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STILL MORE y f StJïTS, PATENT ROCKERS, AT RIlDÜUli PHICBS ! AT KOCH k HALLER'S 52 S. Main and 4 W. Liberty Sts. GET THE BEST f LEAD ALLOMES! EverySty!e&Price. . Guaranteed Unequaled FOK OPERATSOM. ECONOMYj DURAB8LITY and J WORKMANSHiP. ? Improvemsnts and Conrenieaces found ia jno others, Atways L POPULAR EVERYWHERE. Fot' Sale 4inEvery City and Town 'Ín tho TTnitad States. ; And by John Pflsteref, Aun Arbor. Cominissioncrs' Notiop. STATE OE' MICHIGAN, Connty of Washtenaw ss. The undereigned riavinj; boen appointod by i Ihe Probate Conrt lor said eouuty.C'oniínissiouers to ¦ receive, examine amladjust all claims ajid demanda ! pi all persons aamst the eslate ot' Calvin Wheeler ! late ot said rouuty,dt!Ceaa.-d,hereby givu notice that ¦ six radnthB from date are allowed, by order of eaid Probate Court, tor creditors to present their claims against ttie estáte of s.iid deC3Rsed, und that thev will meet. at the store of Georjje s. VVheeler in the vil laKB of Salem, in said coonty, on Kridav the twenty-sevenlhdayof Jiily, and 'on Sniurday the twcnty-Bevenih miy OfOctober pezt, at ten u'clock a. in. ofoach or said daj s, to recelve, cxumincaiid adiust satd claims. Uatvd. April -Si 18M. JAMES B. VAWATTA, I ., W1LLIAM MURRaY, í Co"!inieKiouers. 1141 1144 Sotlce to Creditors. OTATE OF MIOinOAN.Coanty ofvVasbtenaw.H ONotice mhereby "riveu.that by an order ofthel'ro bateCuurt lor tluCoMiity of WaHhtenaw.madè on the twenty-thi,ddayfA!.ri!A.U.lf-s:VJXlnollths7r; that date wen aiiowed tor creditors topresen" the claim., a-f.inst the estáte of Wilii,,m Nob" late of emú connty, deeaweA and tbat all creditor-" of sa.iddMi-iis.uJ are r.'qniied t. present Iheir claim towiA Probata Oourt, at the pfobaie Office in ih' Jity ot Ann Arbor, Tor examination and allowance onjprbelorethetwentj.tniruday of Octoöernext and rhai ucb clulnu wlll be hear.1 l.eforesaid'cour ' on Monday, the twéniythlrd day of July and on Tuesdaj-.the twentythi.d dy of üctober ni at ten o'clock n the forenoou of e.icll of said dav üated Am Ariixr. April 28 A 1) ls& ' 114(1 iih WILLIAM IJ. HAKK1MAN, 1H0-114.J Jude of l'r rfl'ate. Estaie of Jomph Sehnabel. SATK UV MICHIQfN' Connty of Washteuaw. Atasessionol the Probatefonrt forthcConnty of WashtenRw. botóeyt the Probate thecity In tha matter of the estáte of Joseph Srhnabel .Iherenuon n is ordered, tbat Sattirday the niueteenth day of M.,y „ext, at fli o'clock in the (orenoon, be aesigned for the hearine of SS Petltion, and that tbe helrs nt law of ?a"d de ceased, and all other persons lntereste In Ir d 1 ate,are required CO appear ar a 525 umLL i Estale oí Oüvc June WiüsiowT" gTATBOF MICUlGAN.Uouutj of Washtenuw,,. Ata eesmon r( the Probate Court for the O,n,„„ r ïnslniment DOW on tile in ihi' nnnr? , certain WIL1.1AM D. HAHIUMaT0 M. O. DOTY, Probate Regto.ff"1 SXj Estáte of John Vwiiïïïiiwi gTATBOÍ MICIHQAN, Oouu.y of wj.fenaw t$it ssaaaÊèa jjImo wldeoqrt, thé to !,!¦ i,„i c í ,ír,?(;' üliiP W1LLIAM OiffiffiSSk WM. o. dott, ftohate .;,.:ri,'::'Ke f ,%


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