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About all the men employed on the Michigan and OMo railroad beu near Addison, Lenawee county, have struck. They s-re mostly foreigner8 imported from largo citlep, and claim tfiey wcrc to get $1 50 per day, but were cut down to $1 25. Gov. Begole has pardoned out of the Ionia Ilouse of Coriection John Considine, sentenced frora Macomb county in 1881 for two years for larceny. Considine's term wouldhave expired in June. The Governor anticipated nis release by some eix weeks at the plcadiugs of the widowed mothcr and two sisters of the prispner. The syinpathifs of the Governor were axoused by the circumstance that the grandinother of 'the prisoncr was dead. The old lady hoped to live to sec liim return - bis term f ully etided, but realizing as death approached that Heaven had willed it otherwise, expresad a fervent wish that, hc might attend her funeral as a free mau. The Governor ascertaining that Consldine's conduct had been very goodtelegrapued to Warden Waters to release and put iiiui on the train for Detroit. James Bartlett of Flint, who was a member of the Jeannette crew, having expressed a desire to return to his home in a quiet manner the pi oposed reception, which was to tiave been given hini, has been abandöned. All the milis and booms at Muskegon are to start May 1, and work on the ten-hoursa-day system. Wesley Caster, aged 60, an old resilent of Rose township and brother of the Rev. S. E. Caster of Fentou, accidentally shot himself. He and his wife and a 12-year-old son, startcd for a married daughter'e. He took a run along, and on the way saw some game. He ;ot out, and in getting the gun out of the wagon the team started, hittiug the hammer andsendlng the whole charge through his heart. lie leaves a widow and six children. A stock companv with a capital of 55,000 was reeently formed in Big Raplds undcr he laws of the state, withthetitleof "Grand Army park association," composed entlrely of old sbldiers, for the purpose of making a summer resort at Chippewa Lake,situated in Mecosa county, about 16 miles by rail irom Big lapids. The lake is about two miles wide and a very beautiful sheet of water, said to be the highest body of water in Michigan. It is well etocked with flsh. The association has secured about 80 acres of land along the northeast and south ehores of the lake, and now have a gang of men at work improying it. The land will be platted into lots, and the latterleased on very favorable terms to parties wishing to raild cottages. The Detroit, Lan6ing and íorthern railroad company are building a jranch of their road from Rodney to the lake, which the road will touch on the west side, connecting with a side wheel steamer (which theasoociation will soon build) for thcgroimds. A daily train will be run from Big Rapids to the lake via the Detroit, Lansing i& Northern railroad, commencing early in June, leaving ere in the moruing and returning in the evening. A hotel will 6oon be erected on the erounds. This resort will undoubtedly be a 'ery popular place for holding picnics, grovo meetings, Fourth of July celebrations, etc., here being fine groves all around the lake. The direetors of the association for the first ear are : B. F. Brazee, R. B. Huges, M. Morrissey, W. A. Whitney, S. Bronson, 8. G. Webter and D. McLellan"; president, B. F. Brazee ; ecretary,R.B. Huehes; treasurer,M.Morrissey. Jackson claims to havo a cat which goes a flshing and catches fish from the river to eed herself and lier kittene. Two strangers went to Grand Rapids everal days ago stopping at, the Webber Hotel. Chcy registered by the namc-E of Jas. Clancey and Nate Addison, of Buffalo. N. Y. The afternoon after their arrival one of thein carne down from their room and reported that he ïad shot the other and the man was f ound dcad with a bullet hole throueh bis back. The survivor, who gives hi name as "Harmon Clinton," and residence as Addison, N. Y., says hatthe 6hootingwas accidental, oceurring in a wrestle for the possession of a revolver, with which he (Clintou) bad intended to commit suicide, and statcs that he made the aequaiutance of the dead man at Butfalo, N. Y., a week ago; thatthey were both coming to Michigan n scarch of work, and that both got broke here and were without money. He says also that he does not know the name of the dead man, except it was James The affair is very mysterious. There havo been received, np to Mareh IS, at the Reform öebool in Adrián, a total of 119 girls. Of these, two have died, oue was sent back for a new trial and was not returned, one proved to be inaane and was sent home, and six are out on ticket-of-leave.leaving a total of 109 now in the iuBtitution. The projectors of the street railway at Battle Creek have succecded in perfecting an organization by which the road becomes an as6ured fact. It will