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HALLS Patarrh Pure s Recommended by Physlciansl Wo manufacture nndscllitwitba positivo guarantee that t witl cure any ca8Oani wowill forfcit tho aboYe imoimt Lfituiisin a single nstance, Itis unliko any othir Catarrh remedy.a Itis taken internally, acting upon the blOOSl. If you ar6 troublctlTfilb Tthis listresaing disease.ask yourDruggistforit, and iCOEPT NO IMITATIOK OE StIBCTITDTK. If ha bas not got it, sond to us and wo wilt forward Immediately. Prico, 75 pini s per bottle. F. J. CHENEY &. CO., Toledo, Ohio. 1132-1183 For sale by Eberbach & Bon BANDALL'S NEW PHOTOGRAPHIC ESTABISHMEFT Cor. Williams St. and Madison Ave.- Opposite East Grana Circus Park. DETROIT, MICH. Red aced Rato to Clubs of 10 or Over1883. ALWAYS 1883. FIRST I THE MARRET! We are now offering Something New nearly every day in SPRING STYLES! The fashionable public will bear in mind we are the only House between Detroit and Chicago who employ men to make pants. Winans & Stafford. 3JCercliant Tailors, No. 19 JMain St. P. S. FULL and SEMIDRESS Suits a specialty. GET THE BEST Fire Insurance Swjurity held for the protection of Ib [rf)!l : hoMers. CHRISTIAN MACK Represent the followine first-cUf coiujmni", of which one, the M' ia, Ims alone tn,ú í&o,000,000 fire loases iu Bixty jear?: etn, of HartíorJ t 7. iOHX m Franklln, Philadelphla .''," ¦ Germau American N. Y 8 0 0 0 i London Aasurance Corporation 15,ü "'.IKf oNational, Üartrord 1,200.0 id Nortb Genuan, Hamburtí,"1 "; Phconlx, Brooklyn „ 2.8 n,0i W Dnderwrlters Adcocy, N. Y ,..c:0,l "n IiOsaes Iiberaliy adjueted añil pr 'mui' (tal. . Policie8 issued at the lowost rat.n nt ,r. mini,. M7Í-11Í5 CllllISTIAS HACK. TJINSET & SEABÖLTS BAKERY, GROCERY FLOUH Sc FEED STORE. W keep oonittntljr on band. BREAD, CRACKERS, CAKES, ETC., rORWHOLSALK AMD RKTAILTKADB. We thn Riso keep a gnpplr of 8WTFT & DEUBEI8 BKST WH1TÏ, WB3SAT FLOÜB, DELHI IXOÜR, KTB FLOÜB BUCKWHEAT ÏXOÜR, CORN USAL, FEED, te, && At wholetale and retail. A general alock of GROCERIES AND PBOVISIO eonstantlj on band, whleb wlil be lold on a reaon ble tarma as at anj otber house tn tbe clty. Cash pald for Botter, Enes, ani Oounur ProJuM generalij. Cr-Qooa,s deUTered to anr part of the citj wltsout extra chano. tt. BINaU SSAPOt-T__ IIN SURAPíOF and Real Estáte Agency of J.Q. A.SESSIONS Dwelllugs Sold or Reuted. Mx. Sesslons has done an exteu9tve lnsursaw business Ib thls city for fourteon year, and tuu policies In the fúllowlng oíd and rellabl Fire Insnrum companles. Phoentr Ina, Co. Hartfors Conn., Asset n.oee.ow Caltformia lnsuranoe Co.. assets 1.900,0" Manufacturas Insuranco Co . Boítou aacets J.OO'.OOO RatE Iow as any otber Insurane Co. W I-osie Hberally adjvuted and uromptij fM. Offlce on u urou Street, opposite toe l oart How, Ann Arter, Mloh Km iQ_ Perdón Lumber Yard JAMES TOLBEMT, Prop., Manafaotnrer and Dealer In SAGÏNAW GANÖ-SAÏÏEI) LUMBER, Lath and Shingles. W Inrlt a)J t RlTe u a cali, and ejamine onr stock before purchaslng eíievbere ALSO AQENT FOB JACKSON SEWER PIPE CA, And sells flre brick. JAMES TOLIIERT, PRÜí ti J; KEBCH, Bupt. feb. II. '


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