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¦yoiEDO, ANN AKBOK O. T. R. R. Colutnlu8 i ime. Throush timo table In effect Juiuirj 2"th, 1888. coinq NonTH. ooixa soiitu 1 f ] f ¦"¦ o. STATIONS, "o. "o. H M MM B B M W SlU I-U 8 35AM T loledo A 9 S&iU.S 40PM 11 18 ' 8 40" .Manbattin .) 9 Í2 " I 3- " 6 25 " 8 47 " L, Aluii Juno 9 S3 " 5 3 " 7 0" 9 29" MoDroe Jot 8 41" 4 SI " ¦JI6" 940" Dundee 831" 4 42" 7 16 " 64 " Anilla 8 2Í " 4 17 ' 7 40 " 11 0 " MlUn t i 6 " 4 0 " 7 5S " 0 19 ¦' Urania 7 6J " 3 57 " V 05 " 10 35 PlltsHel 7 4?" I 47 " 8 Ï0 " 10 36 " ArAnn .T3 7 30 " S 36 ' 120" H 32PH Jackion M. C. 5 3 1 9 50 AM 1 07AM 3 15" Battls Cree 8 t') T 68 " 1 66 " 3 56 " Kalamzoo 2 60 " 7 10 ¦' 7 31 4 50 " Orand Kapld 10 40PM 0 20 " C 00 " 10 35AM LTAnn Arbor Ar 3 6pm ( 17 25 " 1120" ArSouthLTOULT 5 00" 12 OJPM Howell DLN 218" 120" Luniing 100" 3 01 " Ionia 1U5aM 5 04' Edmore 9 10" e 40 " H Bapld 7 21 " ... 4 45" Howard (Jlty 9 25" 4 Ham PetoikerORl 105" T0O' MacklnawC 9 60PM ConnectlODS -At Toledo w th rnilroads dlverKlng ; at Alexis wlth Canada Southern, U 8. & M. 8.. and P & P M B'j'; at Manhuttau June, whh WheolIng & I.ake Ei ie R. R ; at Monroe Jet. wlth L. S. & M. 8 ; at Dundee wltb I. , ill 8. ; at Mllmi wlth W BtL. P K'y; at PltUOold wlth L. 8. A M. 8 ; t Ann Arbor wltn Mlcb'gan Can K'y, at South J.jwn wtth Uotroit, lanfiing & Northern R'y. H W. ASHI.KIT, gup't. V. H BEVKITT. üen'l Pass. Attent, XjiOKT WAYNB & JACKSON E. R. tiet'Oit and IndianapoHs Line. By Michigan üentral Rallroad from Ann Arbor to Jackson Trains leare Ann Arbor as follow: Indlannpolis Kxpress 840am lot W nj ne Accomodatlon 522pm ('Inclnnsü Expres 11 17 p m i All traína leave by Chicago time. 1 Procure tickets at Ann Arbor or Jackson. M. D OOriFi'KI). Gen'l Bup't. M. I) ".OOnFI'KI). Gen'l Bup't. pVB'tltori1, MACKÍNAC! te MARQtTBTTE B. ft, L Jununry. J.I, 1883. Pion ¦ er East and West Line Througli the Upper Península of Michigan. 240 Miles Sho' terbetween all eastern and non hwestern polnts via Detroit, nd . 311 Miles Shorter via Port Huron to Mon1 treal and all polnts In Canada, etc. 1 f.A8T. STATIONS ' WEaT. Ö 15 A. M. L Marquetto A. 4 31) P U. ' 10 41 " Onota 8 18" i 11 10 " Au 'min 2 45 " J 12 10 P. M Munlslng 2 00 " 2 20 " eener 12 15 " 3 00 " McMUlan 11 15 a. m. 3 30 " DoUarvllle 10 60 " 3 55 " Newberry 10 30 " 7 00 " A Si. Ignace L 7 30 " VIA M.C, E. K. 7 10 A.M BayCity 9 45 P. M. 8 57 ' Lapeer .lunet... . 7 21 " 10 15 " I PortHuron 4 16 " 7 68 " ¦ SaglnaïTl'.ity.... 8 80 " 10 25 " Lnlng I 5 35 1145 " Jackson 1 4 15 1125 " Detroit I 6 00 " VIA Q. R. 4 I tt. K. 1 00 P. M OraDd Rápida... 6 lí " 2 57 " Kalam! o i 25 " ( onnections are made at üT. 1GNA E with: The Michigan Central raílroad fr Detroit and all polnts In Michigan and In the east, Bouth and southeast. Tralns leave Macklmc City 8:30 a. m , and 9:30 p. m. The Grand Kaplds 4 Indiana K. R. for Grand Raplds, Fort Wajne and the south and east. Leaving Macklnac City ut 9:50 p. m Connectlns made at MARQUETTE wlth The Marquette, Houghton iOntonagon rallroid for the Iron and Copper dlstrlcts. Through tickets on sale at Marquette and St Igneceand at II polnts in the Northern Península Also tickets to Eurnpeau ports by all principal linea at Gen'l Pass, ' ger. t's omce For inform ttlon as to passenger and freightrates pply to ofBje of General Frelght and Passenger Tralns daiiy except Sunday. D. Mc OOI FRANK MILLIGAN, Gen'l Sup'L Gen'l frt. & Pass. Ag't, Marquette, Mlch. Marquette, Mlch. 1 ICH1GAN CENTHAL. UAIL.ROAU. 1 i me_Tible, JSov. 12, 1882. fio'0 WEST . fl tL 6 f ¦ 1 STATION. . LfïiBïiLi_S f_J ?a ?a ?alSa Lw -:aA U AU. l U '. M. P. W.:P. M. i.M. Hetrolt. . l.v 7 OU a 35 5 55 4 05 8 00 9 60 4 00 , O. T. June. . 