extend through Green, Main and Washington utree ts in au east anu west direction from Nichols' Station to Satiitarium building, in the west end of the city. [tis expeetedto have the road in rnuning order in 00 days. The machine shops at Brooklyn, Jackson Co., which have been idle for over two years, have been purchased by a Grand Rapids man and will eoou start up again. An amendment to the general act for the incorporation of villages bas passed both houses at Lansing, giving village councile the power to prohibit the sale of ïutoxlcatmg liquora. The house recalled the bilí, but the governor had already signed it. The case of Joseph Morgan vs. Jercmiah Deihl, in which Morgan sued his son-inlaw Deihl for eutieing away and harboring Mrs Morgan, who is alleged to be a feeble old woman and an opium eater, ended Thureday in a verdict of six cents damages for the plaintlIT. The case is a peculiar one, and bas attracted much atteution. Gov. Begolo set out with the determination that he would grant but two pardons amontu, but bas reeently overstepped that limit He linda that pardon seekers beset hun at every turn, making life a burthen to him. Applications are grounded upon the most flimsy reasons, usually the affection which the reíátives of prisoners feel, and which thcy express in the most moving way. lp order to secure more time to attend to legislativo business, which is imperativo durin; the seesion the Goveruor has resolved to grant no more pardons until the month of Auguet, with the possible exception of a single one upon whie.h be has been deliberating for some time, nut which will be held in abeyanee for a month. He also gives notice that until the date given -August-pcrsonal applications cannot be attendedto and written ones will be flled away. The shops of the Grand llapids furniture company wa totally dC6troyed by flre a fewdTys ago with its " contente. The work niTnutictufed a medium grade of bedroom furnitureand had a large stock on hand. Eightv men are thrown out öt ÖJT The loss is $50,000, Insurance 826,000 Ihe oil house, containing $7,000 worth of oil, w as saved One dwelliifg and two adjoining barns were destroycd. Work at the Keel Kidge mine has been abandöned as it is impossible to takt bodies out, the eartb caving in faster than tbc men can take it out and the cayitv being ol such a nature that it cannot be timoered 1 hc danger is so great that the men refuse to WThe body of Charles Gardner, who was drowned in the Maple rlver ar Mmr April 4, was fouud the other day by some parties who were lishing. The proiected building for the ï M. C. A. at Grand Rapids is taking sbape, ne gotiations having been commenced for 6Uat'5 grounds. The p'roposcd structure is a IK building 00x100 feet in size, four stories bg a-id covcred with a mausard roof. Ite , Cbti mated costis $40,800 and the grounds $10,UW Levl L. Barbour, member of the state board of correctlons and chwtj.wnlej scathing letter to the citizens ol OakUnd coun ty about their jaU. He says: It is in its ap píintments at least thirty years bebind th Ürnes and entire'v too email for the requirc ments of the county. It Is old, the walls badly cracked, and the Btairway uarrow, steep, rickety and unsafe; it ha9 no drainage, aud none can be provided íor it; aud the gases frora the privy vault permeate the building even to the kítcheu. At the time of bis visit the Bherlff's family liad fied the building as from a terrible pestilenee, the sheriff hitnself remained away as much as possible, and ouly the prisnners up stairs and the hired girl dowu stairs ramained. And all this true of the county that that 6tands sixth in the United States in the valueof lts agricultural productions. Tlio legislatura of Michigan bluudered the other day into passing a local option law, and now will be argued, for the fust time, a question of vital iinportauce - whether the governor's signature, or the seal which is ainxed by thesecretary of state inakes a bilí a law. This particular measure ad been signed and approyed hy Gov. ISegole, but before the seal had been afh'xed the House requc-sted the return of the bilí for further consideraron. 