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THE DINGEE & CONARX COS BKAPTIFPI. KVEK-BLOOMXNU 'sssssxz&aati i BsasaassEt !2farS2. 19 fr 83. fe'd?íLfc2ü 79" 10.' 100 ' I:! I"tl'aillto"l'Olnto I Illp Pliir Handüoine PRESENT cf ÜUr Uilr ChoiceoudvuluableKÓSES ¦ 1 k UI IL f ree witli every order. an1 aro ! tv inlv funvr'i makinir a SIi: IA!. IIiimii. -- of Ro-p. OverflO ijnrueHonsesfor Koses alone. O.ii Ncwiiuide a rompiste Tr'it te CO ET KT oii k' KM!,'ÏQpp, elegant yilluntratedjatitt t tm C THE DINCEE &, CONARD CO. HoseUroncit, WestGrove.L'beaterCo.P 1128-1144 GET YOUR PROPERTY HJSURKD BY C. XX. MZZiZiZIT, INSURANCE AGENT, No. 4 S. Main St., -nn Arlinr. The oldest agency in the eitj. Eeabliíhed a qa'irtcr ol a century ago. Keprricnti!)ir the Ibllowine firstclaes companice: Home Insurance Co., of N. Y $ 7,y0.000 Continental Insurance Co., of N. Y 4,9Ï7.2OH Niágara Insurance Co., of N. Y 1,7J5 63 ürard Insurance Co., of Phila 1,132,486 Oriënt Innrance Co., of Hartlord 1,419,522 Commercial Dnion, of Londm 12,00(),U00 ZW llates Low. Losscs libcrnllr aIj usted and promptly pald. C. H. Millen. 1115-1140 Rev. Father Wilds' EXPERIENCE. The Rev. Z. F. AVilds, wll-kiiown rity missionnry In NowYork, aiut brothcr of the late eminent Judge AVilílí,of the ! setts Snprcme Court, writcs as followt : "78 A. Mtt Sf.t New York, Mny Jt;, 1Í82. Mkssrs. J. C. Aykr & Co.. Ueullenien : Jjast winter I was troulleii witli a tuosl '.ineoinfortable Itchlng humor aitVctiiip epecially my linibs, whleb itchcd bo lutolerbïy at i ight, uut bornean tntenwly, thnt I ooulil Karcel] Sur any ctotliing otot theni. I was atoo a siifiVrer from a Hjverfj oatftRh aml c:itarrhal eouftlï j uy appetitt' was poor, RUd IBJ s sicin a ií"i] leal ritu Uown. ICltowlug the vaHic of AYi-Jt's Saksai'aitlLi.A, by ol'soivation of in:inv othnr ¦ :¦ s, ml trom personal ne inlonner y.-ara. I begim taking it tor the ftbore-named dborriera. Mv app tite Improved al from the tirst lo. Alte a short time the tover aml itchin wcre alii'.Vfd, 'lih! all stjiiis of irritationof theskludlBiUipcarcL My oatarrh and routih wcre also 0UiecÍ l thcsnme nieans, ;uul ni geuenü health greaiiy iniproved, until it is now excellent. 1 feel a buittuttt pw oeut tronger, nnii I r.ttrihnte tbese renulti toUw USO Of tíl f S ARSAPAIÏlLI.A, Wllich 1 rtM-OIHIIRMul with all i'oiiiiW'üice as tho bst blMt nifdicine ever devisoil. 1 tuok it in amftll doses tliree times Rrtay, umi med, in all, lessthan tuo bottls. I plaoc til1-: i;i.-ts at vour suiviee, hoiiiiy; their pUbltoUl :ïii Mi -i y lo goód. oor respectfnlly, Z. P. Wilds." TIi e ahovt" Itifttonoe i luit one of t lm nmny eouetantlyooinintoour notice, which prove ihe perfect adaptability of Ayfr'si Sa iïsapap IL L. 1 the cure oí all diseases nrisins fioni imjmreor ' poverished bloodt aml a ircakonel vHmMy. Ayer's Sarsapariii cleanses, enriclu, Rad stientl.'-. 4 ï.j., nl. stiinulates Ihe Botton Of the ittouwoh und toveïa. and thereby íiiables ihe ssu-in Lo nwiM atuluver'ouie tho atiiu-ksof all Scity'i'ftmx l)9ta$et Kinjhtions of the Skin. flUrmwiHê, ('afant, QrntttU rebilityt and all disonlers r'-pultinp frooi poor or corrupted bloud and a lv State of ihe syslein. PREPAHED ItY Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mass. Sold by all Drnggixtfi; price $1, six botllcfl íorS5. 1 CATHARTIC - Best Purgative Medicine - cure COMtlpfttíOli, Indigestión, ll'-adache, aml all Biliuus Disorders. Suld everywliure, l. .i reUable.