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I HAS BEEN PROVED The 8UREST CURE for I K1DNEY DISEASES. E HESÏTATE; use Kidney-Wort at onoe, a O (dut recommendiOandit willspeodUy fc coma the diseaeo and roatoro hoaltliy aotion. j B 1 .JA. Por oomplainte peculiar X LdCll6S toyoorBel, suchas pain -I andweakneases.Kidney-WortisiinsurpaBscd. . L as it will aot promptly and safely. L ]Hther8ex. Incontinenoe.retention ofunno, O L brick dustorropy deposita, and dull dragging c O pain, all speedily yield to 1 curativo power. 2 8OLI BY at.t. DRTJGGI8T8. Prioe Cl. "Aly frlends, K. C. Legard, thls city, used to be drawn doublé from palnful K idney Disease. Klduey-Wort cured kim."- Jad M. Kinney Druggist. Alleghany City. Pa.. Aug 1ÍJ-X-' IS A SURE CURE I for all dlseases of the Kidneys and LIVER It haB speciflc action oa UüB most Important organ, enabling it to throw off torpidity and I 1 lnaoUon, stimulating the healthy BeoreUon of the Bile, and by keeping the bowels in free oondiüon, effeotlng ita reeular discharge. UnlAvitt If you areBufferingCrom , IVIalCiriCla malaria, havo the chilla, are biliouB, dyBpepüc, or consUpated, KidneyWort wlll Buroly relieve and quickly cure. In the Spring to oloanse the Systom, evexy ono should take a thorough course of it. SOLP BY PRUCCISTS. rlce_K_ "l'vecained2Ulbs. iu two nionths," wrltes Mr. J. C. Power,' of frentón, 111., (Dec. 2-82),' and am a well man. I'd suffered witli livei disorders slnce 1S62. Kldney-Wort curedme.' Strong words from a New York clergyman "I tinkes'Uatingly recommend Kidney-Wort It greatly benefltted me," says Bev. C. E Kemble, of Motliawk, N. Y. cFOR THE PERMANENT CURE OF i COrcSTIPATION. - No othcr dlsease is so prevalent in thia 03 " try as Constipation, and no remedyhas cver -, equallod the celebrated Kldney-Wort aa a c E cure. Whatever th.0 causo, however obstinate (0 J tho casa, thia remedy wlll overcomo it. k 00 DI I tQ TIIX3 distrosBiii? L O ni"&W plaiut Ís very apt to be f oomplioatedwith.constipQtiozb Kldney-Wort _ v stremrtheno tho weakened parta and quickly (o cures all iri-nA of Piles oven when. physiciaua J m and medicines havo before failed. "5 á- CP"If you nave either of theso troublcs "p RICg $l. USE Druggistg SeiT "For 12years." writes Lyman T. Abell, o Georgia Vt., "I found no relief from piles, until I tried Kiduey-Wort. It has cured ?ne." UTHE CREAT CURE I ïoa Ï í - R-H-E-U-M-A-T-l-S-M - I 9 Aa It ia for all the paiuíul diseases of the xi E KIDNEYS, LIVER AND BOWELS. E a It cleansea the eystem of the acrid poison 00 that causes tho drcadful sufi'ering which O only the victima of Eheumatfsm can realizo. L THOUSANDS OF CASES J w of the worst forma of thia terrible diseasc O havo been quickly relleved, and in shoi-t timo 5 PERFECTLY CURED. 5 PRICI, )1. UQITIDOB DRY, 8OLD Bï DBU0CIST8. 5 I Ur Dry can be sent by mai 1. I WEIiS.niCIIAItDSOliísCo. .Burlington Vt fe yyvHvBJVBV9HnHjBHmBjHiMép "I had habitual costlveness, paiu in Ule back and rheumatisin," wrltes S. J. Scott, Burlington, Vt , Kldney-Wort hascmithem all." GET THE BEST ? LEADALLOTHEES! Every Style&Price. Guaranteed TTnequaled fok OPERATION. ECONOMY, DURABILITY and WORKMANSHIP. Improvemeuts and ConTenlences fonni ia ,no others. Always Reliable. POPULAR EVERYWHERE. Tor Salo Ín Every City and Tcwn in tho United States. And by John Pflstcrer, Aun Arbor. Jeems says his boarding liousu is too slow. He tolcl tho oíd lady yesterday that liereafter lie'd like to dynamite earlier. - Hartford Journal. $1OO Reward Is offered for any case ot' Catarrli that cant be cured with Hull'sCatarrh Cure. Takeu ínter nal y. Price 75 cents. SolduyEuerbach & Son. A niissionary says he only saw one pocm íllustnited In Fiji, and that was, " Nothíng to Wear." A Great Discovcry. Thiit ís daily brlnging joy to tlie homes of thoiisands by saving many of their dear ones from an early grave. Truly is DrKing's New Discovery for Consumption, joughs, Colds, Asthnia, Bronchitis, Hay Fever, Loss of Voice, TIckling in the l'hroat, l'ain in the Bidé and Chest, or any diseaseor the Throat and Luns, a positivo cure. Guaranteed. Trial boules free at H. J. Brovvn & Co.'s Drug Store. Lanre size $1.00. By what means do spirits mattiialize? Echo answerSi " Material lies." Flics and I!njfs. Flies, roaches, ants, bed-bnjís, rU,miee, fophers, chipmunks, cleared out by ' Koujíh on Uats." 15c. It may not be polite to cali hirn so, but theseller of watehes is a timo server nevertheless. Notwithstanding muafa has been said about the importance of a bloorl-purifylng nedicine, it may be possible that the matter has never seriously elaimed your atention. TMnk of it nuw ! If, by the use of a few bottles of Ayer's Sarsaparrllla you avoid the evils of scrofuh, and transDit a healthy conetltutlbii to your offspnng, thank usfor the suggestion. Oíd sport: We do hot know who the rreatest hertí te Ilanlan is the greates't ie rowcr, )iobablv. Deollue of Man. Ni'rvous Weakness, Dyepupsln, Impoence, .Sexual Debility, nured i)y " VVolls' Health Kunewei." $1. Wigfrins' great fallare is u case of small )rophet aii( big los. By land or at sea, out on the prairie, or n the crowdedcity, Ayer's Cathartie Pilis are the best for purgativa purposes, everywhere alike convenient, cfficacions, and afe. For slngiiish bowels, torpid liver, ndigestiou, bad breath, flatulency, and ick headache, tl.ey are a sure remedy.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News