1 rom the aunual veports of the Central Mining Company of Lake Superior for 1883. it appears that the product of 1883 was valued at $225,725 49; that the operating expenses were f 191,758 52, and the net profits $33,966 97. There was received in addition, on interest account, $5,050 61, aud from the sale of timber, $40,000, making the total net proeeeds $78,017 58, out of which $00,000 was paid ai a dividend, and the balance, $19,017 58 applied to the surplus, whieh now amounts to $217,The trouble at Addison, Lenawee eountv, amoug the laborers on the Michigan and Ohio railroad, seems to arise from dissatisfaction among the men, who are prineipally foreigners, at their treatment by the contractor, oue Corrigan. It is stated, among othcr things, that the men were originally promised $1 50 per day, and that at the end of the month they were paid only at the rate of $1.25 per day ; an adjustment against which they very naturally kicked. The men quit work. and ünder the leadership of a Polaek named Wynd, went over the entire length of Corrigan's contract, about four miles, and compelled their fellow laborers to follow their example. It is said they threatened the life of those who refused to comply, and also destroyed eome littleproperty. In all about llü men joiueii in the strike, wynd wa3 arrested by üi-puty Sheriff Craudall of Addison, and taken to Adrián to jai). The end is not yet, Wynd still being coniincd in jai!. The engineer who has charge of the work says there would be no trouble with the men if the alnoxious contractor Corrigan was out of the wfty. The Reformod Datch church, at Ebenezer, thrce miles of Holland, was destroyed by lire, also the parsonage and barn. They oaught from coals in ashes which had been throwu in the yard by a servant girl. Part of the furniture was saved. Loss, about 87,000; uo insurance. Property and business Intexests at Sturgis are booming over the prospeets of the new railroad frorn the southwest, of which Sturgis will be the northern terminus. Wliite's local option bill was killed in the Seuate by a vote of 10 to 10. A stormv aud exeiting session of the House was brought about by the discussion of the bilí, aud a resolution was finally adopted, asking the goyernor for further iuformation. The sonate adopted the following amendment to a bill before it in committee of the whole; "Auy railroad company in thls state having either, or both, of its termini at the shore of one of the navigable lakes or 6treams through whieh the boundary line between this state and other atates, or the dominion of Canada, passed, where physical connection between its raad and other railroads without the state is impracticable by reason of Bueh intervening navigable body of water, may own and opérate on such body of water such number of steamboats, barges or vcssels as the traffic of passengers and freight between it and such otner railroads shall rentier necessary, or it may loan money to any person or eorporation in aid of the construction of steamboats, barges or other yessels to be so operated." Railroad corporations and vessel owners are highly gratified over this action of the senate. Kalamazoo is to liave i p.ew court house posting $60,000. A steamboat mail service has been established between Detroit and Sault St. Marie, via Detour, a distance of 350 miles. The round trip is to be made five times a weck dnrjng the season of navigation for 1883. 't'ln' 1,1 . Senate, April 18.- A memorial was eceived from the proprietors of two manufacuring eetablishments at Jackson, with slateïcnt of diseriminations made by the Michigan entral Railroad at a numbor of stations from )etroit to Kalamazoo and G rand Rapids. The ollowing bilis were passed on third reading: neorporatingEmmet, St. Clair County ; ainendig section 7 of act regulating incorporation of illages ; fixing the per dlem of members of the .cgislature from the Upper Península; for the iicorporation oí co-operative and mutual benfit associations; ainending seetion 9, act 2, of he General Railroad law, amending the charer of allegan; appropriating $81,500 for the tate Public School at Coldwater; amending ection 3, chapter 7, of the highway set of 1881; elative to change of route of the Mackinac & Atüc Traverse State road;forthe assessment f delinquent taxes on "part paid lands; to ,unish persons guilty of assault with mtent o do Kreat bodily narin; amending section 907 compiled laws, relative to the bupreme Court; amending seetion 5179, relative toeourts of chaneery ; amending act relative to Detroit Vater Works ; amendiug act of 1881, relative to election of iurors to lay out higïiways; ïncornorating Montaguc; incorporating Caro; amending section 5059, compiled laws, relative öcourte of chaneery; to prevent fast driving over bridges; relative to iuBticci' courts in Detroit for a patent to MeLain & Iledges; apnroöriating $90,000 for the State Reform School ; appfopnating $40,000 for cottages at the Reorm School. House- The Senate coucurrent resolution orünaladjournmentof the legislature on the Uidayof Maywalaid upon the tibie. Ihe ollowing bilis were passed : To amend act incorporaUug Plainwell, in Allegan eounty;to provkle for incorporation of assoc.ation to bustain churches, religious societies and Sabbath schools ; to change the name of the F rst Congregational Society of Ypeilanti to First Presbyterian Society; to appropriate $l,2o fnr miDDort of insane soldiers at Michigan Asymn inlSSr to allow mutual ilre insurance comíanles of other Btates to do business in MieS ¦ toamend section 503 of the compiled aws fela ive to election of