieve f rom the bed, iirjjrcwi, without help. I tried several remedie -ut&out Diuch if any relief, until 1 took AYEB'S XAJWAPAitiLLA, by the ns of two bottles of ¦ïiiiiA I ws completely cured. 1 bv not been irotrtfiad vith tbe Kheuaiatism linea. Hav kiWI ïiU'ge (fluantitieB oí your SAKRAi'Aitn.i.A. and it stiilTOMiiis itawonderful popularity. The many tiota-Weire8 it lutó effected in tliis vieinity cm¦vinoe juO that it te tbe best blood nietliciue ever uffared wjtbe public. E. F. Habim." IMnrAb Bucklaud, Mass., May 13, HH. " ltit Wtrah I wa o weak fi om (reneral deViUlty tiiotS -ouM not valk without bclp. Fol'¦ ' ii tU ¦ sioW-X-' of a friend, I eommeuced tiiking ITI K's SaiW.a'AKILI.a, and before I had uied iluree bottlas Í f'k aswell as I everdidin my liie. I toave lioKii.k.. work non for two mnnths. and Jftiink your liArARILl.A the greatest blKt - iilnliii iirtiiemwld. James Mavxakh." 320 West 42a:SL. 'ew York, July 19, 1882. .Ayer's SAJSPAJlir.I.A cures Srrofula nnd ¦D Srrofulous Coo.plint, F.ryBlpela, Ecii.a, Klnirworni, Blotchea, .Snraa, Bo41i, Tumar.an4Lrrptioiiof the Skin. Itektara ie bWod at all impurities, aids digeftiou, süiki lates Hm aotien of the fcowels, and tlius resVnv Titallty iiixi trenirtlieus the whole system. PKBPlaED BV Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mats. S14 by all I)rglt8; price $1, ix bottlx .


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