7 15 8 55 6 10 4 20 8 15 10 10 4 15 WayneJunc. 7 56 10 24 6 41 4 46 8 45 10 40 4 44 Ypcilantl.... 8 23 10 48 7 05 5 05 9 OS 11 Oi 5 16 AnnArbor.. 8 45 1100 7 24 5 22 9 25 1117 5 19 Deitor 9 08 . .. 1 48 5 39 9 44 5 36 Chelsea 9 ?5 . .. . 8 06 5 52 10 00 5 50 9 60 8 32 6 12 10 30 .... 6 13 P. M A. SI. , J.icksunJuu' 10 10 8 55 6 38 Jac:son. ...10 20 12 15 g 6 55 1105 13 45 7 02 AUrtOn llU4U60-;5 7 42 1156 122 7 42 Miirfhail ...11 50 1 3(j S 8 06 12 20 143 8 (6 r.M. ¦ IS.ullu Cn-ek. 12 19 1 55 8 41 12 47 2 02 8 32 A. M. Uulenburg. . 12 63 ... . i M. 9 15 1 17 0 00 Kni-iiii:,Loo 113 2 36 4 50 Hl, lli 2 45 9 18 kanton 152 5 2i 2 13 9 50 Üecalur. ... 20? 5 42 .... 2 32 ....1005 I Downglac... 2 2!' 6P7 .... 267 ...1027 Niles 2 55 4 04 6 50 .... i 27 4 15 10 52 I Buchanan. . 3 08 . I 0-' ... 3 42 1106 ThreeOaks. 3 38 7 27 4 12 ... 1132 Newliullalo. 3 63 4 52 7 40 .... 4 35 .... 1145 Mich.Clty.... 4 23 5 18 8 08 ... 6 03 6 28 1'. M. . Lake 5 l:; 0 0. 8 54 .... 5 51 6 18 105 KenMnir.on.. 60 6 60 9 45 .... 6 40 7 10 2 00 Chicago.. Ar 9 50 7 40 10 Si .... 7 30 8 10 8 60 COING BAKT. I Í ¦! iA Sa i ¦ sta rioNH. . t a5a"=St;o -S f Lh ?,m Ls AH. M. P.M. P.M, PM. P.M. Clilc-go. ..Lt 6 45 9 00 3 40 .... 5 15 9 10 3 30 Kclisingtou . 7 35 il Ml 4 0 .... 6 00 10 CO 4 2J l.ake 8 17 10 3? 5 13 .... 0 51110 40 Mich. City... 9 OS 11 13 6 OU ... 7 3S Tl 33 3) New BnlTalo. 9 27 1133 6 25 1166 'l'hrso Ouks. . 9 43 6 40 A.H Bnchanan... 10 S0 p. M. 7 06 12 32 Niles 10 Ï5 12 18 7 37 .... 9 00 12 45 t! 27 üowagiao... 1153 8 00 112 Dtcatur .... 11 IS .... 8 33 1 S7 Laivton 1136 8 53 148 P.M A.M. Kalamaiao.. 12 12 133 9 30 6 60 10 35 3 30 7 atlettura .. 12 33 d 7 08 Uattle Ocuk 103 2 15 Lp 7 38 1108 3 20 8 1 Marahtill .. 1 511 3 00 g S 8 O.v 11 33 3 46 8 36 Albion 2 IS 3 21 ? 8S.'1I;,5 4 12 A.M. A.H Jckson...Ly 3 O.) 11)5 7 05 9 30 12 40 5 00 9 28 Gnt'S l.ake. 3 32 .. 7 28 9 5U 5 25 Chelsea 3 5S .... 7 50 10 07 .... 5 50 Dexter 4 16 . 8 03 10 1!) C 05 Ann Arbor.. 4 37 5 07 8 26:0 34 2 00 6S5 10 20 Ypsiiantl 4 55 ó '.' 8 4310 43 2 20 6 4110 41 WaineJune 6 20 5 45 9 OS 11 OS 2 44 7 05 Q, T. Juno.. 6 0J 6 15 9 451136 320 745112 Detroit 6 If. 6 30 10 bO 11 50 Ü 35 8 00 11 4 Sunday excopted. I t'ntUTday .V Sunday tlally. I excepUd. . O. W. IIoqqlks, H. B. L,DrAni Ö. P. ál T. A.. dticaf. Om. Sup', Detroit. W. HÏH. Boylan & Co., PAINTERS and Dealera in French, American & Plate Glass. Sign Writing, Paper Ilatiging, üecorating, Frescoing, etc. 16 S. Maio St., 2üd Floor. Insurance Agency omci over Casper Einsey's Groeery Store, cor, hurón ajid fotjkth st. North Briti8h Insnrance Comp'j (Of London and Edlnburg) Capital 18,000,000, Gold. Detroit Pire and Marine Ins. Co. Oaih AsmU 9800,000 SpringfieldIn8.Comp'y of Mass.. Cssh Aneto.. . .1,800,03a Howard Ins. Co., of New ïork. Cwh Aweto.... 1,000,000. Agricnltnral Insurance Conip'.v WATBETOWN, - - NSW YOBE, GashAswts ,. $1,200,000. IíOmm UbïiLUijJtepid_in(JL ptompUy i.