Wayne county auditor'sTto provide for taking property and openrño- streets and alleys in East Saginaw ; to pro. [¦Mf for taking property and opening stretts and aHevs in 0etroit , pinding its passage, was r?f errèd back to the coromittce of the who t íor fuHher amendmeDt; for transfer of certain artides from care of State Librarían to Quartcr master General: for the encouragement of wmmMês sage, anuounced hie approval of bilis. T WÊ eounty ; to amend act to incorpórate the city of Manistee. Senate, April 19- The governor anuounceil his approval of the following bilis: To anitnd act reincorporating Saline ; to amend act relative to Wsleyan semlnary at Albion; to amend act establlshing Detroit board of public works ; to appropriate money for books for state library ; to amend act relative to duties and compcnsation of prosccuting attorneys. The following passed on thlrd rcading: To transfer to the general fuud the unexpended balance of $71,100 in the fire sufferers' fund; to provide for maintenance and construction of tone or macadamized roads in Bay county; for the construction of 6idewalks along highways in townshlps and villages ; to appropriate the remalnder of the state improvcment lands duefromthc United States to Michigan, for improvement of a certaln state road En Leelauaiv countv ; to authorize life iusurance couipanles to deposit wlth the state trca6urer personal obligations secured by mortgage in place of securities now required; to amend act to iucorporate Caro villagc; in Tuscola county ; to provide penalty for obtainlng money, raiiroad tickets or transportaron by false pretenses. The bilis to abolish office of deputy swamp land commissioner and to give circuit court commissioners of Wayne countv salaries instead of fees were tabled. House.- The governorcommunicatedhis approval of the act to repeal the laiv for the ineorporatiou of saving assoeiations ; act reincorporating Portland; appropriating money for the school for the blind ; punishing the offense of gettlng on raiiroad traius while in motion. The following passed on third rcading : To amend act of April 3, 1869. relative to fire and marine nsurauce. This is the "Blacker" bill to perüt mutual Insurance companies of other ,atep to take risks in Michigan ; to regúlate ie manner in whieh insurance companies nut rganized under the laws of this state, but dong business in it, shall transact thtir business, 'his is the celebrated "Fletcher board bill ;" o secure the minorlty of stockholders in cor)orations the power of elecHngareprcsentative neinbership in boards of directors, otherwise cnown as the "Barnard bill;" for relief of rand Traverse county agricultural society, 'lie questiou of submitting a prohibitory inendment was made the special order for Vednesday, April 25th. Senate, April 20.- A potition was ead for the passage of a law prohibiting di6rimination in freight rates. The bilis to proide for making partitions among tenants eora mon, and to deflue the dutieg of ustipes of the )eace were adversely reported upon, and the ,wo bilis were laid upon the table. The follow ngpassedon third readiug, unless otherwise oted : Proposing an ameudment to sec. 15, rt. 4 of the constitution relative to cornpensaon of member6 of the legislature and to prolbit the use of passes or free tickets on railoads. Lost; yeas 19, nays 12; not two-thirds. econsidered and tabled ; extending the time or the eompletion of the Marquelte, Iloughton & üntonagón raiiroad, pending lts passage was eferred back to the committees on railroads nd judiciary jointly; authorizing the mutual ovenant benefit associations of Michigan and Ilinoi8 to consolídate. Passed; requiring intructfon in the effects of alcohol to be taught n the public schools; amending act 194 of 877, relative te insane asylums; iixing salary f auditor general at $2,000; amendingact iuorporating Holland Christian churches ; makng an appropriatipn for overdraftsfrom lonia ïouse of correction; incorporating Hesperia; o prevent the üestruction of fish in Jiarrou ake ; to prevent flshing near fish ladders ; rencorporation of Corunna. House- Nine petitious in favor of the subnission of a prohibitory anu ndment were subïitted. The f ollowiue werè passed : To legalze sewer tax levy in Alma villaee, Gratiot Co., 'or 18S2; for the reiief of Edward Blanchard of aekson, authorizing examination of claim for ;1508tate bounty ; to provide fortakiug private roperty tor public use and for opening streets md al ley s by the city of Detroit; to authorize ities and villages to take private property for ie U6e and beneflt of the public and to repeal et 26 of 1882 ; to amend sectiou 13 of act uthorizing formation of corporaiions for iinjroving navigation of river6, approved April , 18097 The House voted to seud a message to ie governor requesting the return of House jiil 35 (file 108), to amend act approved April , 1875, relative to powers and duties of incorjorated viUages; ayes 40' noes 32. Sexate, April 2X- The petitions wero ut a repetition of the ones laid before the Sente on other days. The bill for the protection f boarding house keepers and hotel proprie,ori was reported without reeomuiendation, nd tabled. Action was taken on the followng bilis: To add a new section (5) to chapter 0 of act 164 of 1331, relative to public schools; assed ; to incorpórate the city of Au Sable; ndeflnitely postponed ; to amend chapter' 5a of ne compiled laws relative to disorderly peroas; passed; to amend aec. 5J3 C. L. relative ,o Wayne Co. auditors; laid oh the table; for loldirg two terms of Iugham circuit court at jansiuc, annually; laidon table; to requrre ire escapes on hotels, etc. ; lost, ayes 16, uoes ; vote reconsiderad and bill recorumltted to ommittee on state afiair6. Iuquiry was made s to whether tbe bill urantiug villages the lower to srrant or refuse lieeuses to sell liquor ïad been signed and approved by thegovernor, nd the date of the approval. In answer, the ecretary stated that the 6aid bill bears the ndorsement: "Aprii 20, 1883; Josiah W. Begole." The bill was theu taken from the Sente table and returned to the House as requestd. House.- Petitions were received from th ommittee of the general association of the jongregationul churches of Michigan, requestr ng the enactment .of a law to secure the total rohibitiou of the liquor trafile; for an amendhent to the game law 60 as to prohibit the dlline of prairie chickens in Livingston county during the years 18S3, 1884 and 18S5. Repreentative Darragh protested agaiust the pabication in the jourua of the message of Gov 5egole returning to the house as requested H. 5. 103, (the local option bill) allegiug that the original message contained the inlormation hat the goveruor had approved tbe bill, and he message substituted contained no such anuouncemunt. Kepresentative Van ioo snb6equentlv eiened the protest. The bill am.-ndng the general incorporation act for villages, was returned to the Senate, in accordancewith 1 request made by that body. Senate, April 25. -The governor communicated hij approval of the acts to amend the act incorporating the old lire de lartment of Detroit ; authorizing the town of vearney to sell real estáte to Antrim county; icrmitting mutual fire insurance companies of )ther states to business in Michigan ; incorporating the grand army of the republie; re-incoiporatiug Fiamwell ; to provide for the adjust ment of rights ou the división of territorios in cities and towuship3 ; authorizlug the formation of companies to construct and maintaln water courses ; making appropriations ior the support of insane soldiers at the Michigan asylum authorizing the state librarían to trans f er certain articlee to the quartermaster general for the eucouragement of rifle practice among state trdops; for the relief of the Grand Tra verse county agricultural society. The follow ing passed, unless otherwise noted : Kelating to telephone eompanies and to regúlate tht rental of telephones; changing name of Hrs Contrregational society of Ypsilanti to the 1 irs Presbvterian society; amending act of 1879 relative to leasehold interests in lands on execB tion; legalizing actions of electors of Eli Kapids in raisingmoDey íor a town hall ; amend iutc section 7442, C. L., relative to fees of wit nesses; reincorporating Saranac. The bil providing for the punishment of persons guilt; of assaults ou females was referred to th iudlciary committee, and without transactin other business the Seuate adjourued. House- Very little busiueis was transacte by the House. A message was received frou te governor annouuciug his approval of at act to incorpórate the village of Emmett in the ounty oí St. Clair. The following resolution, offered by Mr. Fyfe was adopted : Resolved hat diiring the reinainder oL this session, ex ¦ept the last week thereof, all messages coming rom the Senate containing ameudments to louse bllls siiall be read at lenath and printed u the journal aud shall not be acted upou ntil the day next suceeeding the receipt hereof. Undor the above rule, eeveral Senate lessages relative to amended bllls were laid ver for one day; amoug tbem belng the mesage returnlng H. B. 45 (tile 108) to amend sec on one (on the powers of village connctls) of hapter 7 of the general village ineorporation et, approved April 1, 1875. Senate, April 2i.- The bill to add to et 259 of 1881 six new sections glving electors n local municipalities power to prohibit the ale of intoxieating llq'iora in their respective oealities was lost by a vote of 10 yeas and 10 ays. No bilis were put on passage the entire me of tl:e Senate being spent in committee f the whole considering bilis on the general orer. House.- The Auditor-Ceneral submitted a eport as to the number of dealers iu liquors ud the taxes paid by them in certain cities of I ie State, showing a very great increase ín the mount of tax received in 1S82 over that of 881, with a considerable dimiuution in the umber of saloons, mathematically demontrating the success with which the present quor tax law is euforced. The following bilis assed on the the third reading exceptas otherise noted : To provide for the disposition of eilain lauds grauted to the State of Michigan orrailroad purposes by acts of Cougress of une 3, 1850, and March 4, 1ST9, upon the oute f rom Grand Haven to Flint ai dtheuee to 'ort Hurou, in the State of Michigan, to secure I ie titlu thereto to boua flde settlers aud purlasers, and to ptovide for the furthnr sale lereof, and to provide for the adjustment of ertaiu taxes hereafter assessed thereon; harging off the books of the Auditor-General certain land warrants; 'or a eommissiou to report upon the desirbillty of the State purchasing the Michigan Central and Michigan Southern Railroads ; for ie management of cemeieries in Grand Rapds ; elative to liens of laborers, mechanics and juilders, tabled; making an appropriation for aving a street in front of the State Prison at ackson, tabled; rdneorporating Dundee; abled : amending sections 7471-2 3, of the ompjled lawn, relative to Attorney's fees, j lasscd; amending thn act of 1881 relative to i mblie instruction, passed ; requiring mutual i nsurance companies to niake yearly itemized eporta to each member thereof residing in this j tate, of moneys reeeived and disbursed, passed ; tnending sectlou 5, ehapter 11, of the act of S81, relatlng to public instruction; umending :ctions 5, 7 and 28, of the law of 1S73, creating ie office of Commissioner of Railroads, returnd to the Senate for correction In accordanee ith the record; amending sections 4398-99 nd 4400 of the compiled laws, relativi to title o the lands of the heirs of deceased persons ; ïaking an appropriation for tl' e Pioneer ociety ; for an appropriation for an additioual oiler at the Poutiac asylum; for licensing ftjttmx, recuiuniittea to the committee of the hole. A x:i in the Bolger BUI. The following is the remonstrance against ie Bolger house of correction bill, presented o the Senate the other day. The remonstrance as numerously signcd by the best eitizens of etroit. Tho petition urges : 1. That it is aimed at and intended to. criple the best penal institution in the country ; 2. That it ie aimed espectally at the city of Detroit; . 3. That it ia in the interest of and has for ts object the ultímate profltof a small number f chair manufacturers who are not willing to ontend against fair cocipetition; 4. That it singles out the Detroit house oí j orrectiou for injury; 5. That it is unfriendly in spirit to the fedral government ; 0. That the taxpayers of Detroit not intersted iu chair manufacturing are practically nanimous against the proposed bill; 7. That, as a measure of reform in political conomy, it is in the face of all experienee and he judgmeiit of the civilized world that perons eonvicted and sentenced for crime should e kept in idleness ; 8. That the pretenso that it is a measurc to irevent the employmeut of convlct labor gainst f ree labor is a falso one, as, First - U is not aimed at the employment of uch labor in this state in other prisons; Secoud - It cannot and will not prevent the lleced objectionable eompetiüon against free abor in the country at large; and Third- The Detroit house of eorrection itself mploys a large number of free workmen to whom it pays the highest market prlce for Qeir labor. 9. That the prices for goods sold by the Deroit house ot correction are according to the chedule of prices tlxed by the association of I lanufacturers, with the members of which the nstitution fairly and legttitnately competes or trade throughout the United States. 10. That the goods manufactured at the )etroit house of correction are such as are sed bv the masses of the peopie and ai e withn the reaeh of the poor. A Horrible Death. William Pelton, an estimable young man iving near Grass Lake, canie to his death in a rightful manner a few days since. He had cen out driving, and on his return home tarted to drive across the railroad track. The oad al the crossing was down bill, and stores nd other buildings prevented the young man rom seeing the express train which carne hundering aloflg, aud reached the crossing at he same time hc did. Pelton wao in6tantly killed, the upper part of the skul) being comiletely severed. The horse was killed, aud the haeton torn into fragments. The night vatchman was iu the depot at the time the accident occurred, and when hc came out aud aw the horrible tragedy that had occurred as the result of his careles6ness, hc became a aving maniac, and tried to take his own life.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News